
Monday, July 15, 2013


Labeling 101: Label Maker!

Wanna know what is crazy?  Being an organizing crazed gal who writes a blog about her organizing obsessed ways and never once chats about her label maker.  Say what?

Sure, I have shared a photo here and there in which I used my label maker for various tasks, but have never gotten into the specifics... until today!  And I get asked frequently which label maker I use, and since I love it so much, it was deserving of a quickie post.

Hi!  My name is Jen and I am addicted to labeling.

Now that we have that confession out of the way... you may wonder why?  Why am I so obsessed?

I have found that labeling is that final and crucial step to most organizing tasks.  Once you have a place for everything, labeling ensures that things return to that happy place.

But above and beyond that, it also ensures that things are simple to find.  If you have a sea of file folders in a cabinet, without simple labels, you would be digging and searching for hours for a specific piece of paper.  Labels also ensure everyone is on the same page {hey there hubby, the bin labeled "Condiments" in the fridge is where the condiments go}.  I personally find benefit in labeling things for my kiddos, so there is no confusion over their personal belongings.  The benefits to labeling really are endless.

And there are a bajillion and one ways to label something.  That is why I started up this little series awhile back.  So we could chat about making fun and unique labels for different projects around the home.

I personally try my best to make my labels "blend" with my home.  That word will be a huge trend throughout these posts.  Blending the labels ensures that you can live in a pretty home, without it feeling like a sterile container store.  To blend my labels, I often find ways to adapt their shapes, colors and text to the container and surroundings.

That is not always easy with a label maker, but it can be done!

Introducing my label maker: Epson LabelWorks LW-400.

A little over a year ago, I decided to upgrade to the Epson from my simple Dymo.  The Dymo was great and found at Target and lasted me years, but ultimately I was looking for a few extra features and the Dymo wasn't printing all that well after years of use and labeling abuse.  When I was looking at a label maker, I considered how I would be using it {more on that in a minute}, the options and functions and of course, the price.  At around $30, the Epson could ultimately cover all of those needs I was faced with, and over year later, I am still smitten with the investment.

For larger projects, like the pantry, bins, baskets, etc... I am a fan of using other forms of labels that are more decorative and easier for the family to read.  Labels created from stencils, chalk paint, printed from my computer {and even laminated} or cut from vinyl, are common favorites.  But there is a time and place for my label maker too!

The main advice I can give for those looking to achieve a nice clean look from their label maker, is to invest in the clear label tape.  It is all I ever use, and I lurve it like mad because you can label almost anything, and still maintain the original integrity of the item you are labeling.  When I purchased my label maker, I also purchased the clear cartridge.  It looked just like this white one here:

Over a year later and I still have plenty of clear tape from my original cartridge. So, although the price is a little expensive for a single roll of label tape, a little goes a loooong way. I have labeled so many items with this roll, and to know I still have a ways to go makes my heart sing happy tunes.

Here are a couple of my favorites and a closer look at why I love the clear label tape.

Binder tabs:

When putting together my blog planner, household binder and budget binder, I fall head over heals for color happy page dividers.  The clear label tape allows those pretty tabs to show through.  Once I type my labels into the label maker, I print them onto the clear tape, cut them down to size and stick them onto the tab.  It provides a professional look, almost like they were purchased pre-labeled.

File folders:

This is one of my favorite times to bust out my label maker.  Labeling files.  Same as above, I love that I can let the file folder tab shine.  And I create file folders for all sorts of things, and work from them throughout the week/month.

My favorite method is combining Washi tape with my clear labeling tape from my label maker.  First, I place the Washi tape in the folder tab, then print the label with my label maker onto the clear label tape.  Boom!  Such a pretty label!

See the great font above?  That is was something I was looking for within my label maker.  The Epson LabelWorks does have a variety of font types, sizes and customizing features.  The label above was done with a script font.

Tag labels:

Here is another example of labeling with Washi tape and clear tape.  Simply wrap Washi tape around a cord and add the clear label tape over the top.


I love to attach metal bookplate label holders to decorative boxes to label the contents.

Printing the perfect size label from my printer is far more time consuming than just printing a quick label from my label maker and slapping it inside the bookplate.  Anything that saves some time and still looks cute is a plus in my grade book!


I don't actually label my shelves.  Yet.  But if I did, I would use a label maker.  And I know many people love labeling shelves and I totally get why they do.  So, I thought I would use my label maker and give it a whirl on a shelf in my cabinet.

It's pretty spectacular and gives me happy hives.  The clear label tape not only tells the fam where to put all of our tomato products, but it also looks nice and seamless.  Clear tape for the win!

So there you have it.  The skinny on my label maker, some ways I use it around the house, and why I am clearly obsessed with clear tape!

Anyone else ready to join Labelers Anonymous with me?

UPDATE! You can also get clear label tape with gold font here!


  1. this is just absolutely too cool!

  2. Count me in. Stranded on desert island, at least I won't get bored labeling all the new things I find. LOL

    1. Haha, I would be right there with you! Coconuts, fire wood, my spot in the sand.... all labeled :D


  3. lovely! a question? why would you need to print clear tape to put over wishy washy tape? why not just print directly on the wishy washy? I've never labeled, so not sure if you can print over it

    thank you

    1. Great question! The label maker needs a special cartridge that fits the label maker and allows it to feed through correctly. Washi tape is not designed to fit within label makers, it is just a simple roll of tape. You can write on Washi tape with certain pens and markers, but for a nice neat look, the label maker wins every time. :)


  4. I just got a label maker earlier this year and have only used it once so far, but I have plans for that baby! I'm not a very organized person and that is something I am trying to be better at and I think labels will help with that since I'll know what goes where and it will be easy to put it back (I hope!). I need to buy some clear tape for it though, I just have white and that doesn't or won't work for everything I want to use it for.

  5. You are making me want to get organized....hehe

  6. I love my labeler too!! People don't get how happy it makes me. I don't know if there is a 12 step program.....if there was I would break out the labeler and label each step!

    1. Oh my goodness, you win the award for best comment of the day! <3 Seriously giggled out loud!


  7. I'm looking for a good way to label my pantry shelves, which are made of that white wire shelving system. Any ideas for how to use labels on a wire shelving system?

    1. Hi Heather!

      I would create labels similar to these:

      Then just punch holes in them and string them through the shelves with ribbon or twine. :)


  8. I love love love how much you LURVE your label maker! I'm not sure that I'm ready to join a support group, mostly because you have to admit you have a problem for that and I refuse to admit it! :) Thanks always posting great stuff to keep me inspired to organize home!

  9. that's great!

  10. I adore my labeler, and why I haven't invested yet in clear tape is beyond me. I like the white tape for certain things, like totes in our garage and attic, because it makes the labels easier to see. But the clear ones are so much prettier!

  11. Where do you find the metal bookplate label holders? I have been looking all over for them?

    1. You can find them at Staples. I love the ones from the Martha Stewart line.


  12. I did it! I took the plunge and bought it! Can't wait for it to come in! Wondering where did you get that cute polka dot box from?

    1. Hi Lauren!

      It is from Paper Source:


  13. Yes, I could use it!! In fact, when I was moving in May, I kept mine in my car because I was back and forth and needed it both places. Someone STOLE it! I had had that one for about 8 years and just bought a bunch of tape for it. SO I did find another on ebay just like it. However, I like the font of yours!! I label everything too!!!

    1. I can't believe someone would do that?! Wow, who knew there was such a demand for label makers? Glad you were able to find a replacement, but still, such a bummer of a story!


  14. Yes--the first item that I labeled was my label maker!

  15. I have been waiting for this post for such a long time - thank you!!! Just ordered that piece of heaven on Amazon with black on clear tape! Can't wait to start typin' and stickin' soon!

  16. This post couldn't have come at a better time. I'm ready to replace my old Brother P-Touch label maker (it's a giant one-trick pony) but was overwhelmed by the number of choices out there. Thanks for steering me in the right direction!

  17. I also have a dymo and it is beginning to die a slow death (jams, not cutting right) so when I upgrade I will for SURE go with this one! LOVE the fonts!

  18. I would have LOVED to have a label maker when I worked at the bank - dozens of forms and brochures all stored in two small cabinets. I took strips of paper and labelled on the shelves where each item went, which was also helpful if you were on the short side and couldn't actually see what was on the higher shelves.

    1. I love how resourceful you were! Great job!


  19. We just got home from a beach vacation. We stayed in a beautiful house right on the beach in Florida. What was my favorite thing about this home (excluding the view)? The labeled kitchen cabinets and drawers!! I loved being able to put everything back where the owner wanted it when I did the dishes. There was no guessing involved!

    1. You and I are two of a kind, I get giddy about the same things when we travel. :)


    2. My friends and I stayed at a cabin in the mountains. The kitchen shelves were all labeled and it was a tremendous help. The linen closet was labeled also with the various sheet and blanket sizes. Probably owned by a label-holic!

  20. I only recently invested in a label maker. I wanted to get one similar to yours with the different fonts but here in Australia there isn't a good range and the one's that are like that are expensive. I definitely heart labeling. It's definitely the finishing touch. You always make everything so pretty. I love your blog.

    1. Renee

      Epson is offering a cash back at the moment. I'm going to get one can't pass up on a deal like that.

  21. I absolutely love this!!! I'm ready to join Labelers Anonymous haha!

  22. Thanks for sharing your post on your label maker.

    I spent ages researching label makers and ended up getting a basic one as I didn't know how often I use it. I'm now a labelling-aholic!

  23. I have a label maker...I bought it about a year ago...but I never used it. Thank you for all of these creative ideas...I am going to get out that label maker and made some shelf labels...:)

  24. I heart my label maker!!! When I get it out my hubs tells my 9 year old daughter not to sit still too long as she may become labeled:) I think my high point was labeling my fridge shelves:)

    1. Hahaha! Too funny! I have labeled my kids before. :) That shouldn't surprise anyone though. And I labeled my fridge too. So fun to find people who have the same addictions as I do.


  25. Once, I got a label maker for Valentine's Day. I was so mad that I never used it. I suppose I'm over it now :) I should probably get it out and try it.

  26. It's like you read my mind today, Jen! I just purchased my first roll of Washi tape (I know, what rock have I been under?) and quickly learned it is difficult to print on because the ink kept smudging. Thanks for the great post and label maker recommendation!

    1. Uh oh! Once you have one roll, you will find reasons to have twenty more! :)


    2. that's funny! I begged my hubby to buy me a label maker last Valentine's Day. haha! I love it!!

  27. Proud to be addicted to labeling. Love Love Love my label maker!!! I've got the Epson LW300. Just makes me happy to use it.

  28. I would be in heaven with a label maker like that!

  29. HI, Jen. I would love to have a label maker, so I looked up yours on Amazon (good price) and a few of the comments were about the cost of the replacement tape. What is your experience with this?

  30. I actually just reread your post and saw your comment about the tape, so just ignore my question! I think I will order one! Thanks!:)

  31. Hi, my name is Jane, and I'm also a label-holic :) It helps Ryan understand why things should go where they go in the pantry. . . among other things!

  32. Happy Hives! so cute-- I really want a label maker that will do cursive now.

  33. It's a toss up if I like my label machine or my laminator more.

    1. Oooh, yes! I agree! Don't even get me started on my love for laminators... sigh...


  34. I LOVE labeling things and my label maker was one of the best birthday presents I ever received. Where do you get your washi tape from? I have not tried using it and want to. Oh the labeling possibilities!

    1. My favorite is Wishy Washi: and quite a few shops on Etsy have great options also!


  35. I absolutely LOVE labels and I'm in love with my label maker! I label everything I can. It really helps my family to know where things are and MOST importantly where to put it back :)

  36. This is the label maker I purchased last year because of you and I love it!

    1. Yay! It is great to hear you are loving it as much as I am! :)


  37. I've been contemplating buying a label maker so this post was just what I needed to read. Thanks!

  38. Perfect timing! Just received a label maker but it didn't have the functions I needed (I guess "wanted") so I plan on getting one with many more fonts...


  39. The Epson looks wonderful, but if I already have FOUR Brothers, am I a label-maker hoarder?!

    1. That is so funny! Organizers are allowed to hoard organizing supplies, I say it's OK. :)


  40. I LOVE what you did with the washi tape and for cords, smart idea!

  41. Just thought of this...remember the old time label makers? Dial on top to the letter. Click it and it made the impression into thick tape? mom had one!

    1. OH. MY. GOSH! Total flash back! I had one of those! And no surprise, I was obsessed with it! Thanks for bringing back happy memories! :)


  42. I swear you READ MY MIND. I think it was just the other night that I searched your blog for "labels" and "label maker". Thank you so much for this post!

  43. We have a label maker and plan on putting it to use. My sister loves stationery, and consequently loves The Paper Source too! I have embraced my desire to be organized and I will be consulting your blog lots for ideas. First we need to find a home for everything, or else we would label everything clutter :)

  44. Thank you so much for this post! I've had my little Brother Home & Hobby labeler for forever, so it's about time I move on up the ranks to something more sophisticated! I love that yours has so many different fonts! How cool! And washi tape, I'm going to have to go check that stuff out. Thanks again, Jen! :)

  45. Cool! Pity the same product costs nearly 100 dolllars where I live!

  46. I've been looking in to buying a label maker for some time but wasn't sure I'd use it all that much, since I usually print labels from my computer. I think your post has made my mind up =D I'll definitely be keeping this Epson in mind while browsing ^^

  47. Thanks for sharing your favorite and for the tip about the clear label tape. I will be investing in a roll of that for mine soon.

  48. I absolutely LOVE labelling too but have always done it manually - any suggestions where I can purchase one online as I am based in South Africa?? x

    1. Hmmm... does Amazon ship internationally? I am not sure... anyone?


  49. Hi Jen! I'm ready to join the labeling world, so your post is timely! First up is the filing cabinet :) Question, my Amazon cart is on hold because I am wondering which size clear tape you use?? Is it the 1/2 inch size??

    1. Hi Sarah! Yep, 1/2 inch. You can see a picture of the cartridge up within the post too if that helps.


  50. I have the Dymo 260P. I bought it because it uses rechargeable lithium ion battery, so I need to just charge it and use it. No need to go and find the 4 to 6 batteries or the batteries always died when I need to use it.

    The down side is there are only 3 fonts and it is not qwerty keyboard.


    1. I always use rechargeable batteries in mine too! :) But you are right, I need 6... Rechargeable batteries are always the way to go when you can. :)


    2. hi jen label maker uses those lithium ion battery (like those in cellphone)...not those AA rechargeable battery....that is the only reason I bought this label maker. :)


  51. Thanks so much for this post. Every time you labeled something, you made it look so easy (and pretty!) and I was wondering what your label maker was like!

    Annie XO

  52. Why didn't I think of using the clear tape and put it on the washi tape? Dah! Thanks for the tip. My friends make fun of me because I label EVERYTHING.

    1. Sweet! Now your friends will be jealous of your labels because they will be Washi tape pretty!!


  53. I have just spent the evening labelling the kitchen pantry and garage. Sent it back with OH to work but didn't think about doing the files until I saw yours!

  54. Not only do I love all this label talk, but I love your cute file folders! Where did you score the floral ones? Thanks!

  55. Hey Jen, just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. I love your blog!
    Swing by my blog to check out the award.

  56. Just ordered my very own! Eek! can't wait to get started!

  57. I love the floral folders, I didn't see if you'd already mentioned where you got them???? Thanks! Amy

  58. I love that you love your label maker! I had one given to me as a gift by my sister a few years ago (she knew it would be just my thing!) It's a Brother one and I love it! The best thing I have discovered is that you can buy IRON-ON tape for it so not only have I labelled everything in my home with the regular tape, I have also labelled all my kids' school gear with the iron-on (and it sticks better than any other iron-on labels I have ever encountered.Can't tell you how much I love seeing those little labels inside my kiddos' clothes!!

    P.S. - LOVE that your blog makes me want to get up and do something constructive rather than lounge around surfing the web.
    P.P.S - can you believe that I can't find ANY pretty file folders like the ones you regularly show in your pics ANYWHERE in the UK? It breaks my heart every time I see a new design. WHY British stationers, WHY?? Xx

  59. Hi Jen, im interested in getting a label maker and taking my organization skills to the next level. Quick question, does the label maker print itself? Or do you buy a printer seperately? I know nothing ab label makers. Sorry if this is a dumb question. :)Thank you!

    1. Not silly, great question for a first time label maker buyer!

      The label maker I use prints the labels straight from the label maker itself. The tape is actually lined with the ink and the label maker imprints the font from the ink/tape combo, so you should never have to replace an ink cartridge either. Just the tape it prints on.

      Hope that helps but feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions.


  60. Hi Jen, I've been thinking of buyng a label maker but didn't know which one was the best. Now I want the same as yours but can't find here in Quebec. I saw that at with a good price, but can't have it shipped here. As I'm going to US on vacation I would like to know if I find it in any store!!
    Can you help me???
    Thank you so much.
    LOVE your blog!!!!

  61. This is so helpful. None of this comes natural to me! I did buy the clear tape after reading your planner post. I did not even know they made clear labels! I was so excited. And putting it on top of pretty pattered tape is such a great idea!

  62. Hi! I have an older Dymo (still in working order) and after seeing the things the Epson could do- I decided to upgrade. I LOVE it! Thanks for your review- labelling really does make things easier to organize.
    P.S- My sister already called dibs on my old labeller (must run in the family lol!). Melissa :)

  63. Hey Jen, just a quick question... or two, I suppose. First, where did you get this label maker? I've been looking at the Dymo at Target, but if it's only a $5 difference, then I'm already sold on the Epson. Plus, it definitely helps that it comes with a great review from someone who labels more than me anyway!

    Second, where do you usually purchase your washi tape? I know there are plenty of places to find them online, but are there any in stores (that you know of)?

    1. Hi Courtney!

      I purchased the label maker from Amazon: :)

      The washi tape I search for all over, including Michaels and Target from time to time. My favorite is Wishy Washi: and quite a few shops on Etsy have great options also!


  64. I use a label maker on everything in my office...people like to make fun of me but it makes me feel better and folks never put anything in the wrong place! Thanks for sharing.

  65. I'm sure this is not the correct avenue to ask this question, but I wondered if you have ever done a post on organizing and making a rented space more personal. My husband and I rent and I would love to organize it and make it more our style, but being renters we are restricted on what we can do, Plus, I don't want to increase someone else property avlue. Thank you.

  66. Well great, now I think I might have to invest in one of these! I love the fact that you can use different fonts. My love for organizing has taken control of my life lately and I do it whenever I can and this would add such a nice touch!!

  67. I feel a shopping trip coming on. My husband is going to hate you (kidding...mostly).


  68. I never understood the use for Washi tape but now I am going out to buy some! Great idea!!

  69. This post was so helpful I'm trying to determine what is the best LabelMaker. Question though what's the difference between clear tape and a clear cartridge??

    1. Hmmm... good question. I believe they are the same thing, but if you are considering purchasing one or the other, I would be sure to read the item description to be sure you are getting exactly what you are looking for.


  70. Months later....Hi Jen! This label maker seems to be a hot topic. I picked up a DYMO last night at Staples on a whim. I usually do my research 1st, but today I stumbled onto your blog. The DYMO goes back & I'm searching for the Epson now.
    Then I will head back here to see what other goodies I can find.


  71. I'm so excited!!... I just ordered your label maker! Thank you SO MUCH for letting us know which one you use! When I first started looking at your blogs I noticed right away how adorable your labels were. So when I ordered it, I also saw they have glow-in-the dark tape too. Maybe the kiddies would enjoy it?! Keep up the awesome work! Jen, your the BEST!

  72. Hi Jen! I just bought this labeler and it arrived today! I love your blog. What font and settings did you use for the labels on the file tabs and cords that aren't in cursive? I just love how they turned out.


    1. I would also love to hear which font is used here...I bought this exact label maker because I loved the look of those, but I can't figure out which font to use! Thanks in advance!

    2. The font I use most is the Mincho font. Hope that is the one you are looking for. xo!

  73. I may have a label maker on my Christmas gift wish list :) would you still recommend this model?

  74. Does the label maker tape come off easily? Like after I make a label and stick it somewhere, will I eventually be able to take it off easily without messing up the surface of whatever I stuck it on to?

    1. I think it seems to be the perfect mix of sticking for as long as you need it to, and it coming off when you are ready for the label to be done. :)


  75. I'm so glad I came across this entry! Been looking for a good label maker for a Christmas present, and this is perfect!

  76. Just placed my order for this handy dandy label maker and some clear tape! I was so glad to receive 2 Amazon gift cards for Christmas, because immediately I knew I would get my label maker for free! :)

  77. Happy I found this post. My boys (4 & 1) decided they needed to "help" mom with some things. My 4 y/o (who never used to "get into things" quite as much) is encouraged by my 1 y/o to reach anything for him that he cannot. So, to make a long story short, my 4 y/o decided he needed to "investigate" mom's Dymo label maker (while I'm busy doing laundry), jams it, and while I'm thinking I can fix it (which I later realized I couldn't), the 1 y/o jumps on me and breaks the lid-thingy off. Was NOT a happy household THAT day, let me tell you!! Fortunately, now I get to upgrade. So finally to my point! :-) I'm noticing right now that Amazon is charging $60+ (including S&H) whereas the Epson website is about $50 with free shipping. Not that I want to wait, and I've been goggling for coupons codes/discounts, but are there any cheap times of the year or anything on this stuff, especially considering the $$, do you know?? Oh and Btw- Amazon is somewhere around $13-$14 on the Black on Clear tape (including Prime), where as the Epson site is about $18-ish, not sure on S&H with that. (fyi) I'm excited, even if I have no codes! :-) New label maker for ME!!! hehe!

    1. First - so sweet your boys wanted to "help". :) I know that in the end, it doesn't always seem helpful, but I adore the thoughtfulness! Sorry for the loss of the label maker. That would be a very sad day!

      I am surprised to hear the Epson has gone up so much in price, I paid around $35 for it. Not sure if it just went up because everyone loves getting organized in January, or if it is just one of their best sellers. The tape is the typical price on Amazon, it seems like a lot, but I only seem to have to purchase one single roll per year, so it does last quite awhile.


  78. Forgive me if this has already been covered (I'm a new reader, love it!!xo), but what do you use to label the kiddos' clothes? The old "initials on the tag" works fine, but I'd prefer something that can be removed when we hand-me-down from big brother to little brother and then little brother to the thrift shop. Thanks for any ideas!!

    1. HI Dalice!

      These types of labels work wonderful for items that require washing: I am not getting paid to say that, but I do use them and they last and hold up. And they are easy to remove when the time comes.


  79. We have lots of four-plex light switches in our house. We made labels (clear) over each switch and it helps so much. Kitchen, Hall, Porch, Garage, etc.

  80. I LOVE your blog, I've been scouring it to help organize our house. We're both pack rats, so it's always a constant battle finding a place for everything and keeping everything in its place. I love your label idea, and was shopping for label makers. Then I thought, why not see if the label maker is on the blog? Then I found it! I just got it today, and I think I'm going to use the whole cartridge tonight, I'm labelling everything. I even labelled my husband. ("Husband") Thank you so much for keeping us all organized!

  81. Yippee!! My Epson Labelworks has arrived. Now I can’t wait to buy washi tapes. We have a different label maker at work and it wastes so much of the tape which I have read Epson’s one doesn’t. I just wanted to say I totally enjoy your blog. I am semi-organized and I was looking to improve my ways in our new home. While searching online, I came across your blog and am totally hooked. Hope my house becomes as organized as yours. Thank you and keep up the great work.

  82. My LW-400 arrived yesterday and I'm going crazy labelling our fridge shelves and everything in the pantry!

    We are a multilingual family (English, French, Spanish, Norwegian and Arabic between the five of us), and I threatened to label everything in the house in French, which my spouse doesn't understand. Haha!

    Serious question: do you have any idea how to print labels with the lines of text centered instead of flush left?

    That's the only thing about the label printer that I can't figure out.



  83. Thanks for's is the information I was looking for and have ordered the same labeler...hope you get a kick back. :)

  84. Jen,
    I have a PT-model 1950(I think)and it waste so much tape. How do you avoid such a long lead or wasting the tape. I have no instruction..seems like my son has misplaced it..and he just moved and it's probably lost forever..I bought that for him and paid about $100plus..Somebody just showed Epson LW-400 for about $30..

    Washi tape..does it have a self stick backing? What is the approx. cost of one roll and how many feet comes on a roll?

  85. Hi Jen, great blog! I really like the Epson Labeled you use. I am thinking of ordering one myself. Do you know if you can switch between clear and white label materials depending on the project without wasting much if any of the material? Thanks!

    1. Hello!

      Absolutely! You can switch the tape out easily at any time.


  86. Hi Jen, great blog! I'm super excited about organizing my pantry. I just purchased my Epson LW 400 for a great deal $29.99 you can't beat that price right?! If anyone is interested in purchasing one. Staples has a sale until 9/13. I also purchased the clear cartridge. Thanks for being amazing and thanks for sharing all your wonderful tips.

  87. Thanks for writing this post! I decided today to buy a label maker, and ultimately decided to go with the one you recommend. Looking forward to using it around the home! I also bought a few rolls of washi tape :)

  88. How about for labeling cloth? Do you use the same labeler but with different tape?

    1. Hello!

      I don't typically label fabrics, but I don't believe that regular label tape would work on anything washable or even stay put on fabric for long periods of time. This label maker is compatible with an iron on version however:, which may be the best option.


    2. Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for. You are amazing. Love your blog. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful advice.

  89. Hi Jen!

    Love your blog. I was wondering where you get your decorative boxes from? Like the one above, blue with white dots. Where can I find cute things like that. I have looked on Amazon and other places and cannot seem to find anything like that. I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me where you get yours :)

    1. Thank you! I find a lot of pretty boxes at Target, The Container Store, Paper Source & HomeGoods.

      Best of luck!

  90. My SIL bought me this one off my Amazon wishlist. Once I saw it here I added it! Now I'm trying snag some tape variety! Thanks for the recc Jen!

  91. Hi! Love the blog!

    Just wondering, do you ever use the 3/4" tape? I'm debating getting the Epson LW-300 as its a bit cheaper than the LW-400 with only a few less features. But I like that the 400 has the option to use a wider label, just not sure if I'd really need it.

    And in the pictures what font did you use for your labels?

    Also: Black on clear on Washi tape: BRILLANT!!
    (I didn't even know what Washi tape was until I read this).

    1. Hi Serena!

      I personally have not found a need for the wider tape, I always stick with the 1/2" clear and have been fine.

      The font I use most frequently is Mincho.

      Thanks Serena! Happy Labeling!

  92. I was about to buy this label maker from Amazon UK based off your review but - £60?! Lordy. So sad. So labelless.

    1. Wow, I am so sorry to hear that Helen (that would be $91.37 US dollars, and I only paid around $30). That is so sad!

    2. The cheapest I can find it online is £53.00. Maybe i'll treat myself at Christmas. Maybe there'll be a sale. Maybe i'll get used to having scraps of paper with my handwriting on taped to stuff.

  93. This is amazing! I have a question, though: how easy is it to remove labels and how do you remove them without leaving sticky residue? Thanks! Brigit,

    1. Hi Brigit!

      The label tape peels off of my surfaces easily and without any residue, yet also seems to stick quite well until you are ready to remove it.


  94. I purchase the tape refills from Amazon -

    Gold text on clear tape:
    Black text on clear tape:


  95. Hi Jen,
    I'm about to buy a label maker and was just wondering how often you find yourself reaching for the extra features like font and different borders.

    I looked into the Epsons, but was turned off by the price of tape which seems to be double all the other brands for the same length. This is my 1st label maker so I have plans to label a lot.

    I'm currently looking into the bare bones Dymo 160 whose price and slim margins appeal a lot and the Brother PT-D210 which has a good range of symbols, borders, and fonts but has a wide margin unless you chain print.


    1. That is such a good question Alison! I am always changing the font size and type, but I have never used the borders. I find that for as much labeling as I do, I still only purchase one roll of tape maybe once a year, or less even. It is definitely important to factor in tape cost, use frequency and features when making your final decision. :)

    2. Thank you so much for your reply, Jen! Your input really helped steer me. It made me reconsider on one I had initially rejected, the Dymo 280, which can hook up into your computer to get your computer's fonts, but I eventually ended up ordering the Brother PT-D210 today since it has built-in fonts vs. the Dymo 280's 1 font when not attached to computer.

    3. I just bought 'your' label maker for only $23 yesterday on Amazon! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to start labeling everything in pretty fonts. My old Brother was boring. I even bought the gold on clear tape you have.

  96. Hi Jen! I love your blog and all of your organizing ideas! I have an "old" label maker and am considering buying a new one. Does the one you use have the ability to print colored text? It looks like you were able to print in gold on clear tape. Is that correct? If so, I am SOOO going to buy that thing!! :)

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Mrs. Jones,
    I also have the Espon LW-400, along with many different colors of their label tape. My absolute favorite and go to color though is the Gold on Clear. I know that you too use it and was curious if you have had a hard time locating any to purchase recently?

    1. I agree! I have noticed it is becoming harder to track down and Amazon rarely can keep it stocked... I usually only go through a roll a year so I haven't looked beyond that in awhile... I wonder if it can be ordered directly from Epson?

  99. Do you have a second favorite? This item is discontinued so I'm afraid to purchase it because I think it would be difficult to find the tape for it.

    1. Hi Sarah!

      I wrote an updated post about all of my favorite Labeling Techniques here:, which linked to a newer, more available option that I am enjoying.



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