
Friday, March 26, 2010


March Featured Space: Kids - Babysitter Buddy

My kids are my whole world.  My everything!  And that is why when I head out for a rare but necessary date night with my amazing husband, and we have a babysitter come to play with our precious 3 P's, I have a little trick up my sleeve to ensure the babysitter is ultra prepared for the night ahead of them.
You see, I know better than anyone that my gruesome threesome is no easy task for any one person to handle.  But with a little direction, they aren't so bad... so I created a babysitter note sheet!  Haha, of course I did right?! {click to enlarge}:

I pre-fill out all of the typical information, such as our contact info and notes... and then I print out a few and toss them in our kitchen "In" box:

Then, right before a sitter comes to care for our love muffins, I grab one from the bin, fill out the rest of the pertinent information {like where we will be, when we will be home} and hang it on the fridge:

Yep, that's it!  And I know that my favorite little men will be in good hands, and prepared hands, while we are away!  And it's so much easier, less time consuming and a far less chance I will forget important information, than trying to write a bunch of miscellaneous mumble jumble down on a scratch piece of notebook paper...

Anyone excited for a hot night out on the town this weekend?  Leavin' the kids and going out to act like a kid yourself?  Parent's don't get to do it enough, so make sure to treat yourself because you are an amazing momma/papa and you deserve it!


  1. What about laminating and using wet-erase or dry-erase markers for the info that changes?

  2. @goldfine....that is what I do and it works just great. Even since they have fine tip dry erase markers now.

  3. i'm a babysitter and one great thing that the family i babysit for does is they have a list of all the allergies each kid has and what to do if they have a reaction. They also have for each kid any information emergency people would need if one of the kids got sick or hurt like age, weight, and height that would all fit great on the back of this sheet.

  4. Where did you find your kitchen inbox?

    1. It is the Pottery Barn Daily System in white:|pottery%2Bbarn%2Bdaily%2Bsystem|7|best|0|1|24||1&cm_src=PRODUCTSEARCH||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules-_-


  5. Two thoughts, from a momma/daycare provider/foster parent...mke sure to include the kids Health Care Card Numbers and a 'muster' station in the event of a fire/emergency (specific to where you live). Sometimes having these written on a recipe card and left at the front door/diaper bag etc; something easy to pocket in the event of fire-or a trip to the park :)

    1. what is a muster station?! never thought of the insurance info--makes sense, great idea!

  6. I love the printables you make, they're so useful and they look great! I was wondering: I love the designs you use, especially the star/asterik shaped ones (like the ones you used in you "my fabulous blog ideas"), and I can't find them on the net or in the Microsoft clipart section... could you tell me where I could find them? (excuse my English, I'm from the other side of the Atlantic ;) )

    1. Hi Julie!

      I use the asterik symbol and the Adobe Caslon Pro font turns it into the flower shape. :)


  7. Thank you so much for the quick reply! :) I had worked out the asterisk symbol (tried several font to find a pretty one!) but I like the way you turn it into a flower shape!
    i'll try the Adobe font, then!

    Thanks again!


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