
Thursday, December 2, 2010


New Happy Place

I recently decided I am obsessed.  With a lot of things but I have a new found obsession.  I also had another light bulb went off "Why didn't I think of that sooner?" moment!  And the combo of new found obsession and light bulb moment have combined happily to create this post....

First, I will start out by saying that I made yet another work space in the Jones casa.  Hence, the new obsession.  Some people are obsessed with purses, shoes, food, hording, or that hot guy in cubical 10-A.  I have decided I am obsessed with creating desks.  Not sure where it stems from or why, but it seems to be a trend I am finding within myself.

It all started when we decided to move our custom built desk into an unused nook off of our previous master bedroom.  LOVED that new space.  It was oodles of fun to create!

Then, as many of you know, we had a flood.  We lost a lot of the furniture and finishings in the lower level, including our desk {which swelled up worse than my ankles when I was preggers} and ultimately the whole new office.

So, we made ourselves a new one inside our guest room closet!

It's amazing the storage we were able to create in such a teeny tiny workspace.  And for a heavy duty super crafter, this closet desk is the ideal working place for me!

But we weren't done there.  We had actually gotten the idea to put our new office in a closet, because we were already in the process of doing the same for our oldest in his new bedroom.

So, one office area gone, two remaining.  Two incredibly perfect, tucked away work zones, for both studying and crafting and everything in-between.  These two closet offices have been working like well oiled machines.  Preston has been a study crazed superstar and I have been making labels and cards and all sorts of goodies in my work zone.  So why couldn't I just leave well enough alone?  Because apparently I am obsessed with desk spaces....

This is also where the "Why didn't I think of that sooner?" comes in.  Although my closet desk is great for all things crafty, when I am trying to have some nice and quiet mommy time, it's very removed from the heart of our home.  And when it would come time to use my precious space for my daily blogging and photo editing, it was just too easy for me to snag the laptop and head out to the kitchen or living room, where I had some background noise and company.

One day, I removed our charging station from a console table we had in our living room, to setup the laptop instead.  I plugged it in, and plopped a seat on the woven cubes tucked below.

The new quick makeshift desk worked incredibly well.  And so I did it again the next day.  And the next.  Until one day I realized that I was blogging in the living room all the time, while still using my tucked away closet desk for all things craft related.  It was quite honestly the best of every world!

So, I decided since I was going to be spending so much time at my new space, I was going to glam it up a bit.  But I had to do it for free.  Because it's Christmas time, and we have a basement to finish.  So no unnecessary spending allowed.

So I did it for free.  I snagged a can of primer and some white paint we had on hand from the trim we have been updating.  I gave the console table a quick coat of paint, tucked in a chair I snagged out of storage that we salvaged from the basement flood and borrowed some pretty knobs from our old guest room dresser drawers.  The end result was a perfect "Why didn't I think of that sooner" work station!

I just adore how it's the perfect size to keep just what I need to blog.  My laptop.  A notebook/planner.  A pen and some small desk accessories.

And really, I probably didn't need to paint it, but I just love how paint can freshen up any piece of furniture in a jif, and I have really become obsessed with not only desk spaces, but also white furniture.  So this was a match made in heaven for me!

One of the woven cubes was stashed with oodles of miscellaneous kid's toys, and the other is full of arts and craft supplies.  The toy bin was removed and the toys were placed in a donate bin {since they were used next to never} and the craft cube was just placed beside the desk, with a basket full of fantastic reading material on top!

The whole end result is quite fantastic I think.  Here is a quick before and after view:

The best part is it can be temporary or forever and is flexible for any future changes.  Plus, you always gotta heart when no investment in moola meets reinventing what you already have!

Who out there has some other quirky obsession?  Anyone slapping a quick coat of paint onto something to take it from drab to fab?  Am I the only one with twenty something workstations in one home? {OK, three really... but still!}


  1. Looks awesome!! Such a great idea. I love all of your office nooks. Do I spy a personalized notebook/planner on the table? Have you wrote about this before? if so, link please? if not, please do!!

  2. Hi Colleen!

    Here is the link:

    Love it!


  3. I have been thinking of using my console as a desk as well, but I have 2 problems. one, the console has a shelf along the bottom so I couldn't tuck a chair in there. And two, I don't really have the space for a chair.

    Your posts are inspiring me. I have been wanting to move my "office" out of the guest room so that it can be just a guest room, and moving it into my bedroom. There are 2 closets in my bedroom, and I have bought a closet organizer for one, but have to install a new rod before I can put in the organizer, as it is one of those that hang on existing rods. The one that exists already is too big around! Go figure. Then all the clothes can fit in one closet and I can make he other a desk. I'm really excited about that idea, since I don't use my PC often now that I have a laptop, but also because then my guest room will be better for my guests! :)

  4. Well, thanks to you I've been inspired to start decluttering. It's hard because I love stuff, and it breaks my heart to get rid of any of it, but I want to have neat little things like this and right now I couldn't add an extra tiny little basket to my house without it imploding in wicker and wood. Ugh. Maybe one day I'll get there and show you some pretty "de-cluttered" photographs!

    Thanks for the constant inspiration!

    <3 Donna

  5. I love it. Where did you get the lamp and shade. I heart it!

  6. Love it! I like it when console tables have more purpose than just sitting around holding decorative items. :)

    I think it's a perfect space for blogging! I loved your closet space, but I personally couldn't ever type facing a wall like that. I need to be free!! :)

    PS: have you seen my boyfriend's take on painting things white?

  7. I will absolutely will refer to these when I make a little desk area in our kitchen and in our daughter's room. I think everyone should have a little place. I love what you did with your new is so cheery. Oh and LOVE that planner...I have the same one.

  8. Yayyy the paint makes such a giant difference! =) So crisp and pretty! You go girl! you are an office GODDESS =)

    I may have to enlist your help with some of my upcoming projects =) I got a huge set of IKEA asker globes and fixtures as a wedding gift and the second we get our very own house (within the year possibly! wooot! paul and will FINALLY get to put things on and in the walls! too excited for words!

    anywho - love the entryway workstation idea! I need to stop blogging from my couch =)

    Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons

  9. I decided to rework my sons room while he's away this coming summer. He'll be starting college in the fall and living at home so this closet office idea is perfect. Can't wait to get started now!

  10. LOL...not sure why, but the desk looks taller white! :)

    I LOVE desks tucked inside closets! I've contemplated doing that in my office. Then I could make room for guests in that space again.

  11. Hi Palmers! The lamp/shade was a Pier 1 find eons ago. I love that they remain classic as years come and go.


  12. That looks fantastic, I adore that basket you have the books in, where is that from? I love the green paint you have on the walls too!

  13. I have desk envy! That's exactly what I'd like to do in my kitchen/family room. I tend to either work on my blog at the kitchen breakfast bar (with my back to everyone) or while sitting in bed. I'd love to have a spot set up as a home for my laptop and to pretty up a long, empty wall in my kitchen. You have inspired me. Now to find a console table!

  14. Laurie - I would recommend scouring Craigslist for a console table to pretty up. It could be done on the super cheap. Best wishes!


  15. Love it! Did you have to sand the console table first?

  16. maybutterfly,

    The basket is an oldie from the Container Store. I don't see it online any longer, however, I have heard they still may carry it in the stores.


    I actually didn't sand it first, I just did a coat of primer and two coats of paint/primer combo paint. So far so good!


  17. I love your new space and after the holidays I plan to try to DO SOMETHING with this MESS I call a desk:):) I do have one question???? When you turn a bedroom closet into an office space, what do you do with your CLOTHES????????????? I am wondering and I know you have a GENIUS solution too!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  18. Lovely@ Such an inspiration - and I love that everything always looks so neat and styled for a photoshoot. PERFECTION!

    I'm just curious - how does it affect the flow of foot traffic from what I think is your front door behind? Does the chair stick out? I'm always curious as to how others meet these kinds of chllenges!

  19. I LOVE it! I really love the white paint, too. My name is Amanda and I'm a white furniture addict. Now, it's your turn... HA!

  20. This is exactly what I need to see! Since I've been able to work at home lately, I need an area to hide my laptop when my toddler comes around. Thanks, keep up the awesomeness!

  21. Cute! Are you going to paint your trim white as well? Oh goodness! How cute would white trim be in that area!? Please?

  22. Wow I cant believe you have not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 sensational work stations. Just goes to show you can use what you have with a bit of imagination and creativity :) My obsession atm is finding creative bloggers like yourself to get ideas and inspiration from that I can put into my own home as I plan and carry out these never ending renovations

  23. i was thinking the same thing about facing a wall working, i love the tucked away-ness of closet desks, had one in college, but my loft doesnt have closets, any closets, at all, i know, weird huh?
    anyway the console is great, and i love how you show that spaces as with life should be flexible.

  24. Pinky: We paired down to one closet in the bedroom for clothes, you can read about it here: As far as our sons room, he is a dresser boy, we don't really hang any of his clothes, so it worked out wonderfully for us. Desks don't always have to be placed in bedroom closets, think about hallways, kitchens, entries, etc... many people closets that aren't really functioning to their fullest in some part of the home.

    Belle, traffic for us is ok with the chair. It tucks up pretty tight to the desk, and our living room is fairly long so there is still a great pathway between the spaces.

    Elizabeth, I absolutely have intentions of getting all of our trim painted out. I have all the supplies, now I just need the time! :)


  25. Love it! The console looks great in white :) So wish we had the Container Store in Australia, it would be my second home...

  26. I am doing this! I am so doing this! I teach online graduate courses and doing so at my kitchen counter is bad for clutter and my back. Thanks!

    Also- Have you ever considered posting about your exercise / workout schedule. I know you have that treadmill downstairs....

  27. I love your little table...where did that come from?

  28. Hi Kristin,

    I think you are wondering about this one?

    Hope that helps!


  29. Just chanced upon your site! loving it so far! you have amazing ideas. please allow me to borrow some of them in creating my own spaces in my teeny tiny condo i call home. =)

  30. It definitely needed painting white ;) I love it

  31. I love what you're using for your pens and pencils! Where did you find that? The metal bar with the three white containers? Cute!

    1. Hi Karin!

      It's the BYGEL rail from IKEA:
      Paired with hooks and the ASKER CUPS:


  32. Hi Jen! Hey I just wanted to let you know that I featured your console table in this post on my blog today. You can find it here:

    I really enjoy following your blog! ☺Cath @ Home is Where my Heart is:

  33. Very cool. I recently created an office in a closet for my daughter since her room has 2 closets and one was filled with foolishness. It was the best thing ever.

  34. Hi Jen, sorry to be a stalker and keep leaving comments on your blog, but this time I actually have a question. I know you said you like to use Glidden paint on your furniture re-dos because it doesn't show a lot of brushstrokes; do you have a color of "white" Glidden to recommend if I want to paint something white, or do I just get pure white? I'm so bad with color so I'd really appreciate knowing what you used! Thanks, Bethany

  35. I love those asker cups, but I can't find it in IKEA. I used your link too. Is there another name for it or do you know what section it came from! Help! I have everything else but that for my organizational wall.
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com

  36. Hi jen!! where did you get the console table/desk from?

    1. I found it at Target a few years back and then painted it white. :)



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