
Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Project Paper Congratulations!

I just had to write up a post just to say WOW.  There I said it.  W O W.

I had the chance to finally sit down for a couple of hours and read through all of the Project Paper link ups.  And once again.  WOW.  Sorry, I was just so taken by the incredible things I saw, I was close to speechless.  Which my hubs was oddly grateful for...

Seriously, you all took that challenge and ran with it.  And you should feel like you just won the track and field 10,000 meters event.

My eyes were on stimulation overload.  I mean, look at these labels that you all created:

And my oh my!  Command centers were born!!

And coupon and receipt envelopes were created!

And I am motivated by those coupon binders... the more that I see them, the more I think I might need to expand my storage and be better at couponing!!

So thank you again and again and again for working so hard in January to set you up for a great 2011!  Reading your stories brought so much happiness inside, because I could feel your energy, drive, excitement, relief, passion and accomplishments.

If you haven't gone back to check out how awesome the IHeart Organizing readers are, you can see all the project paper linkups here.  There is so much more eye candy and motivational inspiration to be found!

One more example of why running this blog is so rewarding.  Can't wait to see the linkups at the end of Project Photography month!


  1. So many fabulous organizational projects! =) You're quite inspiring love! <3 For sure keep it up!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. I'm still working on mine (couldn't finish it in time for the link-up). But I'm almost there. Keep up the great inspiration Jen, we all need it!!!

  3. I work full time and I have a 9 month old so I finish tasks a little slower than the group....but I'm still working on mine. Reading your blog keeps me on track to get everything done. I'll work hard tonight to see if I can finish it up.

  4. Those are fabulous entries and altho I did not do the project paper because I was still busy getting started with organizing, I plan to take a peek again at the missions really soon to get it done!

  5. I just wanted to say thank you! thank you! thank you! I don't have a blog so couldn't link up but I did my filing system... an awesome (and functioning, yay!) command center, and our coupon and receipt storage... we also tackled kids toy storage and went through some e-waste/electronics storage. I feel like the year is starting off in the right direction!


  6. I am still working on my command center and my filing system. I ordered my life planner and I can't wait to get it!!! I love reading this blog and love seeing all the creative ways you run your household and how you encourage and inspire your readers to do the same. :)

  7. You and your readers inspire me!

  8. THANK YOU! For the inspiration! I also jumped in late so didn't finish for link up but DH and I followed your filing instructions and finished that this weekend! We purged SO many files we didn't need! We went from a bankers size box to a box the same size as yours! :) Still working on my coupons though they are started - I am probably a little more hardcore - I get 3 papers a week hehe! Thanks again!

  9. I had a great time with this challenge! Thank you so much for this post. I'm so flattered to see my pictures on your (my most favorite) blog. :)


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