
Monday, March 21, 2011


March Challenge: Project "Household Binder" {Important Dates}

All free printables mentioned within the post are now expired and available for sale!  Please check out my Etsy Shop for a large selection of personalized printables to fit all of your household organizing needs!

  Thank you!

Life is always busy.  We all have our own different lives and reason's we are busy, whether it's being social, working, playing with little ones or combing our hair... it always seems like there is something to be done.

And when we are busy, keeping oodles of numbers and dates and information stored up in our brains isn't very easy.  In fact, if you have a built in date book, let me know where I can pick one up!  I am in!

Since I am busy AND I don't have a great memory {in fact, it's quite awful, almost as bad as my spelling}, an Important Dates chart is going to be just what I need for my Household Binder!

And for my lovely readers:

click HERE to download PDF

I tried fitting it all on one page but it was just too small for me to hand-write in all the important dates for each month, so it became a two page {or one page front and back}.

Why do IHeart this?  Well, now, I can have one ongoing list where I place important dates that don't change from year to year {birthday's, anniversaries, etc...}.  I tend to use my planner for this, and still will, but I don't like having to rewrite it each year.  Now, I can keep it here year after year, and just write the dates in on my calendar in my planner as a reminder.

Another great perk is that my binder dividers have those handy pockets {which I am proving to be so important in this project for really holding on to all sorts of goodies}.  Now, each month I can look at how many special events I have to pick up cards for, and then I can just grab them all at the beginning of each month and tuck them into the pocket {so I don't misplace them and happen to forget to send my precious Gram her birthday greeting - been there, done that, felt AWFUL!}

So there you have it!  My binder is getting pretty packed in there!  And I already have found so many benefits from it, I think this is one of the most beneficial organizing projects I have ever taken on.  And what a wonderful feeling it is having a central location for so many random household necessities!

Still a few things on the binder docket, such as a Home Maintenance Checklist, Daily Schedule for the Kiddos {for step in babysitters}, Pet Info, Freezer Inventory and Important Contact and Household Information.

I can't wait til the end of the month to see everyone's binder projects!  Anyone else finding benefits from this project?  What have you added that surprised you?  Who's making their binder with a buddy {a few of you have mentioned to me you were getting together with friends and family to create binders, LOVE THAT!}.

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are creating a Home Management Binder!  Wanna Join in?  Take photos and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our binder creating success stories at the end of the month!


  1. This is a great idea! I for one am always forgetting Birthdays.

    Would you happen to have a "Music Inventory List" for CD collections?

  2. I'm loving this project! Having my family's pertinent info all in one place sets my mind so much at ease for having someone watch our kids, or leaving my husband and little monkeys for a weekend :)

    Thank you thank you!!!

  3. Thanks!!!! Definitely will use this!

  4. Woo Hoo. I am so glad you were able to use my idea for the binder. Thank you for creating this. I know it will help in my binder too.

  5. This is great!! I also have been having the issue of gift-giving and special dates on my mind lately. I created a few free printables for budgeting for gift-giving expenses and Christmas gifts for the year. Feel free to come over and download one yourself!

  6. This is great! I love the idea of not having to write it over each year!

    Another idea: It would be wonderful to have a blank weekly calendar to go along with the month calendars. Just print one each week and fill in the dates and all of the to-dos! (Maybe to save paper, two weeks could be one one sheet, if there was room.)

    Do you have anything like that?

    Love your site! I'm saving links right and left to keep as references as my family grows!

  7. Thank you again for the great printable!

  8. LOVE LOVE all of these printables!!! Thank you! I can't wait to get my binder completely together. I have to go and get the tabs for mine and maybe some plastic sleeves for some of the stuff. But we will see. I'm looking forward to the rest of your printables, especially the Home Maintenance List.

  9. I have always loved your colorful printables and I print them all whether I need them or not! I'm definitely going to do this challenge just so I can use your printables! =)

  10. What about calendars on computers? With all of the smart phone apps/ipads/view your calendar from any computer you could always see your schedule and you can create different color calendars for every person in your family. And if you use google or mobileme and you ever have a computer crash, your calendar will still be backed up online.

  11. Hi Anonymous!

    I agree digital calendars are VERY convenient, I have tried a couple but I find it works best for all family members to have a central calendar on the counter or in my purse, and I tend to remember much better when I write things down. My phone also seems to have trouble loading some of the web based programs and sometimes it doesn't feel as easy as it should, so I personally prefer the paper route. But it's always all about what works best for you personally, as we are all different! :)


  12. I am really enjoying putting my binder together and making everything look "pretty"! One section I'm going to add is "wish list". There are always things I'd like to have for the house (or myself) but aren't necessities (e.g., storage baskets, a particular accessory, etc.). I'd like to have a place to jot them down, so when I have a little extra money to spend, I can pull the list out and choose something. This will also be helpful during the holidays when family members ask me what's on my wish list because I can never remember!

  13. I've been thinking of creating a page like that for my binder. Thanks for doing it for me!

  14. I'm so glad I found your blog. I am re-working our homeschool planners and home binder and love the pages you have...

  15. OMG I heart this! I was just putting together my binder yesterday and made a calendar/dates tab, and was thinking I need just a sheet for important dates. You read my mind! I even put b-day cards into the front pocket! Great organizers think alike :). And thanks for the free printable!!!!

  16. I'm loving this project, too. But I still have a lot to do - like sorting out old insurance-paperwork and stuff like that.

    (I'm from Germany and here we have a lot of insurances and sooo much paperwork!)

    But you totally inspired me to do that and I already finished all my tax bills, important school informations from my son and so on.


    Greetings from Germany,


  17. All month I've kept telling myself that my husband and I don't really need a household binder, but the more I keep looking over your posts and cute print outs the more I'm thinking...we need a binder!

  18. Thanks so much for this download! We have been using one of those perpetual calendars made just for bdays, anniversaries, etc. But, in our new home, I don't have a great place to hang it anymore. The spot it's in isn't very visible and I've had a much harder time keeping track of bdays. This will be PERFECT to add to my binder! You are the BEST!!

    And to "Happy Mama," I LOVE the idea of the wish list. Especially because I can never come up with ideas when my Mother and Husband ask what I want for my bday, Christmas, etc. What a great idea!

  19. Hmmm... It wont download the PDFs for me. I get an error. really weird! I love it though -- soo super cute!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  20. thanks again!! already printed them off and will fill them out soon:) my hubbies family used to make up a calendar every year with everyones birthdays and such, but it got too expensive, so this will work great!

  21. I'm really enjoy this project! It's such fun and so very useful! My binder is going to have a section for medications and a checklist of well care info. Who had what appointments when or what test, etc...along with a list of doctors and therapists and their contact numbers by person. With special needs kids and an elderly mom to keep track of this will be really helpful (since I have CRS and can't remember anything!!) if someone ever has to unexpectedly take over for me.

  22. I love this! I found you just as you were starting the household binder. It has helped me get working on it, I'm just following along. Thank you for all the printables I love having them all match! I just thought of this one thing as i looked at the side of my fridge. Did anyone mention having a sheet for borrowed items. My husband is alway lending out lawn care items ex.leaf blower and I'm lending books. So I keep a list of who I lent it to what it was and the date and when it was returned. I do the same if I borrow from someone. Just thought I'd pass it along. Keep up the great work and thank you!

  23. These binders look great and I have often toyed with making one. I wonder if you could tell me what you see as the main advantage of this system over using say an iphone app to keep organised. I tend to use google calendar + gmail tasks to keep organised and some other iphone apps such as zenbe lists for shopping lists etc. So I am not sure whether or not a paper-based household binder would be good or if I should keep with simply doing everything digitally?

  24. Sorry, I just realised someone else asked this question above!

  25. GREAT idea! My calendar on my desk is feeling inferior now! :P

  26. All this binder info is the "BOMB" and I am so glad I found your site this month!! I wanted to ask 2 things!!
    1. What about a mini-sheet we could keep in our wallet w/kids and hubby's sizes. I'm always needing this when I'm out shopping and never know it.
    2. Would it be possible to make a link to this months posts for quick reference? Just wondering. Thanks for all the work!!

    Kim Ragsdale

  27. Hi Kim!

    There should be a list of all the printables on the sidebar and you can also find all the links to the projects here:

    As far as your suggestion, I am writing them all down and taking then all into consideration {although, I won't be able to do them all}. Thank you so much for your ideas!


  28. Hey Jen! I am so excited about my life binder! Its FINALLY starting to look the way I want it to. I can't wait to see what other ideas you have in store us! And thanks for taking the time to create and share the freebies this month! You rock girl! I hope you and the fam are having a great week!

  29. hi - love this one but I cannot seem to download it - have tried over several days but will not work for me. anyone else have a problem? or just me?

  30. IHeart Kicking Clutter! I'm unfortunately very good at making it too... hence the need for this beautiful book!
    I am a student and flatting, so have everything including my bookcases in my room. I have dog clipped fabric to the top of my bookcases to cover up my books and the solid colour hides the clutter and creates a more peaceful space to sleep!
    -Kimble kimblebimble at gmail dot com

  31. YAY! Thank you so much for the fabulous organizational printables. I love these and will be spreading the word.

  32. Just found your blog! I LOVE IT!!! I just had baby #3 in March and for the first time in my life, I'm unorganized and life is out of control! Your blog has helped me so much in creating systems for a bigger family! I noticed your free printables are no longer available... is there somewhere I can find them? The ones I need aren't on Etsy either.


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