
Friday, June 24, 2011


IHeart: Fresh Home Magazine Feature

Did you ever have a dream when you were growing up?  Like to be a pilot or firefighter?  Or the next Vanna White?  Maybe it was to someday have your own 101 dalmatian plantation, only with babies instead and a handsome husband to grow old and happy with?  No?

Well, we have all had dreams, whatever they are, big or small, and I know I am sounding like the typical off the wall crazy sap of a person I am, but I too once had a dream....

What was/is that dream you might ask?  Well, no chuckles, it was always to be featured in a magazine.  My home that is.  I have always since the beginning of my time, been infatuated with houses.  From building them out of blocks, drawing them in endless stacks of notepads, once pondering becoming an architect, realizing I would rather play with fabric colors and organize cabinets and shrinking my house one layer of paint at a time.  Yes, I love all things home and organizing related.  It's a little HUGE crush INFATUATION I have... in case you hadn't noticed to this point.

And nope, my house hasn't been featured in a magazine or print to this date which is absolutely A-OK since I am living a dream each and every day anyway!

But here is where the crazy part comes in.  There is a pretty incredible home magazine.  You may have heard of it?  Fresh Home Magazine anyone!?!

Yeah, that's the summer issue, it just hit the ol' newstands!

So where am I going with all of these rambles?

Totally insanely crazy to pick up a magazine and see my mug in there.  First time printed in a publication of any sorts.  I kinda get giddy just thinking about it.  Would I be crazy to frame this?  And pick up 27 copies for my friends and family members and for keepsakes?  I mean seriously, it's Fresh Home Magazine.  It's such an honor to be included with such a fabulous group of Fresh Faces, including one of my favorite blog peeps, Amanda from Our Humble A{Bowe}d {she is on page 77}

Anywho, as always, I totally found oodles of inspiration in the most recent issue.  So many fun and bright colors which is exactly my cup of tea!  You just gotta check it out!

And for a fun Friday topic, I just gotta know, what was your dream growing up, and did it ever come true?  Do you have a whole new set of dreams now?


  1. Wahoo! You totally deserve it, lady! It is crazy exciting, isn't it?!? I casually mentioned it to Ben (I didn't want to scream it like a crazy person) so he flipped through and said he didn't see me in there. So, I flipped to the page and he thought it was awesome! I was so happy for you when I saw your face staring back at me! Happy Friday, friend!

  2. I couldn't have possibly "dreamed" a better person to grow old with! Congrats! on the first of many great dreams to capture, I am so inspired to be here with you to share in your happiness!

  3. Jen, that's amazing! I'll have to check it out! My dream growing up was to be a pediatrician. But as I got older, I learned I couldn't handle the blood, the needles, and the possibility of patients dying. (I know it's a natural part of life, but I'm an emotional mess with stuff like that!) So I'm a teacher now! We have a different set of issues, but ones I can handle. I love my students! :)

    3rd Grade Gridiron

  4. Congrats! I'm so happy for you. {And comment #2 melted my heart, as I'm sure it did yours!}

    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  5. Way to go!!!!! That is pretty awesome!

  6. Woo hoo! And yes, you can frame that page. :)

  7. That is awesome! How neat!?

    To be honest, I never really thought much about doing more than getting married, making a home,a nd becoming a mother...not until high school anyway! :)

  8. Ohmygosh contrats!!!! so happy for you!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  9. Congratulations! That's awesome news! so happy for you!

  10. My dream growing up was to play Eponine in Les Miserable on Broadway. My senior year the show went dark so I never got the chance. But now, I perform in a church theater group. It's not Broadway, but we have a blast! Congratulations on one of your dreams coming true! That's so exciting!

  11. Congrats!! Just so you know, your home and ideas are VERY magazine feature worthy!! :)


  12. Congratulations Jen!! That's SUCH exciting news! When I was younger I wanted to be a baker - mainly because I wanted to get to test all the free cookies that the grocery store near my house gave out before all the other kids got them!

  13. How cool is that?!!! You go!

    I always dreamed of having my own horse someday.
    Never got one...

    Now I am working toward my dream of starting a therapeutic farm for kids on the autism spectrum. It's gonna happen!

  14. Congrats Jenn! You absolutely deserve it!

  15. I would totally frame it :)

    And comment two was just awesome!

  16. I saw you!!!! I just got mine in the mail yesterday. I laid down in bed to read my new issue and there you were!!! I was so excited for would have thought we were best friends. LOL I guess because, like you, I dream of having my home in a magazine someday...but I'd sure settle for my picture, a comment or my blog! :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!! You're home is next! Storage Solutions magazine will be knocking soon. :)

  17. Congrats Jen on your feature! You deserve it! =)

    I mentioned you on my blog and wanted to show you the link:

    Let me know what you think! =) Thanks again!

  18. That's awesome! And if your home was featured in a magazine, it'd be one I'd wanna buy!!! I love your ideas for not only organization and function but so BEAUIFUL as well!

    When I was six I wanted to be the President of the United States when I grew up. "but there's never been a woman president, Tonia." my mom told me. "Well, I'll just be the first then!" I said, haha!

    I had a career in high-tech until the birth of my last child. I also own/manage real estate properties (and LOVE it!). I'm also a wife and mom to three awesome kids, and learning to be content wherever God leads me to be.

  19. Congrats Jen!!! I actually just say this the other day. I get this mag at home. You must be very excited, I know I would be. It was nice to see other bloggers that made it into this magazine also. And I would definitely frame it and put it up in your home. It's your dream, so why not hang it proudly in your home. :)

  20. That is SO COOL Jen! I'm really so happy for you! You totally deserve it. LOVE your blog - I just can't get over how you keep doing one great post after another! Awesome news. :)

  21. I used to want to be on the Rosie O'Donnell show, but then, yeah, she went all weird. I would love to do something cool enough to be on Ellen, though :)

  22. Congratulations! You have an awesome blog and you are such an inspiration!

  23. I too have had my mug in a magazine. My friend submitted a photo of me on my wedding day to a photography magazine and, apparently, the photo was interesting because of lighting (or some photo-y thing) so it was published. Cue ecstatic friend.
    Unfortunately, it must have been the only six seconds of that day that I wasn't smiling so I look "pensive" (as the magazine described me!)
    I remember it feels very surreal...
    Karen (Scotland)

  24. So so cool!!!!! What an honor, but you are totally deserving :) My dream as a kindergartener was to become a teacher...which I did. My forever dream was to become a mother...which I also did. And since 7th grade, Ive wanted to be some kind of a writer... which I am kind of doing with my blog, I guess :)

    Congrats on a really neat accomplishment! I say frame that puppy for sure!

  25. How cool is that! Congratulations :) My childhood dream was to be a famous photographer. While I'm not 'famous' I love the photos I've taken of my family and have hung them in my home. Those who visit always comment on the beautiful photographs. I'm famous in my home :)

  26. Congratulations! My dream was to be a mom to a little girl (I grew up with 3 brothers)...dream came true, as I have two beautiful daughters.

  27. Congratulations!! That is so cool. I wonder if I can find that mag somewhere... never even seen it before :)

    My dream was to be a teacher (hasn't happened... yet)and to be a mom (happened 2 years ago).

  28. Congrats!!! I would frame that. I had a few dreams, but I wanted to be a school teacher, perhaps someday.

  29. Frame it of course.....You go girl!!

  30. Congrats, Jen, that is totally AWE to the SOME!!!! So happy for you! I just subscribed to Fresh Home Magazine (got a realllllly great rate on Tanga), but I think I probably won't get this issue. May just have to mosey on over to the bookstore this weekend and pick one up! Enjoy!!!

  31. Frame it, blow it up, plaster it through the neighborhood, you deserve it. I would love my blog to be in your shoes one day, so small right now. Come by and visit if you have time. Just used chalk paint on my fridge.

  32. Did you know you would be included in there ahead of time, or did you open up the magazine one day only to be surprised? I can't quite tell based on your post.

    Either way, congratulations! :)

  33. Yes, frame it!! And congratulations :)

  34. My dream was to become a librarian, but alas when I finally got that job, I discovered it wasn't really for me. So I went back to the classroom where I can sit on the rug and read with kids. Seriously, if I had tried it a few years later, I would probably still be there. But no regrets! I've had a couple things published, although thankfully, they've never included my picture. Enjoy the moment!!!

  35. WOW!! Congrats! That is so awesome!! I would of typed out the above post WHILE STARING at that page IN A FRAME on the WALL! :) I always dreamed of being a mom. It's all I thought of growing up. I wrote essays on it in high school. I had pretty big ambitions of it because I knew I wouldn't go to college as MY HUSBAND would take care of us and I could raise my children. Well I have THAT husband now!! And I have my daughter. It was a struggle to get her. A five year fertility struggle BUT she is here and she is my sweet blessing from God! :)

  36. How very cool that this has happened. I'm delighted for you and love the reason why you were mentioned. THAT's a great fundraiser.

  37. Congrats Jen, that is Awesome with a capital "A"! And I'm sure its only a matter of time before your home lands in a magazine because it is simply amazing. Still can't wait to see your new basement!

  38. Wow congrats!! I am totally surprised they wouldn't let you know you were in there!

  39. We're so happy to have you on our pages!

  40. Hey Gals! I did know a little ahead of time, they had contacted me to answer the questions, however, it's one of those things where you just itch to see it in print before getting too excited! When the magazine hits newstands and you open it up, that's when the goofy happy dancing really begins!


  41. Did you know ahead of time that they were going to feature you? or did you find out afterwards. I mean you didn't just come across it while looking at the magazine did you?

  42. Congratulations Jen! You deserve it!


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