
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Reader Space: Carly's Perfectly Pretty Closet

If today's post doesn't motivate you to go straight into your closet and get crazy excited to organize it, I don't know what will.  I know that's exactly what I did when I saw the submission pop into my inbox.  Straight to the closet, crazy excited to make it even better.  So THANK YOU Carly for being so inspirational!

Carly wrote to me to share lovely photos of her closet space, and even better yet, some super simple tips for getting it that way AND maintaining it!

Hi Jen!

I am such a huge fan of your blog and as a fellow organizing addict I love seeing how you organize your household, it always gives me such inspiration and great ideas for mine.

I also saw that you are looking for Reader Space stories and I would be truly over-the-moon if you'd consider me. I recently reorganized my closet and have lots of tips on how I stay on top of my clothes closet clutter.  Here is the story of my closet for your review and consideration.

Staying on top of clothes clutter can be a struggle, but I have a few easy tricks that have helped me immensely. 

First, I don't have a ton of clothes. I read a long time ago that people only wear about 20% of their wardrobe, so with that in mind I limit what I buy to ensure I do get good wear out of what I own. I'm also pretty ruthless when it comes to purging. One of my biggest clothes-closet-clutter-control tips is to set a number of hangers allowed in your closet and never add a new one; so when you add new clothes to your closet something will have to go in order to make room. I also do the same with my shoes. I have a certain number of storage boxes and spots for my shoes so if I add a new pair and old pair will have to go.

I also love to group my clothes; on the left side is my dressier stuff, on the right is my every day, and in the middle are sweaters, t-shirts and lounge wear. Having everything grouped makes it quick to find what you need when you need it.

Another trick I use, I always have a shopping bag in my closet so when I come across something I don't wear anymore, or doesn't fit right, or I just need to make room for something new, I toss the old item in the bag and once it's filled I immediately put it in my car and the next time I'm out I drop the bag off at Goodwill.

Hoping you have a truly beautiful day,

Her last tip about leaving a shopping bag right in her closet for donations... I believe it's one of the best pieces of organizing advice EVER!

I am so glad Carly shared her closet space, but I am feeling a little greedy.  I want MORE!  So, I scoured her blog {and asked her permission of course}, for even more organizing eye candy.   I was blown away by all I found so I just had to share!  Ready for this?

What did I tell you?  A-MAZ-ING!

And can I just say, that this blog has been so great for me to share my love and passion for family, home, life and organization, but it's also been the most fantastic tool for me to meet amazingly incredible blog friends.  Which really explains why I am always sporting a perma-grin!

Thanks again to Carly for letting me share her incredible organizing {and photography} talent today!

So who is already digging through posts over on Carly's blog, Perfectly Pretty, and loving what they are finding?  What's your favorite tip from the closet advice she shared?  Anyone excited to take on organizing their own personal closet anytime soon?

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and un-editted.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!  More Info HERE.


  1. thank you for introducing us to ANOTHER wonderful organizing blog. I'm in heaven! I took next week off as a "staycation" with a few projects in mine and now I know exactly how to re-do my closet. I love the idea about the donation bag in the closet. I live in a condo and we have a big Goodwill donation bin in the underground parking garage--there is literally zero excuse for me to not purge the things I don't use/wear and put them in there. I have a bin of hangers in my closet, they are going too! Keep the wonderful ideas coming!!

  2. I just discovered your blog this week and i LOVE IT. I am obsessed with organizing so it is amazing to get ideas from other people. Now I have a second organizing blog to add to my daily readings. Thanks for your simple, stylish and affordable ideas!

  3. what fabulously organized spaces! i am totally jealous of that closet!!! so well thought out : )

    just found your blog and it's awesome! i'm your newest follower

    p.s. i unveiled my new cookbook, vegetables & vodka, on my blog today - and it's FREE to download. hope you enjoy it!

  4. OH...MY....GOODNESS!!! Thanks for sharing this awesome blog with us. What a gorgeous and organized home she has. I'm definitely taking a trip over there now and checking out more of her blog.

    I Heart the advise about the bag in the closet. What a great idea. I think I might try that. Thank goodness when we moved into our home we put a closet organizer in our only master bedroom closet. But she is one lucky girl that it's all her own. ;) So thank goodness I'm already organized in that department, but now it makes me want to go and organize a little big better. Thanks for the inspiration as always Jen!!!

    PS: heart the new header & your new photo. very pretty!!!

  5. I like your blog very much, and I like its new format! You have fabulous and fantastic ideas.
    Thanks for all the inspiration - Mónika from Hungary

  6. My fave tip is your fave tip, about putting a bag in the closet!!!! Genius! Why the heck didn't I think of that? I also like ahving a certain number of hangers! I am going now to STALK her blog:):) XO, Pinky

  7. I agree with her comment that people only wear 20% of their clothes but it's so hard to let go of the "just in case" clothes. I aspire to follow Carly's lead.

  8. Wowzers! I was totally over at her blog before all those extra pictures. Love it! And all the tips.

  9. Thanks for this guest post. There are many great ideas I got from the photos.
    P.S. Your new photo is "molto bella" (very beautiful).

  10. Awesome! Looks amazing. I'm still trying to figure out how my house can look this nice with my rumbunctious 20 month old destroying everything! LOL!

  11. Looks like such a fun blog! And Jen!!! You look SO BEAUTIFUL in that new profile picture! LOVE the new hair - style and color. Still worshiping your blog! :)

  12. All such beautiful spaces--is it really true we only wear 20% of our stuff? Might be time for me to purge again!

  13. Oh my gosh. I am heading to my closet NOW to utilize some of her advice. What a great blog too! I love your Reader Space series. I always find so much inspiration!! xoxo

  14. I am so impressed! And such a great idea with the shoe boxes so you won't end up with more shoes than you have space for. Im so going to try this. Thanks for sharing Jen!

  15. She took pics of her shoes and put them on the front of each shoe storage box! I love that.

  16. Are you seeerious! Ahhhh Carly's space is magazine worthy!!!! I literally though the first photo was a scanned snippet for a second! Love it! High Five for space maximization and chic details!

    Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

  17. Wow! Your blog is amazing! First time here and I LOVE what I see.
    I hope I will be able to do some of the ideas I see here. Thanks a lot!

  18. I saw her closet and then the picture with those white couches and thought, "Oh yeah, I used to be able to have a well-organized closet and light-colored sofas back when I was single, too" Then I about fell over when I checked out her blog and saw she had a husband and a young set of twins. I don't know how she does it, but wow, am I jealous!

  19. AHHH so in love with that closet!!!

  20. all of these ideas make my heart go pitter-patter. My husband and I moved into our first home 2 years ago. We found a great deal on a 16 yr old house that was in good shape. There are only minor things to change/update around the house but i am so excited about all of them. We have slowly been working on different projects (mainly outside and the baby rooms - had 2 already since we moved) but I can't wait to do more. Coming soon is a closet revamp as well as new carpet for the basement and creating my dream craft room. I will for sure be using so many of these great ideas. You are awesome.

    why do we get so excited about organizing?

  21. I tried going to her blog but it appears it no longer exists? Every time I click, it says there is an error on the link. Help, I really am dying to see her blog. Her organization skills are magazine worthy!


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