
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Reader Space: Spactacular Spray Projects!

Last week I shared with you a little spray paint project, which ended up giving me this beautiful before and after:

I thought that it would be fun to use today's reader space spot to feature some of the awesome spray paint link ups that I ran across, from YOU READERS!

 Like this awesome bottle vase:

Which is just a combination of a wine bottle, scrapbook stickers and SPRAY PAINT!

And how about this frame that was spray painted and turned into the most gorgeous center piece?

And how sweet is this workspace created for a little girl?  I melt.

Would you believe me if I told you the before picture of this absolutely marvelous shelf, was actually black and dated?

Same with this jaw dropping table transformation.  Seriously, you wouldn't believe it if I showed you the before pictures of the table and chairs...  And how amazing is that chair fabric?  Swooning!

I totally adore that they have chalk board paint in a spray, which is how this masterpiece was created:

Can you believe this used to be a hunter green patio set?

It may have taken 5 cans of spray paint to update, but the results are so lovely!!

I am so smitten that this table was given some distressing to really make it a WOW piece!

When I see what a free frame and some spray paint can do to make this little girl smile... it makes ME smile {and really wish I could magically have a girl}:

I have no words for the love I have for these chairs.  I am rarely left this speechless...

I never would have believed that this dresser was embellished with the magic of spray paint, had I not read the post myself... now, I think it just needs some strong moving men to bring it into my new studio, and it will be perfect!  {wink wink}

I loved each and every project linked up!  They all made me smile for one reason or another.  And it was so great to see what my readers have been up to, and get to "meet" more of you!  That's my favorite part.  You all have me so inspired; I think I need to find something else to spray... what will be my next victim?

Thank you to everyone that linked up your projects!  And a heads up, my next link party theme will be, "organizing proud" spaces.  Any space you have organized that you are proud of and excited to share!  I am thinking it will be one day next week... Ready?  Set?  GO organize something!


  1. Those are some great projects! I really love that table and chairs!

  2. Great projects! Makes me want to start at least ONE that is on my to do list!

  3. So much inspiration! I think my favorite is the table and chairs. I bought similar chairs at Goodwill for $24 total for four a couple years ago when I was in college. I looked ridiculous hauling them into my college apartment on-campus since they were so old and outdated. I had big dreams of fixing them up with some spray paint and new fabric, but for the time being, my mom is attempting to make them beautiful. After seeing all of these great transformations, however, I may be taking them back!

  4. I recently spray painted my girls old white metal bunk beds! Now I'm excited to spray paint an old end table so it matches the new living room decor :)

  5. Love these spray painting transformations! they really do inspire me! I'm a little scared of spray painting. But i'm deff giving it a try!

  6. Oh Jen!! We're so excited to be featured on iheart!!! Thank you so much and we love your blog to death!

  7. I have so many ideas now...I don't know where to start!!! I was thinking of repainting my bistro set and I'm definitely going to put seat cushions on it too! ...I'm really going to consider doing my kitchen table -- I have the same table but different chairs -- hmmm, how can I incorporate the chairs I have -- I don't have seatcovers just plain wood. Any ideas, Jenn? It seems like just the white table and white chairs might not suit the room -- I like the idea of fabric, but how???

  8. A new coat of paint does amazing things when coupled with some smart readers like yours. Thanks for the roundup!

  9. So, when again are you coming over to my house to decorate?! I just love all the things you do. Simply fabulous!!!

  10. Thank you so much for showing my little blue table!! I had a huge smile when I saw it on your blog!! The other projects are so great too, I can totally go around the house spray painting everything haha :)

  11. I would love love love a tutorial on spray painting! Seeing your projects has made me take note of several things I'd like to change, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to actually accomplish it. Picture frames, a mirror frame, a sterilite plastic drawer thingy (white plastic with clear drawers). . . and more. I don't have a garage or basement so would have to do the projects outside . . . I'm worried about dirt and leaves blowing into my paint as it dries. (Nevermind trying to get my husband to take down the mirror . . .) Love your blog :-)

  12. I love all these projects. Those chairs are so fun! What a great way to pull together different shapes and sizes of chairs.

    Spray paint is the best!

  13. yay!!! thanks for showing our project! there are some seriously great ideas here!!

  14. WOW! How exciting to check your blog tonight and see my shelf featured! Thanks so much Jen! Nothing like a little spray paint to freshen things up a bit! :) Can't wait for your organizing link up. You know I'm all over that! :)
    Thanks again!

  15. I just renewed my love affair with spray paint by taking an old, ornate grandma-ish dresser and painting it glossy primary blue for my sons. They love it...and, frankly, I want to take it for my own.

  16. I just caught up reading my favorite blogs. You are number one. Your first vidio was awesome. I loved the music, the font and questions being printed. A lovely professional yet fun great presentation. Thank you for all you share. Debbie

  17. This gives me motivation to go ahead and paint a table I've been debating about. Hmmm, now to choose a color!

  18. eeee, i'm blushing! thanks for featuring my little chairs. i had stopped by to settle in and check out everyone's links, and lo and behold i saw this post. thank you and thanks for your endless inspiration!

  19. THANK YOU SO MUCH for including my dresser in this post!!! How exciting! I love your blog and find it soooo inspiring :)


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