
Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Part 3 - Family Fun

I am always tweaking things here and there on the blog.  You may notice small graphic updates or minor layout changes from time to time, most of the major changes like the header, background and hair color, were made awhile back and all listed here.

However, when I first shared with you that I was going to be making some major changes around here, I also let you know that I was going to start including my family a bit more...

Enter that whomp whomp sound right here.  Bad Jen.

And I know some of you are OK with that because you want to come here for an organizing tip and to move on.  Others were excited to get to know me and my family more because sometimes a blog is more fun to read and more relatable when you feel like you know the writer for realz.

The matter of the fact was, that I was having a hard time figuring out the best way to incorporate our family life more into this blog.  It's so driven towards all things family, home and life with a giant emphasis on organizing, that pictures of us playing at the park last weekend seem quite out of place.  And I am a little insanely obsessed with my clan so I could easily let that obsession take over this space.  It's a fine line.

So I decided to take back our family blog.  I am popping a link up on the sidebar and will share a link with you from time to time when I update.  That way I can keep this blog the way it has been for the last couple of months years, which is more home and project related.  It seemed like the best way for me to marry the two.  That way, those that want to know what we ate for breakfast or something comical that my kids spurt out of their mouths, can know, and those that don't really care... don't have too!  Win win right?

And my favorite part is that I get to start blogging about both passions again.  I used to run my family blog but I let my time for this one take over.  I wasn't updating it anymore.  I wasn't focusing on my love for photography and capturing our daily moments.  I decided enough was enough.  I was missing it and I LOVE blogging about both and so I should!  So it got a little facelift and will be updated much more frequently.  Sweetness!

So feel free to stop by and see what's happening around casa de Jones

Happy Thursday!


  1. Just thought I'd share honestly, that I do like this way of handling it- i mainly read blogs to catch the sewing tutorials and spend a lot of time skipping past the family stuff-not that i don't care about the fact that bloggers are human, just don't have tons of time to spend on other people's virtual lives! I hope that doesn't sound rude, I don't mean it to be, I truly appreciate the time and effort that go into your (and other blogger's) blogs and love the tips and motivation! Thanks so much!

  2. I actually prefer to keep mine separate...and my non-family blog is still rather small. My family wants to read family stuff...and the online friends don't always want to. :) It works!

  3. I ditto what Jessica said. And of course, linking in betwen them would be perfectly fint too, incase we want to learn more. Are you going to put something like a "The latest at..." linking your blogs?

    Oh, and while I'm commenting, I wanted to share that I've noticed some major lag with your website. It may be my computer/browser, but it does seem to do it with your site all the time (we have the fastest HS internet available to us)

  4. That's a perfect way to handle the separation between your fab ideas and the family. I think the readers will appreciate it.

  5. I learned about your organizing blog through Pinterest. I immediately became an avid follower. Organizing and declutttering is a hobby for me. And now I get to follow your family blog.

    When I first found your blog, one reason I was drawn to it is because my daughter (also a Jennifer called Jen) is also the mother of three young boys. In a couple of months, I am retiring and moving near them so that I can be a part of their lives. So your ideas about organizing and balancing life with three boys will be meaningful and useful to me.

    I like to follow a few family blogs - it's like reading a novel but so much more satisfying because it's real people. I look forward to seeing your little family grow. Adore the photo of you and husband kissing on the bench surrounded by little faces.

    Keep up the good work, Jen. And thank you for sharing yourself and your family.

  6. FUN! exciting new and great decision, to bring your Family blog back. Can't wait to read more. :)

  7. I love this idea as well! As hard as it is to admit, having kids and a family myself, I do scroll past a lot of people's family pictures, etc. I love this idea so much!
    Kerri at HollyMuffin

  8. Awww! Yay! You are adorable and I look forward to keeping up with your family blog too! It is SUPER cute!!! :)

  9. I am excited to see what comes up on your family blog! One of the reasons I love your blog is because you have so many great ideas for BOYS! I am also a mom of (almost) three boys, and I have a Parker, too. Reading about your family will be fun, and a good way to see how you incorporate organizing into every day life!

  10. LOVE IT!! I LOVE Keeping up with the Jones's :) hehe I'm so glad you did this! I love seeing pic's of the Fam! and Your's is extra cute :)

  11. This is a great way to handle it Jen. I like reading about "real" families as well as subject-specific blogs, but sometimes that doesn't go together. This way those of us who want both can have it, without infringing on those who don't. :)

  12. It's a good separation. I hope you find the balance to keep both blogs up.

  13. I am one of those who like to know who is behind the blog, so I love reading about families. Thanks for including yours! And can I just say that your family picture is ridiculously adorable! What a cute pose :)

  14. I also enjoy reading about the person and family behind the blog, it makes it more real and we get to see all your hard work in everyday action. I am glad that those of us who want to can still follow your beautiful family!


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