
Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Basement Progress: Playroom Tweaks

OK.  I really should title this post, "Basement Progress: A Playroom Epic Fail and Some Minor Redemption"

That's right.  This blog is all about sharing the good and the bad.  So first, I will say, y'all were right.  I was nuts.

Nuts to think my kids are clean.  Nuts to think I am clean.  Nuts to think my dogs are clean.  A little crazy to think that even with painted stripes, I could pull off a cream rug in the playroom. 

That's where the epic fail comes in...

The rug did actually stay pretty clean for the most part.  For the most part I mean about 3/4 of it.  The other 1/4 is the end that is closest to us in this picture.

It is the part of the rug that is in a very, very high traffic area of our home.  Meaning that kids walk on it to get to the lower level bathroom.  Mom and dad walk over it to get to and from their bedroom.  The dogs walk over it to get to and from the bedroom also.  Lots and lots of feet and walking on that one section of rug.  It was getting dirty.

I tried to clean it.  But it wasn't like those fabulous chair slipcovers that can head straight into my washing machine.  It was a giant rug.  It was also the first thing you would look at, so the dirtier it got, the more frustrated I got.

I pulled it before too much damage was done.  And we were rugless for awhile.

I decided that the room was also feeling a little too "painted".  Painted tables, painted walls, painted rug, painted art display.... It needed a natural element.

So when we switched out the rug, we just went for something more natural this time around.  This one from IKEA.

No special project needed to get it in place.  Just lay it out and walk away.  Sometimes, I am OK with that....

It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I actually love the way it changed the room.  I still have to try and make that room flow with our lower level family room and my studio {they are all connected in a U shape}, so the naturalness of it is a good thing.

And don't fret.  The other side of the painted rug looks like the top side did, blank slate and brand new.  I have it rolled up and I am trying to decide where I can use it, but it will not be wasted.  It will still hopefully get some love in a less foot traffic area.

I felt like another little playroom update was in order, maybe just to feel better about my mishap.

See this wall:

Take a closer look:

That freebie printable art was looking a little off.  I wasn't loving the generic ivory mattes that came with the frames.

So, I just traced the matte on some leftover decorative scrapbook paper, to cut out a new matte!

Much better!  The process was a little more time consuming than you might think, trying to cut out perfect lines with a regular ol' scissors.  But totally worth the results!

I know I always say it, but sometimes it's the little things! 

And at the risk of losing my readership, but to keep it "real", I thought I would show you the playroom getting lots and lots of love...

That's a typical day of play.  Our areas do get used, and do get messy!

Who else has a design epic fail or redemption story to share today? 


  1. It looks great! I love the new rug - old one was great too but I 'hear ya' about the wear and tear. The new rug adds just the right touch with the natural element. Good job. Love the matts too. You probably know this but you can even spray paint mats as well! I did that on one when it was too 'creamy' to go with my white frame. The project is on my blog if you haven't done this before and want to see how it turned out.

  2. i really like the new rug! =]
    also, love the way that scrapbook paper makes those pictures pop!

    i had an epic fail recently when trying to make a handmade christmas for my friends:

  3. I really LOVE the new rug... it really adds to the space and I'm sure will be much better with all the traffic! Fabulous job as always! I think you should be proud of this temporary fail.

  4. I love the new mats for the frames too--and putting the paper right over the originals was a great idea! I never thought of that before. In fact that may help me finish a project I've set aside...thanks!

    Also, don't feel a teeny bit bad about the playroom being a "mess"--all the stuff that's out belongs in there! Real clutter and mess is when a bunch of things are there that don't even belong in that room. Way to go :)

  5. Oh TOTALLY doing that with some mats that I got at the thrift store!!!! =) Great idea, as always Jen! =)

    LOVING that rug too!!!!

    Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

  6. Oh no! I can completely commiserate with you on this one! I painted one of those same exact Ikea rugs with navy stripes for our living room and I loved it for about a few weeks, then the same thing happened (in the form of a two year old and a husband with dirty shoes) and I literally just last week replaced it with this one: I was considering the one from Ikea you got but the Overstock one was on sale for less that $75 at the time with free shipping, couldn't pass that up!

    I really loved the stripes and I even took it outside and scrubbed the white stripes with upholstery cleaner and a bleach solution but it just never looked clean any more. :(

  7. I love the rug and it really does add a layer of natural element to the room. I have an idea to just think about. I have in the past, and very cheaply, bought canvas(strong canvas) at a fabric store for 5-10 $ per yard and added a 6 inch border around my rugs that look just like that. It can really bring a room together and if you scotchguard it and use a pattern it will last. It's a potential non-sew project or if you are handy with the sewing machine you can easily sew the border on. If you don't do anything at all I think the rug looks gorgeous but It seems like you are doubting it and I wanted to offer some ideas. As always your blog rocks.

  8. I love the new rug. Bringing in that natural item makes it look so different. I love the new mats. It totally changes your art work. You have to get one of those paper trimmers I think you would be able to cut the centers out much more easily with something like that. I have an old 12" trimmer similar to that. It works great for cutting out centers. My question, have you ever made subway art? I want to make something with all kinds of dinosaur names. I don't have any software on my computer, like Publisher or the like. I would like something like this... Oh and for the record... my living room looks like that and I only have one little boy. :) It is just well lived and played in. :)

  9. That's it...after showing us that last photo of the playroom, I can no longer read your blog...

    Kidding! I love it when bloggers keep it real and show the messy. After all, the idea is to LIVE in our homes!

    Alana from HOME: MADE

  10. I love keepin' it real! I have had too many DIY failures to count, haha! But we have to get back on the horse, right? Your playroom looks amazing (as does the rest of your house). =)

  11. Wow, I actually felt "calmer" when seeing the blue/white rug pic transition to seeing the brown rug "pic". Maybe less "busy" is good for you guys. :) The pic w/brown rug has a definite calmer, more relaxing vibe from this side of the computer(hehe) when looking at the room overall.
    Love *LOVE* Love your blog! I check it daily!

  12. LOVE the new rug! I loved the old one too, but this works well and looks great! The natural element is great and the texture it brings is fun too. Great choice! Great job on the mats as well. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was "wrong" in your before picture, haha. But it definitely looks better with the colored mats, I'll have to keep that idea in mind!

  13. I really love the natural look of the new rug! And the colorful mats??? Who would've thought such a simple change could make such an an impact???

    For the last pic, I think you took a pic of my living room/playroom...hehe (I have a 3 & 4 yr olds). I think experimenting and change is good. I recently changed the layout of my room, and am loving how much more open it feels!

  14. LOVE the new rug! And I love how real your playroom looks. Make me feel not so bad about the disaster that ours is.

  15. My epic design fail is actually a feature in our rented townhouse – wall to wall carpet in front of the sliding door into the yard. Why? Why? Why?! And to make it worse, that's where the heat vent is situated so any mat we put down partially covers the vent. We've put down and indoor/outdoor mat, in a way that only covers half the vent, and we've even put caulking on the back of the mat to discourage slipping but UGH, it still creeps away from the door so winter slush gets on the carpet. If I owned the place I'd tear it all out and put down Pergo.

  16. I love the new mattes! They add more fun to the room than the ivory ones did. Using scissors to cut straight lines is way harder than it sounds!

  17. I love that new rug! I think it warms up the space. And it seems much more kid, pet friendly! I love what you did to the mats on your frames as well. They look great! Your messy playroom still seems cleaner than our house when my kids pull out their stuff, but it is always nice to see that not everyone has a magazine perfect home all the time. :)

  18. I seriously appreciate your honesty and love what you did with the matte frames!

  19. I love the changes, even if they were for necessary reasons. You could probably use the old rug in your office... Just sayin'.

  20. I HEART the new rug more!!! Great choice Jen! And what you did with the frames mats...heart!!! They look so much more custom now. Very suiting to your blog and your lifestyle. ;) Thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Jen... love your playroom. Sorry about the rug. It happens. Hey, our kids live, laugh and play in our homes. How about adding a stripe to your new rug?

    I think the readers at Project Nursery would love this. Are you up for me sharing?


  22. Jen, I love the new rug. The painted one was awesome too, but this one feels better in the room. Good job!

  23. I love the new rug! I had a similar situation going on in my dining room, since that is where the back door is and I have 2 dogs using it! I went from traditional rug to an indoor/outdoor and it works perfectly, especially now that they are coming with designs and colors. The best part is, when it gets gross I can hang it over the fence, spray it with the hose and scrub it and it's clean again. I suggest overstock for rugs, huge selection and cheap shipping and I've not yet been disappointed with any of the 6 rugs I've ordered from them!

  24. The room is definitely not a failure. Decorating is often about trial and error. The final outcome is fabulous. The rug is just perfect!

  25. And this is why I love you. Because you're not afraid to keep it real. THANK YOU! The tweaks look great, and I especially am loving the colorful mats on the art.

  26. Your natural rug is much better than old one. The old one is cute but not ideal for playroom or heavy traffic area in the house! I always love natural color on floor than white. White is difficult to clean especially kids!

    I've always change thing when I think thing look ok then I don't like it and change over again. You are not alone. everyone was not sure at beginning then you feel you need a change a bit. It is good way to change once a while.

  27. Your natural rug is much better than old one. The old one is cute but not ideal for playroom or heavy traffic area in the house! I always love natural color on floor than white. White is difficult to clean especially kids!

    I've always change thing when I think thing look ok then I don't like it and change over again. You are not alone. everyone was not sure at beginning then you feel you need a change a bit. It is good way to change once a while.

  28. Lucky kids! Their playroom is nicer than my whole house.

  29. Personally, I like the new rug! It makes the space seem homier.....and kids are messy so I hate to be worrying about the floors unnecessarily! Good touch!

  30. Love it! I've been wanting to get that rug for a living space but I always hesitate because I wonder if it will feel comfy on the feet? What is your experience with it? Thanks so much!

  31. I really like the jute rug!! I totally agree it's a great natural element!! It totally give the whole room a different feel!!! Good Eye!!!
    Lots of Love!!

  32. I have the same rug in my living room and love it. It adds a nice depth to the room and is actually really lovely to walk on.

  33. I just did the same thing with some frame mats that I had, I was alittle unsure once I was done. But after seeing yours I am loving mine. Thanks!

  34. Love the changes. What is color coded in those ikea trofast bins? Are they legos?

  35. I love your honesty about what works and what doesn't. :-)

  36. I love the rug switch-up and would also love to know how it feels under your feet? I'll be shopping for rugs soon and that one looks like it's right up my alley. Love the matting colors also...those frames look nice and cheery now : )

  37. LOVE the colorful labels on the bins and the new matte! Perfect!

    Our Growing Garden: A Family Blog

  38. I'm loving the neutral rug, and a playroom isn't a playroom unless it gets a bit messy!

  39. I love everything you do! Please came to Spain a re-due my house?!?! hahaha.
    Have a nice day.

  40. Love seeing your messy playroom! I have three kids too and no matter how organized I try to be they are just as messy/unorganized! How do you get your kids to clean up and put stuff away in the correct place? No matter how often I tell my kiddos, not everything gets returned n the correct place!

  41. Love the changes! Where did you get the white picture frames below the window? I looked for them on your resource page but didn't see them. Did I miss it? Thanks!!

  42. Where did you get the free artwork? I really liked the tricycle one, and would love to see other options that I can print for free.

  43. Today I was wondering if you would ever show a picture of one of your rooms messed up when I was feeling bad about my laundryroom (and dreaming of yours). Not that I really consider that messy, but lived (loved) in. Thanks for keeping it real. I do like the new carpet - it does change the look of the room.

  44. I'm fairly new to your blog and have been wondering how you stay so organized with three kids. I have one and I'm struggling. I really appreciate that you shared your dillema and even pics of your messy room. I can't imagine that people would stop following your blog because your kids are being kids. I would be worried if your kids were never allowed to make a mess because you have a blog. I recently tried to DIY wrapping paper Christmas tree cones using another bloggers description. I failed horribly and ended up making my own which turned out not too shabby.

  45. Ah, that's better, I love the last picture the most!!

  46. i'm so thankful for your redemption story. i've been thinking ALOT about doing a pin stripe rug ever since seeing your post about it. i may still make one, but for a "gently" used zone. thanks!

  47. Looks great Jen! I was just wondering how the boys were doing with their new lego organization. Are the willing/able to help keep them organized with your new system?

  48. My life is full of design epic fails. I worked on a 100 year old house and so failure was a natural part of the equation. But my first house, my first decorating attempts were epic. I hired a decorator, but the choices were ultimately my own. We went art deco and the rest of the house looked fabulous, but the master bath was horrendous. I chose a pop-ish wallpaper, black with mauve and grey dots all over it in the typical art deco style. I papered everything...walls, switch plates, soffit. By the time I was done, it looked like some sort of neon hippie wonder-cave. It was dark, gloomy, dizzying in its wallpaper nausea. I had to rip it all down, repair the wallboard, and paint the whole thing. I didn't touch wallpaper again for another 20 years. Why on Earth didn't my decorator stop me???? LOL

  49. @Michelle - I haven't experimented with subway art yet, but I am sure I will at some point! It's always so adorable!

    As far as underfoot, it's not the softest, it is a natural fiber rug after all {although it is pretty plush for a natural weave}, however, it is pretty perfect for a playroom from a durability standpoint.

    @mommyto5, The Trofast holds all of our Legos, here is the post:

    @Kim, The kids are pretty helpful, I always praise their help and try to give them systems that make it easy. I do want to get an entire post written on kid's and helping, it's going to be a doozy, will hopefully have time to whip it up after the holidays.

    @Jill, here is a link to a project I did for the artwork {frames below the window}:

    @Shanandcan, found the print at {one of my favorite blogs}:

    @Kari, the Lego system has been the best thing that has happened to the kids/playroom! :) It is so easy to maintain when combined with their build buckets. We love love love it!


  50. I did the exact same painting on the exact same rug and am having the exact same problem. The dogs walk over it to eat, it's under the dining room table, and I live with unclean jerks (including myself). I even scotchguarded and everything! I refuse to give up, but I might have to...

    I love what you put in its place!

  51. I just adore your blog! I just asked for Christmas the Trofast frames. I using them in our office/kids craft storage. I seen it on a similar blog & thought what a great idea! I love the small white shelves above it. Could you tell me where you purchased them at? They are simpy perfect for what I'm looking for. Thank you! ~Kalene

  52. @Kalene,

    The shelves are from IKEA:


  53. Ha ha, oh my gosh are you serious - your 'messy' is my tidy!! I have 3 girls under 4 and they love to make a massive mess in EVERY. SINGLE. ROOM. IN. THE. HOUSE! I suppose it doesn't help we are doing reno's, which just happens to be a playroom too, so all your ideas will be coming in handy when decorating time finally approaches!! Lovin' your blog - thanks for the inspiration!!

  54. Just wondering how your rug is holding up. I am looking at getting it for our living room, the size is really good for the price, espcially in Canada. I like the look of jute, even though I know they are not the softest, but we have a dog and a toddler so I need something durable.

  55. @rachel,

    No signs of wear at all and the kids play in there daily. We really like it. Considering using more in other areas of our home as well!


  56. Beautiful! I purchased the same rug for my daughter's nursery and have been surprised at how durable and not-at-all-scratchy it is! A little word of warning - I read a few reviews on the rug before buying it that mentioned that after a few months there were jute-patterned scratches in the wood floors despite having a rug pad/liner down underneath. I'm guessing a better quality rug pad would probably prevent this, but I would hate to see anything happen to your beautiful floors! :)

  57. Love the reality of this post. While I want to live in a perfectly organized and color coded world.... my 21 month old son could care less about my dreams. ;-) He's much too busy playing, exploring, and learning. It's nice to know "kids" happen to all of us! Thanks for all of the inspiration! I tackled a loft area and turned it into a playroom tonight - Expedit bookshelves ARE amazing!

  58. Love the room! Random question- where did you get the green/white booster type chair in the last picture?

    1. Hi Trisha!

      It's a sweet seat:

      And sweet it is!


  59. Love this blog!! Quick question? Where did you get those white bins underneath your coffee table? They are so cute!

    1. Hi Lauren!

      They were from Walmart:

      I don't recommend them, in fact, ours busted within a month. Both of them. Totally adorable, not at all durable.


  60. I love the new rug and have been thinking about getting it for our family room! Have you had to clean it yet? I try to make my kids not eat in the family room, but if there is a spill of juice or something, do you think it would stain?

    1. I have vacuumed it which has been easy peasy, but no spills on it yet to clean. It seems like it would be really stain resistant and hide them well. But I can't say that from experience {just yet}.


  61. Where did you get those white slipcovers for your chairs?? I have two chairs with the same frame that I've been dying to craigslist...but if I can slipcover them the way you did, I'll let them stick around for a while longer!

    1. The chairs and the slipcovers were both from IKEA. :)


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