
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Our Organized Medication, First Aid and Pet Closet

So you may be noticing that this weekend I went on a little organizing spree.  It was therapeutic for me and I am a happier girl because of it!

I tell you all the time how much you all inspire me.  With your excitement, your stories and your projects.  Today, instead of telling you that I was inspired by last week's guest post on organizing pet supplies, I thought I would actually show you instead.

I found a clear storage box from the Container Store for $4.  I used my Silhouette to cut a piece of vinyl for the front...

I filled it with the supplies Serena recommended, and I had an instant doggie medical kit!

I am so excited that the pups now have that dedicated kit just in case.  They are members of our family after all!

But when it came time to put it away, something happened.  Oh boy, I got to thinking.  Practically.

We had been keeping some of our pet washing and medical stuff down in the lower level laundry linen closet.  But we always tend to the dogs up in our main bathroom.  Things that make you wonder... why didn't I move it sooner?  Why make life harder than it needs to be?

Not to mention, all of our family medications and first aid items were already being housed in an itty bitty linen closet in our hallway...

I needed to make room in there for the pet items.  It just made much more sense.  And it caused me to pull everything out of the closet and rethink how the whole space was being used and how I wanted it to be easier to use.

We had been keeping our medications in small tins, that were over flowing and we never knew which was which.  We never used the rolled towels in this closet, so I moved them to the bathroom where they belonged.  Same with the extra soaps and lotions.  After a couple more magical bins from Target {same ones from yesterday's bathroom post}, things were looking much better.

I printed out some labels on Avery 22817 circles.  They seemed to stick pretty well, hopefully they will hold up over time.

Medications are on the highest of shelves so no little fingers will ever be able to reach {unless they do some serious Spider Man climbing}

All of our first aid items were corralled in one single large basket.  This will be much better than grabbing three bins when it's time to deal with a boo boo.

And the new pet medical kit is tucked with the rest of their grooming supplies in another bin below.

I really love when one organizing project leads to another!  And I love this closet so much more!

Oh, and because I tend to get some questions wondering where the closet is or wanting to see the whole thing, it's in our main hallway, it's narrow and also is the home to our vacuum cleaner.

We keep our main bathroom linens in each bathroom vs. in the hallway.  Plus, knowing that medications are not as effective when stored in heated areas {such as bathrooms and near stoves in the kitchen}, it makes the most sense for us to utilize this closet for all of those goodies.

Anyone else work on a project this weekend, because of inspiration found?  Or how about an unexpected one that happily happened because of the downstream impacts of another?


  1. What program do you use to make the labels? I have the same labels that I was going to use for a project a couple months ago and was disappointed when Publisher didn't have that template. I LOVE those baskets from target. I've bought 5 or 6 of the teal ones so far. I hope they keep them around for a while.

    1. Hi Kendra!

      I just went to and downloaded the free template into Word. I created them in word by inputting my text and adding a circle "shape".


    2. Thanks! I think I will be making some new labels this evening for my couponing stockpile :)

  2. LOVE! This is my organizing task for the next week and I plan to share on my blog when I'm done. Our medication organization leaves a lot to be desired (is non-existent) - and it also has to be moved up, up, up away from little fingers. Thanks for the kick to get going!

    1. By the way - tagged you in a post today:

  3. I envy your skills...I need help getting organized :-/. Can I borrow you for a day? lol

    1. How cool would that be!? :) I am guessing distance will prohibit that...


  4. Those bins from Target are so cute, I can't wait to pick some up myself!

  5. I love the pop of color used.

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  6. I love this! I can't wait to finally get moved out and get all organized like this. Right now everything is kind of a mess and it is driving me crazy!

    This week I started getting organized with couponing. I wanna try to save money, and they say the best way is to build up a little coupon stash, so I finally did it. If you wanna see it you can go here: I made the coupon envelopes like you did, except I didn't have a nice enough envelope to just glue paper onto, so I made my own. I love it so far though! It looks so snazzy!

    -Jess @ That's Sew Crafty

  7. Do you have a list for a cat medical supplies kit?

  8. I live vicariously through your trips to the container store. Sadly, there is not one in close proximity.

  9. Love! I actually picked up some of the green baskets and a lidded bin from Target for our little dogs items (we keep hers upstairs, the big dogs have their own special place downstairs where they spend most of their time-in the yard...running!!). I am planning to go back and pick up some of the aqua/teal ones for my office (too much green in there already).

  10. Where did you get your shelving?! I need to shelve my two into a pantry and I don't know where to start.

  11. Looks great! I LOVE those Avery labels--didn't even know they made circle ones. Might have to pop over to Office Max :-)

  12. This past weekend I spent 4 hours organizing the cabinets in our kitchen. I was only planning on working on our shelving unit, but that lead to all the cabinets. It looks so much better and the flow is a lot better too. I haven't gotten to the drawers yet, but that will happen soon.

  13. I started working on a mirror project this weekend! We have a non-builder mirror above our garden tub in the master bath with a hideous sponge-painted trim around the edges. I am framing it out to make it look much better! Still trying to decide if I want to paint the trim white or a sage...decisions, decisions. And THAT inspired me for a little something to go above our bed! I'll make a snazzy frame, paint it white, and have our initials in it "I & C". Can't wait to get that one started and done!

    And after seeing your little closet, I'm heading to Target to get some of those cute baskets for my little closet! Thanks!

  14. love it!!! could you do more pet-related organizational posts? i find that the pet stuff is the hardest for me because it's all over the place (toys everywhere) grooming supplies, pet gates, pet beds....and i have a hard time getting their things to blend in with our decor, as pet stuff tend to not be so...great looking lol.

    1. Sure! I can definitely add it to my list. I agree, they come with a lot of items! :)


    2. I am a dog groomer and I find it very handy to keep a brush near somewhere that you and your doggie relaxes together. Dogs that requier reguler grooming requiers regular brushing. If the brush is handy then you are more likely to brush your doggie or kitty. If you have any question for any futer blogs on dogs I would love to lend my experties. I can be reached at

    3. Yay! We share our home with four beasties, so getting on top of pet supplies is high on my priority list!

  15. This is so simple, it's genius! I can't wait to get our bathroom downstairs done so I can move those things down stairs and use my hall closet in this way. Love!!

  16. Love what you did, I really like the baskets from Target. I might have to stop there and pick some up for my next project.

  17. LOVING those target baskets/bins!!!!! They're so perfect for your bright, cheery, organized closets and cabinets! =) But duh, you so knew that!

    Hope you're having a fabulous week girly!

    Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

  18. Love it! I saw your guest post last week and was thinking that maybe I should do that for our house. With two cats and a dog, you never know what might happen!

    I was curious how you make your border around your labels? I have some Avery labels and love them but mine feel so boring without any border.

    Jamie @ JustStuffForFun

    1. Hi Jamie!

      I download the template from the Avery website and edit it in Microsoft Word. From there, I just use the insert "shape" function and edit the shape border.


  19. I tackled a HUGE on going project this past weekend - clothing for my FOUR daughters! This has been an on going issue that I have "chipped away at" for over a year! I the final stage was so amazing, Friday night I went through and pulled all the things out of the closet and dresser that were too small, I took them to a local consignment store, got cash on the spot, then took the few items they didn't take and dropped them off at good will. (But first I made a list of the items so I could scan it into my neat desk to help keep up with all those deductions I'll need to claim next year :) - I have a serious clothing problem, one which I've struggled with controlling for WAY too long - and, hind sight being 20/20, I'm going to write down everything I did, what I should have done, ways I could have organized the chaos faster, because I know there are many some body's out there who suffer the same thing! Interested in a potential guest post?! I don't currently blog - but I sure would like to share this journey! I have seriously had a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders by organizing my girls clothing it has allowed me to organize other things! The good ole laundry monster that keeps growing and growing sure can be debilitating to a full time working mom :)
    P.S. - I was inspired by reading your blog!

    1. Wow, I am so excited to hear your journey and story! Feel free to send your thoughts and ideas on a guest post to I would definitely consider it!


  20. I love this. I currently use a few baskets for meds in our linen closet. I like the idea of a larger bin instead.

  21. Jen I LOVE your doggie first aid kit! And I adore that you took things to the next level by creating a whole space for first aid for the family. And again, like everything you do it's superbly functional and gorgeous at the same time. Love it all.

  22. Looks great, as always! I actually organized my medicine cabinet a couple days ago and posted about it here:
    I don't have as large a space to keep mine as you do, maybe someday! :-)

  23. Hi Jen,
    Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog and it has inspired me to get organized but also do so by putting my own style into the space. I was wondering where you got the wire lined basket? I love wire baskets but good ones are hard to come by! Thanks again for all the ideas!

    1. I found it quite awhile back at the Crate and Barrel outlet. They may still have it, or a similar version of it on their site.


  24. I love what you did with the closet! It's gorgeous! I have always had a cats bin in our hall closet, too, but the first aid supplies for the rest of the family never make it there. You've inspired me to revisit that!

  25. This inspired me to tackle the shelf in my closet. It looks so neat!

  26. Monday night something came over me and I too cleaned and organized a linen closet. Oh my gosh each time I see it it makes me sooooooo happy!!!!! Thanks for all your ideas and tips. Love them all. I just wish I stayed really organized. This whole month I have seen a big improvement and hope to keep it that way!!!!!

  27. I did several organizing projects the past 3 days to make myself feel better. Purged some more in my closet, sorted/folded/purged in daughter's dressers, both girls' closets done, toys sorted/purged and labeled bins done, craft drawers purged/sorted and started on the linen closet yesterday (just need some pretty bins or baskets). When the urge hits I go with it until I feel better!

  28. So funny you asked! I did and I am thrilled about it. We recently purchased an Elfa closet system from The Container Store which I am in obsessed with! My husband put it in this past weekend in our walk in bedroom closet and I am in LOVE. This project has turned into re-organizing lots of different areas in my home, so far we did the spice cabinet & junk drawer in the kitchen, and I have the upstairs linen closet to work on still. I have always been pretty organized but I am kicking it up a notch this year as one of my new years resolutions. BTW I found your blog via Pinterest and I really enjoy it!

  29. I did not know the little tid bit about medications and warm places...interesting!!! I love your containers and how you have them stored.

  30. This looks great! I love your blog and just began following it regularly. Your ideas are creative and inspirational, but very doable. Your humility and grace are appealing in a blogger. :)

  31. Learning how to organize your closet can definitely help you save money. Because you already know the colors and design of clothes you have in your closet, you wouldn’t buy the same clothing. Nobody would want to have a shirt of the same color and design, right? Certainly, learning how you can organize a closet is a very practical skill to have.

  32. Hi Jen.

    I love your blog. I have a question: so what do you do with your daily medications, vitamins and supplements? We have everything from gummy vitamins to tylenol in our kitchen (since we take vitamins with breakfast). I have tried baskets, organized shelves, etc. I can't seem to find a convenient way to coral all those pesky daily vitamins and supplements in an organized way. Thanks!

    1. Hi there!

      We keep ours in a caddy in the kitchen in a food cabinet, away from the stove {as seen here:}.


  33. Yay! Just reorganized all our bathroom products...and even put cute paper in the back of the medicine cabinet and at the bottom of the drawers. Now, I'm ready to add labels to the clear shoe boxes containing everything else. What font did you use? It's so easy to read! Thanks. =)

    1. Hi Becky!

      I used "ultra" font. I really like it, it's fun and bold!


  34. The baskets are out of stock on Target =(. I just love the pop of colors!

  35. Closets and BeyondMarch 14, 2012 at 4:36 AM

    Organizing can surely be cathartic and we're glad you felt good after the task. Storage is essential in the home and being a part of the closets Bergen industry containers within a storage area is a good idea as it definitely helps minimize clutter.

  36. So sleek and clean! What is in the lined wire basket?

    1. Hi Stefanie!

      That is where I keep our extra Q-Tips and Cotton Balls. :)


  37. I am trying to get on board with 'Linen & Loo' month here, but I'm hitting a snag in my downstairs bathroom. There's a really great cupboard with a lot of storage, but it's so deep that it makes it hard to store anything we use often. And I'm always forgetting what's in the back and just buying more of it anyway. Help! Any solutions for organizing deeeeep shelves?

    1. YAY! How about pull out bins or turn tables/lazy susans? Maybe tiers?



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