
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


IHeart Giveaway: Get Clean with Norwex!

Ooh, anything I can do to help our lovely planet while also cleaning makes me super happy inside!  So imagine my excitement when I was recently introduced to Norwex!

Norwex is committed to radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning to promote health. More than ever they feel the need to emphasize the positive environmental impact of reducing chemical use.

One of the first ways to clean with less chemicals and to be more earth friendly while cleaning, is to use microfiber cleaning cloths.  This goes for both the home and the body.
What makes Norwex Microfiber a preferred choice?
Norwex microfiber is a blend of polyester and polyamide. This fiber is 1/100th the size of a strand of human hair. When this high-quality microfiber is combined with the right knitting process, it creates an extremely effective cleaning material. This material can hold up to seven times its weight in matter. Used dry the static effect created enhances the microfiber’s ability to attract dirt and dust particles. As you lightly wipe the surface, the microfiber attracts and draws up even the smallest particles of dust, trapping them in the fibers. Used wet the microfibers work together to give an excellent cleaning effect. Wet, wring and wipe away dirt and debris from all washable surfaces. For spot removing, spray water on the surface being cleaned. Norwex microfiber is backed with an exceptional Warranty of 2 years or 500 washings.

Unlike cotton cloths, that will spread the dirt, grease and other particles around, Norwex micro fiber when used wet, lifts these particles up and away from the surface.  Once inside the cloth the micro silver in the cloth goes to work on the self purification properties against the mold, fungi,  and bacterial odor within 24 hours, so that it is ready to use again.

What are the benefits of cleaning with Norwex microfiber?
Microfiber cloths are environmentally friendly. They may reduce the consumption of cleaning chemicals in your home up to 90% while at the same time reducing your exposure to toxic fumes. This can make a big difference for anyone with allergies and chemical sensitivities. In important areas of our homes like bathrooms and kitchens, microfiber cloths help to provide a cleaner, healthier environment. Microfiber cloths are very durable and can withstand the rigors of everyday use.

And today my friends, I am partnering up with my gal Jennifer, a Norwex independent consultant, to get you started with both
  • Household Package {1 Enviro Cloth, 1 Window Cloth and 1 Dusting Mitt which is a $46.99 value}
  • Body Pack {3 body cloths, a $19.99 value}

{enter using the new giveaway management tool below, just follow the simple steps}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks everyone and GOOD LUCK! 


  1. I love the cheery colors of the microfiber cloths! I've been trying to live more greenly, and this seems like a great way to do so!

  2. I like that I can clean without chemicals.

  3. Just got my first cloth a couple months ago and LOVE it. Would be excited to get another and try the body towels! Definitely a Norwex fan!!

  4. I have been reading Real Simple's Cleaning book and they recommend these type of cloths. I think they would be the perfect companion to my homemade cleaners!

  5. I recently attended a Norwex party and would love to have some of these cloths. The idea of not exposing my children to lots of chemicals is very interesting to me.

  6. I have been using Norwex for a while now, and I love it! The cloths get everything out of anything, it's like a Mr.Clean Magic Eraser on steroids. The Envirocloth with just water took nail polish out of my beige couch when nothing else would. The silver in the cloths kills bacteria, so it's just as effective as a Clorox wipe without the chemicals. This stuff is awesome!

  7. This is news to me, but I like it!

  8. I love these cloths. I have been using these for a long time.

  9. I had never heard of this company before. Was impressed with the apparent quality of their products. Would love to try some of these products.

  10. With baby #1 due soon, I'd love to learn to clean with less chemicals!

  11. I would love some of these cloths! I have heard the window one is great!

  12. I am all about going green! I am on a quest to reduce the chemicals in my home now that I have little ones running around! Would love to try out this product!

  13. I love love microfiber. I'm always on the look out for good green products.

  14. Love microfiber!! Doing something good for the environment is always a plus :)

  15. I have 1 microfiber face towel I got for Christmas quite a few years ago and I'd love to up my collection!

  16. I checked out the blog; love all the fun colors they come in.

  17. I've been interested in these since I read about them about a year ago!

  18. Checked out Jennifer's site. I have heard of Norwex but had no idea so much was offered. My son has asthma and any change I can make to make it easier for him, and all of us, I am eager to try. Would love to try the microfiber cloths.

  19. I'm totally sold on microfiber cloths, which is sad because I've loved using homemade knitted cloths for years. So, microfiber isn't homespun, but it's definitely cleaner and more effective. It's good to know we've got a few things on Grandma!

  20. Ooh, I have heard nothing but fret things about this cleaning system! And let's face it, with 3 boys in the house, I can use all the lending help I can get!!

  21. I checked out Jennifer's site. I LOVE Norwex and have their cleaning cloths and LOVE them. I used a friends window cloth and it's amazing!

  22. I am trying to convert my cleaning supplies to be more "green" and I know that I go through a lot of paper towels and dusting cloths when I clean. The microfiber cloths would help me to continue in my efforts to move more green. :)

  23. I checked out Jennifer's site and would love the cleaning cloths.
    nddalzell at cs dot com

  24. I love cleaning with microfiber! Best stuff ever! I've never tried ones made for the body though...

  25. I checked out the site! Anything to help cleaning be better and easier is a win win and very exciting!

  26. thanks for the great giveaway! I have some Norwex and love it all!

  27. I do enjoy a good microfiber cloth!

  28. I have one microfiber cloth and love it. It would be great to have more!

  29. I really like the Norwex products that I have tried so far but I don't have the mitt or the personal cloths so it would be great to win! Thanks! Looking at her website now!

  30. I just recently became familiar with these products. I have a couple of the cleaning cloths. This would be a great way to add to my cleaning supplies!

    ccskiles at hotmail dot com

  31. I have been trying to do more natural cleaning...this would really help!

  32. love cleaning products that save me money by reusing them instead of throwing them away.

  33. Just got back from her site! My brother uses these & says that they work really well. We really need more cleaning clothes in our home so winning these would be perfect!

  34. I'm excited about the microfiber cloths because I feel like I waste too many paper towels when cleaning, and this would solve that problem!

  35. I've been doing everything possible to use non-toxic, more "green" cleaning products. I'd love to try the microfiber cloths, and these look like great quality-wise.


  36. I love microfiber, and would love to try it with more of my cleaning!

  37. My husband says I'm like a tamer version of Monica from the sitcom Friends...IF that's so- I'm sure she'd have these products! I've gotta try them, ya know- just to keep the similarities going :) LOL

  38. I love microfiber, they are wonderful to clean with. I don't have very many of them, so it seems I always have some in the wash.

  39. They sounds like great products, thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I have a friend who raves about Norwex products! I would love to see what all the fuss is about and I do enjoy cleaning with fewer chemicals!

  41. Wow! These products would be great for my OCD!

  42. I had never heard of Norwex. Looks like a cool product!

  43. I don't share the excitement as you also have to mention the disadvantages of such fibres here. They aren't made of renewable resources and are not biodegradable. So if you avoid the use of chemicals in your household, you also have to think of what happens with your microfibre when you're done with it. Also when I bought my new kitchen furniture the description said you weren't supposed to use microfibres on all the surfaces because they can scratch them. That's why I don't buy these.

  44. I absolutely love Norwex! The cloths I have are almost ready to be tossed, so I'd love to win these!

  45. I love norwex and would be excited to have more cloths to help keep my house clean!

  46. I like the fact it has silver in it against mildew and such! Went to her site and looked around. Lots of cool products.

  47. I looked at her site! I have been wanting to try the Norwex products. My mom has some and loves them!

  48. I've seen Norwex mentioned before and wondered about them, excited for the give away!!

  49. What a great product! Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. I actually won one Norwex cleaning cloth once and have wanted to try more of their products so I would be excited to win and get to see what else their cloths can do for me.

  51. I have JUST started using a few Norwex products in the past week and have loved them so far! Would love the chance to win and add to the collection:)

  52. My friend sells Norwex! I haven't been to a show yet, but I'm excited about going to one soon!

  53. I have heard so many great things about Norwex! Would love to try it!!

  54. I would love to try these!

  55. I've heard so much about microfiber - it sounds like an easy way to be more environmentally friendly.

  56. I've heard a lot about Norwex. It would be great to try it out! Thanks!

  57. Awesome! I'd love to try the Norwex products!!

  58. I love using microfiber cloths over paper towels or sponges. Paper towels are wasteful and sponges can be germ farms!

  59. LOVE THIS!! You always have the most amazing things on here!!

  60. Microfiber is great for drying your hair! Scrunching your hair with a microfiber towel will keep the frizz away. Great for curly hair!

  61. Fantastic! Anything to make my life easier and cleaning less tedious!

  62. Love the fact that the dirt is trapped and not spread int the air.

  63. These are great! My grandparents have them and I would love to have some of my own!

  64. These would be great with our busy/hectic household!!

  65. I couldn't figure out where to leave the comment. These Norwex products would work great with with new Shaklee Basic H. :)

  66. Seriously I just researched these today!!!! PLEASE choose me I am in love with them! I love the thought of less chemicals around my three little ones.

  67. I use Norwex EVERYTHING!! It is truly amazing, and I let my 2 and 5 year olds do a lot of the cleaning, because they are cleaning EFFECTIVELY with just water!! It's fabulous!!
    The mop kit is truly the BEST BEST BEST way to clean hard wood or laminate flooring. AND it's antibacterial, so when little hands are crawling across it, they are safe!!
    I don't have enough words to share all the good things about Norwex. :)

  68. this sounds like exactly what i need! i always feel like i am using too many paper towels when cleaning, especially in the bathroom. these towels might just be the answer!

  69. Visited her site and would love to win!!!

  70. These look awesome!!! I would love to win some!' :)

  71. They sound amazing! I hope I'm the lucky one!

  72. I've heard of Norwex and have been wanting to try out their products, in checking out her website I'm even more curious to see if their products can help me cut down on chemicals and dust cloth waste in my home. I hope I win!

  73. Being gifted microfiber bed sheets was one of the best things to help my allergies, and I'm sure using cleaning clothes made of the same material will only help more!

  74. I live in an older house which I think may generate extra dust so these would be great!!

  75. I would love to try the body pack!

  76. I visited the website and would love to win the contest. We started using cloth diapers a year ago and I am always looking for more ways to live green.

  77. I've been thinking about making the switch to microfiber for awhile. I checked out her shop and was surprised by the variety of items. I guess I just always thought as microfiber as being available in one simple cloth rectangle shape. I think the mop system looks great.

  78. I never realized they carried so many other products. I'll have to check it all out. I've heard such great things about this company and I'm all about helping out our planet.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  79. I've always wanted to try these products!

  80. I visited the website--these things are cool! i really need some new kitchen towels, mine are getting grimy and gross!

  81. Nice variety of products! And those microfiber cloths look like just the thing. We just found out that one of my boys might be asthmatic, so . . . reducing chemicals would be great.

  82. I love my Norwex Microfiber cloth! I could use one or two more to keep in different areas of the house.

  83. What a great giveaway! I love the idea of greener cleaning!

  84. I love the variety of products. With a new baby at home any way I can reduce chemicals in the house is a wonderful thing

  85. Thanks for the link to the website. I have heard of norwex but it is spendy so winning this would give me the push I need to get started!

  86. Yea for greener cleaning! Would love to win these. :)

  87. I have such a dusty house, no matter what solutions I try. I would love this!

  88. I went to Jennifers website and checked out the Norwex products. They are all great but I think the kids mop package is especially great! My kids are always wanting to help me mop!

  89. Just started using microfiber to clean....would love to try the shower cloths!

  90. I Just checked out Jennifer's site. I have started using microfiber, but recently heard about Norwex and I have been wanting to try them.

  91. I have heard really good things about Norwex microfiber. So cool you are offering them as a giveaway! Here's hoping!

  92. Everybody I know that uses Norwex loves their stuff! I've been interested in trying the cleaning cloth for awhile now!

  93. I just checked out the Norwex site!

  94. I've heard cool things about the Norwex but have never wanted to splurge that amount in case they don't work. I'd love to win and try them!

  95. I love using microfiber. Would love to try these. I like cleaning without harsh chemicals. Thanks for introducing a great new product!

  96. I've heard about Norwex before from my Moms Club buddies!! They love it!! Thanks for the opportunity to try it for free!

  97. Sounds like an effective way to clean. I hate using paper towels all the time but I wouldn't dare using a regular wash cloth because they never work the way you want them to. Something like this is perfect! Would work well with my homemade water/vinegar cleaning solution. yay for environmental safe products!

  98. I really like all the great colors and the microfiber seems like it would work really well. I'd love a way to clean in a more efficient manner. The bath mat looks fantastic!

  99. I love microfiber cloths. These sound amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!

  100. I love cleaning and saving the environment!

  101. Great giveaway! I love using microfiber cloths but have only used the ones from the auto department because they are cheaper. Wonder what difference it would make to use one specific for cleaning?

  102. I've never heard about these and can't wait to try them!

  103. Microfiber cloths are the best!!

  104. LOVE the idea of these cleaning clothes. Sometimes 'being green' products are boring, but these colors are tons of fun!

  105. Hope to get to try these!

  106. I absolutely love Norwex. I only use their dish cloths, and I love the dusting cloth for just a quick sweep through the house!

  107. I checked out the Norwex site and would love to try these - having 2 toddlers in the house I hate using chemicals!

  108. These sound great! Better than the old rags I use that just push the dust and dirt around.

  109. Hi Jen, I checked out the Norwex site, and they seem like great products! I already try to be a little "green" with the cleaning products that I use, and these would be a great addition! Love the microfiber!

  110. I checked out the Norwex site. My best friend raves about Norwex products and I would be so excited to try them out for myself!

  111. I would love to have these in my house and use them. I am just starting to look for new ways to improve my house and cut down on my budget

  112. I checked out Jennifer's Norwex website. I'd love to kick the papertowel habit for cleaning!

  113. I am so excited about this giveaway! I visited the Norwex website and not only do I love using microfiber towels, I really like the other options that Norwex has - like the car cloth! Also, the different cleaning products look tempting as well!

  114. I checked out Jennifer Norwex site. This product looks really cool and I love that they have products for kids!

  115. This would be amazing to win!!

    snowkatleo at hotmail dot com

  116. Lots of great products! Perfect time of year to get new cleaning tools! Thanks for the give-away!

  117. awesome! I've heard of these, but never really looked into them until now...

  118. I have a couple of microfiber towels, but would love to own more!! Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

  119. These look great! I have a few microfiber cloths but could always use more!

  120. love the blog, microfiber towels do wonders!

  121. I love the microfiber towels! So cool!

  122. These look fabulous!! Would love to give them a try. Great for my kids too! My 6 year old LOVES to dust - he could do a great job with these :)

  123. I keep meaning to try the microfiber clothes, everyone is talking about them! Hoping I win!

  124. I've been wanting to try them but never really got any this is perfect!

  125. With two little girls at home (1 and 3), I've been looking for ways to reduce the number of chemicals I use when I clean for their safety. I'm also trying to be more environmentally conscious and use less paper towels, Swiffer cloths, etc. Would love to win some a set of these microfiber towels to try out!

  126. I would love to win this!

  127. I'd love to win these to start out on the right foot in my new home. The less cleaners the better!

  128. Love microfiber. I like giving damp cloths to the kids to clean.

  129. Norwex is my best friend when it comes to cleaning! My absolute favs are the enviro cloths, toothbrushes and face cloths.

  130. What a fantastic giveaway! I'd love to get some new rags!

  131. These sound fantastic! I would love to win them!!

  132. What a great product! I hope I get to try it soon! :)

  133. I love Microfiber! I will have to try these!

  134. These would come in handy for spring cleaning. I love microfiber!

  135. I love Norwex.. been to a couple shows and now that my skepticism is gone, I would love to get some :)

  136. They look adorable! Helping the Earth is a good way to live! There are millions that do something to destroy it everyday! But if we all come together then there can be millions if not billions that do something to SAVE it everyday! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh and I visited the Norwex site! Love the photo with the Green Pink and Yellow cloths Closeup!

  137. i love norwex! ive been weeding out all of our toxic cleaners in an effort to eventually go all green. great products!

  138. these would be so great - i've been looking for a better way to get rid of all the dust without just spreading it around!

  139. I need all the help I can get when it comes to cleaning!

  140. This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing! :D

  141. I love Norwex products! I've been using them for the past 6 months or so and I love everything I've tried. My house is so much easier to clean also which makes me happy.

  142. Cool products! I'd love to try 'em out! The floor products look great for wood floors.

  143. I totally need these especially for the bathroom I always have a hard time with spreading the dust and the hair!

  144. I visited the site and I would love to use these in my living room and bathroom! Those are the worst areas for dust to accumulate.

  145. I visited the site and I would love to use them in every room of my house! I hate using cleaning products because I always fear what they are leaving behind and what my children could still pick up!!

  146. I checked out Norwex and I really like that the products not only work well and are reusable, but that they look good too! They may even get my hehind in gear to start deep cleaning so we can sell our house!

  147. I have heard wonderful things about Norwex, especially their toilet brush! I have been looking for a company that offers less chemicals but still give that safe, fresh, clean appearance!

  148. I love them! I could use them for SO many things. I love that they are reusable and I know they would leave my house really clean!!

  149. These look like wonderful products. i was especially excited to see the bath towels and the children/baby products. i wouldn't have known about either had I not visited Jennifer's site. Thank you Jennifer and Jen!

  150. I keep hearing about these products and would love to give them a try. There is a lot of great choice and it is good for the environment!

  151. I'm always stealing my husband's microfiber clothes - it might be time to get my own.

  152. NOt having to use a billion paper towels when I am cleaning would make these worth it to me!!

  153. checked out Jennifer's site! Norwex looks like what I have been looking for!!!!

  154. I love the idea of having a clean home without using harsh, smelly products to achieve it. I love how microfiber grabs more dirt and grime than other cleaning tools.

  155. My daughter-in-law brought one to my house to demonstrate. They are amazing! Definitely want some of my own.

  156. I checked out Jennifer's site and love using microfiber cloths for all cleaning!

  157. I fell in love with micro fiber when I worked at a car wash in high school. We only used them for "high-end" jobs and they really made the cars sparkle. Norwex's green philosophy is right up my alley would be a great addition to my house!

  158. I checked out Jen's website. I would love Microfiber clothes because they are washable and I would love to reduce my footprint on this world.

  159. The microfiber cloths would be a great trade-in for Clorox wipes!

  160. I've heard wonderful things about Norwex...but have never wanted to fork over the money. I'd love to win them!

    1. I should add that my entire family suffers from Allergies (hubby says I passed it on to everyone, including him)...and I'd love to be able to know I'm getting a good clean and not have dust following me around the house.

  161. I want one for my hair. I am only supposed to use cotton t-shirts or a microfiber cloth to dry my super curly hair. If I don't win, which I really hope I do, I'll probably order one soon (my hubby is tired of me stealing his t-shirts to use as towels).

  162. Love Norwex products! A mom of one of my students in my class is a consultant up here in Canada and I love having great access to great products that can keep my children safe but my home clean!

  163. I have been switching my cleaning supplies to be more natural and eco-friendly as my baby is due this August. These cloths would do the trick! Thanks :)

  164. I make a lot of my own cleaning supplies now, and my mom introduced me to Norwex products last year. I absolutely love them!

  165. I visited Jennifer's site. I love the idea of using reusable microfiber cloths on the body. I've never thought of that!

  166. I am an avid cook/baker and I clean my kitchen from top to bottom basically every day. These cloths would make things much easier, and much more eco-friendly!

  167. These cloths look great, and I love that you are supporting an independent consultant!

  168. I heard about Norwex last year, and I've been trying to get it in the budget to get some! Love them!

  169. These clothes look awesome! I love microfiber cloths, they really pick up everything :)

  170. Would love to clean using less chemicals!! These look awesome!

  171. I visited the website, love the idea of using fewer chemicals in my home.

  172. I would like to use these cloths to help me reduce my consumption of paper towels while cleaning.

  173. I have wanted to try Norwex products! My friends rave about them and I was just thinking of having a party! Would love to be able to test them out before I try to talk friends into buying!

  174. Oh how I would love cleaning products that are as earth-friendly as they are SUCCESSFUL at cleaning my home! With kiddos in the house, I try to limit (if not completely stay away from, but sometimes, it's all I can get to work) harsh chemicals. All I want are products that help me clean my house well without filling our bodies AND trash cans with trash!

  175. I checked out the Norway website. I know people who own their products and will never go back to regular cleaning again! I must stock up on these!

  176. Heard good things about these products - would love a chance to try them.

  177. i love norwex and would love to win these!

  178. I checked out her website. I have been using Norwex for a few years and love everything I have purchased! Even my 2- and 4- year olds ask to help dust with their dusting mitts. I love that it is safe for them to help clean!

  179. These look great. I'd love to win! :)

  180. I love microfibre and hate cleaning products so this is perfect for me. I haven't heard of cloths with silver in them before but it sounds like a great idea.

  181. I have heard a lot about Norwex but never tried it. I checked out the website...lots of great things to try!!


  182. Love Norwex! I just had a party last week and was amazed at what there stuff could do. It made cleaning fun and easy. Cut my cleaning time in half.

  183. I've heard wonderful things about Norwex products!

  184. What a great product! I am actually looking for new cleaning cloths!

  185. I've never heard of these before. I would love to give them a try and start putting more green in my clean.
    Kim Perry

  186. Looks like an awesome product! definitely need for the house.

  187. With a toddler, these look like a definite must-have in my home!

  188. I've been wanting to try these for a little while now. My mother-in-law swears by them.

  189. I totally love the window cloth, the absolute best. I have really been wanting more Norwex clothes!!

  190. Ooo I really like the travel packs. I'm excited to replace my paper towels with something a little more eco friendly.

  191. love this product and am always trying to dust without chemicals ... thanks for the opportunity!!


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