
Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Reader Space: Swoon Worthy Dollar Store Storage

We often times look at dreamy magazines and high end pictures so that we can identify what we adore about it and then try to replicate that look on our own personal budget.  What I love about today's reader space is that you look at it and think, "Gosh, she must have spent a fortune on fancy storage containers, I could never afford that" only to find out that she found majority of her items at.... THE DOLLAR STORE!

Jen wrote:

Hi Jen, it's Jen!

And like you, I HEART organizing! And your blog, of course! I love how it motivates me to simplify my life every day. As I get older, I am quickly beginning to realize that putting in a little effort organizing my home will save me loads of time in the future, and who doesn't like to save time {and money!}.

Last summer I decided to overhaul my kitchen cupboards, and not only make them more functional, but more pleasing to look at! All that mismatched packaging and cardboard boxes be gone! I love being able to see everything, so I know when I'm running low on an ingredient and can put it on my shopping list instead of finding out that I'm almost out when I need it for a recipe.

I sourced out my local dollar store, and was SO happy to find everything I needed there, instead of having to fork over $20 a pop for the containers I originally wanted. The cost to outfit this one large cupboard was under $50! Here's the breakdown.

8 x Vintage Looking Square Glass Containers $1.50 each = $12
6 x Large Plastic Bulk Containers $2.00 each: $12
6 x Glass Round Containers $2.00 each: $12
20 x Clear plastic "disposable" containers $2 for 10 = $4
4 x White Plastic Baskets $2 Each: $8
Total Cost: $48

Last week I took my pantry makeover one step further and designed some fun and vintage-inspired labels that make me smile every time I look at them! I believe that organizing should be equal parts pretty and practical, and I think this fits the bill! I loved the white baskets for loose kitchen items so much, that I even bought some for the fridge and am head over heels in love with them. Can't beat their $2 price tag either!

The labels I designed on my Mac using various inspiration I found online. I'm not a graphic designer by any means, but my past life as a wedding/event planner allowed me to develop some elementary skills for label/graphic making. The only problem with my label-proficiency is that I often have creative bursts that make me want to re-design and re-label everything! However, I must say I really like these ones so I think they will stay for a while!

Hope you enjoyed a peak into my pantry and THANK YOU for all of your inspiration!

OK, I am warning you, this is incredible.  Here is what she accomplished!  Oh SO pretty!

After I spent too long gazing through the gorgeous space, I pulled myself together enough to ask about the labels.  Here is what she had to say:

"I actually printed the labels on weather proof mailing labels from Staples that I had on hand from another project and then hand cut the shapes. I haven't had a problem with them so far but have also considered laminating ones in the future for more durability.  I expect them to last in the cupboard longer than the fridge though. I'm sure something similar could be done in vinyl- I just have yet to join the Silhouette club, but boy when I do I'm sure there will be some crazy label making in my house!"

Pretty super right?

What is better is that she is also offering up some freebie printables so you can have the same labels if you wish!

{click HERE to download your free copy of the rectangle pantry labels}

{click HERE to download your free copy of the square pantry labels}

  • It's pretty, oh so pretty!  We have the same belief that organizing should be both practical and lovely!
  • It's functional, I have always boasted that clear storage in the kitchen is the way to go.  It preserves the life of your food for longer and it gives you that quick visual inventory so you never run out of something you need in a pinch.
  • She re-created an uber high end look on a dollar store budget.  I personally never would have guessed those items were $2 or less a piece!
  • She made her own labels.  Anyone can do this!  Sometimes it just takes some trial and error, but I always encourage you to try!  The outcome is typically one you can be proud of!
  • Her cabinet is streamlined.  It is far more functional than having endless amounts of boxes and bags just stashed on the shelves.  All of that mix and matched packaging can be overwhelming on the eyes and items can easily get missed.

And, lucky us!  If you love Jen's creations and are looking to have some customized, you can check out her Etsy shop here

Thank you Jen for reminding us to check out that Dollar Store FIRST when shopping for storage solutions.  No need to spend $20 per container when $2 will do!  That goes for anywhere in the house as well, just a little imagination can make any storage lovely.  Just look at the magic of those pretty labels.  Wow, they make such a show stopping difference!  LOVE IT ALL!

Lets share dollar store organizing stories.  Who else has been pulling off high end looks for less?  What's your best dollar store score?

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!  More info HERE.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Exactly which dollar store did she go to? Because I need a few of these containers! Thanks!


    1. Hi Lura- I went to Dollorama in Canada. If you don't have one near you, just check out a few before you settle on buying your canisters. I hate when I buy something and visit another dollar store a week later and find something even better! They don't always have the same stock, so it's worth shopping around!

  2. WOW. Can't believe all that stuff is from the dollar store! I will be making a stop there in the near future.. haha.

  3. Same question here..can she share what store these come from? She did and ahhh-mazing job! WOW!!

    1. Dollorama in Canada - not sure if they have that same chain in the US but I'm sure there must be a dollar store with similar products!

    2. Hobby Lobby has those EXACT container and at 1/2 off, they are about $2.50 each!!

    3. Thank you Wendy!! I just went and looked and bought....a lot!!!

  4. that is absolutely INCREDIBLE. I'm feeling a bit inspired here... to the Dollar Store I go this weekend!

  5. I think this has got to be my fave pantry project you've shown on your blog! proabably because everything is functional and affordable. it really goes to show you how much you can do with so little!

  6. Wow, "swoon worthy" is right.

    Jen (& Jen), I do have a question, though. I agree with all the advantages you describe of having all those beautiful clear containers. But then you're always decanting, right? And you have to have a separate space to store the boxes & containers you're decanting out of. Plus, there's the issue of what to do when you're running low but not empty--do you dump out the contents, refill with fresh flour (or whatever), then put the older flour on top? Otherwise, you'd be constantly putting new food on top of old.

    I was tempted a while back to put all my stuff in containers but decided not to for those reasons. Instead, I stuck with decanting some foods (flour, sugar, rice) but left other stuff in packages (cereal, eg). Just wondering how you find the filling & refilling process.

    1. Hi Nancy! I've been decanting for about 8 months now and haven't had issues so far. I try to use jars that will hold the whole amount in the store package, so I don't have bits and pieces lying around (for the most part) and then recycle the original package. I have a secondary storage area under the counter with even more containers, and I often have doubles down there (a second jar of flour, sugar etc). When one gets low or I use it up, I grab and replace it with the secondary container, and then can rinse out and replenish the first. If the jars were more pricey, I might not do this, but at $2 a pop, why not?

    2. Unless you're buying in bulk buckets, just get larger containers. For example, in our house we could never have just a small container of rice. I have a large jar of rice. When its almost low I buy and then refill when empty. I'd never get a jar that is smaller than the standard size of the item that I buy. Having an item in its ugly packaging in your pantry for a day or two while you finish the last of it in the jar is still better than having it in there all the time, IMPO.

    3. Thank you! Having big-enough containers seems to be the key. In the past, when I've seen those, they were just too expensive to justify (especially in the quantities I'd want). But I wasn't looking in dollar stores.

      I may rethink this--but I also have to take another look of my not-very-spacious cabinets. I have to be sure that big-enough containers would be the right shape to fit into my cramped space.

  7. Your blog is just so encouraging and motivating. It's a "happy place" of mine. Thank you so much.

  8. *swoon* I love it! The font on these labels is ADORABLE and the containers are perfecto! They would actually coordinate with the ones I upcycled! Time to hunt down some big containers =) yay!

  9. I am totally impressed, totally!

  10. What an inspiration!

    I saved up and bought those "$20" containers. My daughter dropped and cracked one on the tile kitchen floor. Ouch! (for the container and my wallet) I need to buy a new one to replace the one that cracked and a few more.

    After seeing this post I am going to look elsewhere for new containers. Who knew dollar store containers could be so chic?

  11. I always go there first. Some people think I'm crazy but oh well, it works for me!

  12. Love it! This is so gorgeous and affordable!

  13. This is fabulous! I would love to know what the ladies want to know, what dollar store did she go to? I want to go! What a great job!

    1. Dollorama, a big chain in Canada. I'm sure there must be some comparable chain in the US that carries similar stuff though!

  14. Damn you, Canada! I was just at The Dollar Tree last week and their plastic container selection was not very good. I was specifically looking for containers for the kitchen cabinets and pantry.

    1. LOL, so funny, we are usually saying the same thing about the States! You guys have Trader Joe's, Home Goods,TJ Maxx- my, the list could go on and on! Keep looking- I'm sure you'll find them somewhere!

    2. You can find them at Ross. There are a lot.

    3. Thanks, but I don't think we have Ross in Michigan. I do have access to Trader Joe's, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls. Whooooo.

      Jennifer Opsahl - you're so great to answer everyone's questions and respond to comments. I also love your cake stands.

    4. Keep checking back to Dollar Tre...they get different ones in all the extras when you get them too...sometimes when they are gone they are gone forever.

    5. Hobby Lobby has a great selection of glass containers. If you go at the right time they will be half off - about $3 or $4 each. You can always order online if there is no store by you.

  15. This is beyond amazing! I have been wanting a similar look for pantry but haven't been able to make myself spend so much money on containers. This is the perfect solution.
    Great job and thanks for the inspiration!

  16. I am now inspired to shop at the local dollar store! Thanks!

  17. What an absolutely incredible makeover! And I love that the containers are such an efficient use of space. It looks incredible! And love those label!!

  18. I love this, great job!! I, too, have been looking for containers like that on the cheap and haven't found them so far. BUT - this post is definitely inspiration for me to visit dollar stores outside my normal haunts.

  19. Buh, buh, buh... (sorry, I'm in organizational shock and can't speak coherently!) I mean, seriously?! This is incredible!

    1. Haha, I just laughed out loud. That totally reminded me of Goldie Hawn in Overboard... :) LOVE that, I feel the same way when looking at pretty projects!


  20. This is awesome!!! I am just beginning the organization in my home...this may be my first project!!! Dollar Tree, Dollar I come!!!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. How awesome - I think my Dollar Tree will get a visit from me real soon :D

  23. What were the labels for the large bins in the top two shelves?

    Also, are the small rectangle boxes in the back holding the same contents as the ones in the front?

    Also, also, I can't figure out some of the labels on the small rectangular boxes. What are they?

    Beautiful! I want to create the same!

    1. Hi Roxanne- the top bins are "Boxed Side Dishes" aka Kraft dinner, Rice A Roni, Side Kicks etc, "Assorted Snacks", "Canned Foods" and "Canned Soups".

      The small boxes behind contain different dry items, just ones I don't use as often, like chocolate chips. They are really easy to access when I do need them as the containers in front are light and easy to move.

      The small labels pictured are: bread crumbs, mixed grains, flax seeds, wild rice, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, stevia, almonds.

      Hope that helps!

  24. Love this! Looks very similar to what i did in my cupboards. I used the same containers, they are great!

  25. Really beautiful beautiful beautiful and beautiful !!
    the words is running away !
    A+ !

  26. Simply beautiful organization! 'Nuf said. One question - a little off topic - what is the number thingy on the granite counter? Is that a clock? I've never seen anything like that... but I like it!

    1. It is a clock! I scored it an interior design warehouse sale for $10. I'm not sure where it's from, but I found the same one here

    2. First, this is such a helpful post!! And second, I adore that clock. I'm glad you where you can find it. Thanks!

  27. I have similar glass rectangle containers all filled with pasta. My rices are in the reusable plastic containers they come in, but I think I'll continue to buy more and transfer the rice and others into them. Love the look!
    I found all of mine at yard sales. They are all the same and seem to pop up at many and are uusually around $1.00 each. Can't wait for the yard sale season to start, I find many baskets and storage idea there.

  28. Excellent!! thanks for sharing!

  29. Jen, thank you sooooo much for sharing. I have to hit up a few dollar stores and make some pretty labels. I love the awesome job that Jen did and it was very inexpensive for the amount of containers she bought. I have a few cabinets that I can do this in and maybe even make my pantry a little nicer too. Heart it!!! :)

  30. These are so great! Thank you so much for sharing!


  31. Wow!!! So funny. I was at a dollar store the other day and someone was buying up a TON of those different containers for a pantry project. Brilliant. Labeling just makes all the difference in the world.

  32. This is AMAZING!!! And, timely for me as we are probably moving, and downsizing in the next 6 months or so. I am going to start stalking my $$$$ stores and see what is available! Thanks for sharing this Jen. XO, Pinky

  33. I am so happy I found you! Beautiful and organized spaces bring tears of happiness to my eyes! This is such a beautiful and beautifully inspirational site. Thank you!

  34. I agree with Jen is...what is the number thingy on the granite counter? Is that a clock? I love it! Where did you get it?

    1. Yes it is a clock! It is fabulous and I love it! I got mine for $10 at a warehouse sale, but if you feel like shelling out 10 times that (eeeek- sorry!) you can find it here

  35. Beautiful! I already have a list made out of various containers that I need, but I'll be sure to check out the Dollar Stores first!

  36. OH.MY.LORD. I am so inspired to head to the Dollar Store this weekend to see what I can score for my pantry. Thanks for the inspiration!

  37. This is awesome!! My "can't find anything" random kitchen ingredients drawer is going to very happy with you!

    In Which We Start Anew

  38. Thanks so much for sharing this super organised pantry with us. Love the labels too. Are we able to edit them so we can add our own products to them?

    1. Hi Linda, unfortunately not for the freebie ones. If you are interested in these specific labels, I can customize them for you on my etsy shop

  39. Even my husband thought this was awesome when he saw it! Thanks for sharing (nice labels)!!

    1. Haha, that's great! The day I did my pantry I was so worried my hubby would come home and not like them, but he does so all is good! :)

  40. Incredible! Can she come do my house?

  41. Wow wow WOW! So pretty and amazing that she got it all from the dollar store. Inspirational! Off to check out her Etsy store now... :)

  42. Shirley said:
    I hope that I am the only person in my area who reads this cause I want to go to the dollar store first. LOL...

  43. I love this! Pinned it. ;-) xoxo

  44. This is so fabulous!! Jen and Jen you both are miracle workers!! Thanks for sharing!!

  45. Any tips on what Avery Labels to buy or brand, etc.. To print best with?

    1. Avery 5524 is a weatherproof shipping label. There are 6 to a page, and these labels will print out so that they are on the labels and don't intersect with any edges. You will still need to cut them by hand to get the pretty shape though! I've also invested in a box of full page mailing labels. It's like one massive sticky sheet with no pre cut lines, so you can print whatever shapes you like and cut them out yourself. You do need a laser printer for the weatherproof labels though. If you have an ink jet, you can print them on regular mailing labels, or thick cardstock and then laminate them. Hope that helps! :)

  46. LOVE this post - and the comment above about decanting had good suggestions as well. I think we might be ready to take the plunge into jars here... but i have never seen glass jars like this at my dollar stores. :( and i'm rather partial to glass instead of plastic. i'll keep looking - sounds like i'll have to beat a bunch of other Hip2Save readers to the aisles!!! :D

  47. Very inspiring...just gorgeous! I have started decanting into glass containers and am looking for a good way to save the cooking directions generally found on the package. Do you have a creative suggestion to keep the recipe close at hand rather than filing it away in a recipe box or book? Thanks. <3

    1. Yes! I usually cut out the directions, fold it and stick it with tape to the underside of the lid. Super easy, out of sight and always on hand!

    2. Thanks Jen. That was exactly what I did recently. Great minds thinking alike? Ha.

  48. My question is, do those containers actually keep the food fresh? Some of them didn't look like they sealed. I'd be concerned that my goods would go stale. Did you have this problem?

    1. I haven't had any problems at all, and if anything have found it keeps food more fresh than they would have been in store containers (think MinuteRice box with a cardboard flap opening, cornstarch with a flimsy cardboard top, a paper bag of sugar or flour loosely rolled shut at the top, cardboard pasta box partially open and so on). The majority of store bought packaging is not designed to keep things air tight, so this is a huge improvement from that. The seal on these is good enough for me and my pantry use, but my *dream* containers from OXO are incredibly air tight, so maybe go for those!

  49. Also check your local TJMaxx HomeGoods Store! I just did the same thing to my pantry and all of the jars ranged from $2-$6 not too shabby in my book! This is beautiful and I have learned that I may have a slight obsession with clear contaIners :) thanks for sharing your awesome space! Hooray for organization!!!

  50. Looks amazing! I love when someone posts ideas that are affordable for everyone!!

  51. **SWOON** Love the pantry organization! As Lindsay mentioned about TJMaxx & Ross is a great place to find the glass containers as well. Absolutley love the flip clock :)

  52. That's fantastic, my kitchen is being renovated as we speak and when it is finished I plan to use these labels. Sooo pretty! The timing of this post is so funny because I just bought the exact same glass containers from Dollarama 2 days ago. I got the small ones and am using them in my freshly redecorated bathroom to store cotton balls, Q-tips and Soap. They are fantastic!

  53. Love this post and LOVE all your organization tips!!It's crazy organization can make someone so happy! Thanks for sharing all your tips!

  54. Very inspiring as I have been waiting to save enough money to buy new storage bins/containers for my pantry organization. I absolutely love your creativity and the finished result! One question, do the plastic containers keep the food airtight? I tried using some everyday plastic storage for some homemade snack mixes and the cereal got stale. Since then I've been thinking I need to buy the more expensive containers that advertise that they're airtight. Thoughts or suggestions for others?

    1. Hi Pam! The large plastic containers are not super airtight. They are, however, just as good if not better at keeping food fresh than the packaging they came in from the store. Those cardboard boxes with a little cello window that pasta comes in? Ya, not so airtight! I decided to put things in those containers that I'm not as worried about airtightness (either they're fine as is, or I use them up quickly enough for it not to be an issue). If you plan on storing something that might be in your pantry for a while and are concerned about freshness, then for those items I would get something more airtight. The glass canisters with the screw on chrome lids seem to be pretty air tight to me, so maybe check out those?

  55. Seriously one of the best pantry spaces I've seen yet! I am moving in the next 2 months and I have already downloaded your free labels (THANKS A TON!) and I can't wait to use them in my new house! This is just what all of us with million dollar taste on a shoestring budget need!

    1. No worries! Glad you like the labels! When you finally move and use them I would love to see pics! I post "client pantry photos" on my facebook page!

  56. Oh my gosh! It is gorgeous!!! And I am envious of what you were able to find in your dollar store Jen. Great job!

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer! Is there a "big" chain dollar store in the states that's known for good finds?

  57. Wow!! How beautiful. And thank you for the labels!!!

  58. WOW!!!! her project is amazing. I cannot believe she found those gorgeous containers at a dollar store. My next organization project is my kitchen and I wast thinking of going to IKEA for my containers but after looking at her project I have decided to hit a couple of dollar stores first to see if I can find what I need. Thank you so much for sharing the labels.

    1. You can't beat the dollar store! The prices are just so good, and you can organize 5 spaces for the price of 1 if you were to shop at regular stores! :)

  59. Hi Jen,
    I am a new follower to your blog. Can you tell me the name of the Dollar store where you found your containers?


    1. Hi JoAnne. I know it's confusing, but this isn't "my" blog (I wish it was though, lol!). This is Jen Jones' blog and I am Jen Opsahl, the reader featured in this post :) I got all of my containers at Dollorama in Canada- if you have one near you, go, go very fast! It is without a doubt one of my favourite places to go. I just found a super sized one about 15 minutes away today and it was absolutely incredible.

  60. Thank you for identifying the bins and hidden container labels.

    This is really exciting!

  61. Oh, thank you so very much for the printable labels!!!

    1. You are very welcome! Thanks to Jen for making them available because I would have had no idea how to make them downloadable!

  62. I couldn't help but notice your beautiful tile backsplash. Did you install that? If so, where did you get that tile?

    1. Why thank you! I love my backplash so much! We just had it installed around Christmas and I am amazed at how much of an impact it has made on our kitchen! I was lucky enough to score the tile from a warehouse sale for a very good deal, but I had to buy extras and got the extra tile from a large tile store in Vancouver. I'm sure most tile shops carry something similar. I saw a larger scale version of this tile at Home Depot for $15 a square foot, which is a pretty good deal. I'm planning a post of my backsplash in the new couple days if you want to stop by and check it out (taking pics tomorrow)! We got it installed but did a few things ourselves to save money!

  63. Wow. I'm thinking that having a pantry that looks that beautiful would definitely be inspiration to cook more! So neat and organized...I'm just afraid our Dollar stores will not have anything nearly as nice and cute. We'll see. It may take a while, but I'm definitely going to try this. Right now canning jars with labels works well for me.

  64. I found some glass jars with stainless lids today at the Dollar General (in Michigan). They are so cute and were really affordable. I bought the 28oz ones for $2 and the 56oz. ones for $3.50. I also saw a 30% off printable coupon that can be used for kitchen and houseware items on the Dollar General website that is good for this weekend only. I think I'll go back and get a few more. I'm so excited! I never knew dried food could look so cute!!

  65. Looks wonderful! I have just spent quite a bit on the OXO containers but am not convinced they are going to work so this may be a better route!

    My question is about nutrition you keep those off of the packages? I like to continually refer to the nutritional content of some of my items so was thinkng of cutting them off of the package and putting on the back or bottom of the containers- any better ideas?

    1. Hi Becky! I actually cut mine off the original packaging and tape to the underside of the lid. Easy to access and out of sight! :)

  66. What was your storage solution for liquids (olive oil, etc), shortening, vanilla extract & etc, spices, & the like? I also noticed this was all photos of mostly raw ingredients, do you literally not buy snack food (granola bars, chips, crackers, popcorn are what comes to mind from my pantry) or are you hiding those in a big white bin? I love how this looks but not sure I want to constantly decant Doritos and olive oil and vinegar.

    1. Hi Gigi! I have my liquids like cooking oil and sauces in our corner lazy susan cabient. I certainly have lots of snack food! The top right white bin is full of it, and I have another white bin in the cabinet above the stove that has chips and popcorn. This is just 1 of the 5 or so cupboards that house our food and ingredients. I do decant oil and vinegar into pretty glass jars that I leave on our counter, but things like chips stay in their bag, just organized in their proper bin! If you're interested in sneaking a peek into the rest of the cabinets, check my blog within the next week or so and I'll do a little kitchen tour.

    2. Thanks, I would be interested to see. I have a very deep pantry compared to yours- I have some of the same large canisters as you, but I can stack them 6-ish deep. It makes it really hard to see & organize regardless of what I put things in or how much I label!

    3. You could try putting them on a turntable so that you could see everything in your pantry, or just put the lesser used items in the back perhaps?

  67. Wow, this would be a dream! I love those labels. They're so cute! If only I had enough cupboard space to do something like this. In my next house :)


  68. I have to admit, the picture drew my attention long before I read the title, and my first thought was, "oh that's REALLY nice, but I couldn't afford those expensive containers!" Then after a few moments of envy, I DID read the title! Amazing that you did this on a dollar store budget! (and I'll be checking my dollar store later today!)

  69. Thanks for the inspiration! I've cleaned out my kitchen cupboards, made a list, wrote down measurements and now I'm off to the local Dollar Store!!

  70. So, looks like that the money is not completely worthless yet. :-) Quite nice containers you can buy for a Dollar or so. It just shows that if you look harder, you can spend less money than you ever imagined for something you need.

  71. Love everything about this! I wondered if it were possible to name the fonts that were used on the labels? I have a few more that I would like to make so that they are all uniform. Thanks!

    1. Hi Nicole! I used Sail and Villa Didot! All the best! :)

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  73. Is it possible to change the color? I LOVE the labels but my kitchen is black, white and red.

    1. Hi Ashley! The freebie download is in the one colour only. If you like, I can do a custom colour for you if you drop by my etsy shop

  74. Oh me, oh my! These are gorgeous! Would love them for my new crafts closet which is open shelving.
    So lovely that these were made available for free.
    Much love!

  75. I love your pantry so much and the labels are so cute. I don't think I've ever seen such nice looking containers at US Dollar Stores but I'll have to keep my eye open ;-)

  76. I love dreaming and this is one heavenly dream, for my kitchen! Maybe I can wake up one morning to this! :D It couldn't get any nice than this! Wow! I want and need to try this and the labels are impeccable! Thanks so much! Julie (the letter 4's mom)

  77. What are the names of the two fonts that were used on the labels?

  78. Hi Girls,

    Love the pantry, its awesome! I certainly don't want to rain on anyones parade, but do you know if the plastic at the dollar store is BPA free? You look like you really have a healthy pantry and I wondered if you knew?

    1. Yes, they are BPA free. Most of the plastics at our dollar store are (our regulations seem to be a bit tighter in Canada so I'm not sure if that is the case for all dollar stores).

  79. Fantastic looking pantry! They are to die for:-)

  80. No one else thinks its weird that all these dollar store containers cost more than $1?

    1. yeah this pic is misleading - there is no way these containers with stainless steel lids are a dollar - they are 9.99 to 12.99 each.
      Don't want to be a hater - just sayin....

    2. I know it's hard to believe that they are only $2 but I actually went to Dollarama when I was working in Buffalo, NY last week (it was only 20 minutes away & I figured why not). This dollar store is like none other in the US. It was amazing. Yes, those heavy duty round glass containers (the tall and medium size) were $2 each, I couldn't believe it!!! There was nothing over $3 in this store and I was hard pressed to find items for $3. If you are near the Canadian border it's worth a quick trip over the border. There seems to be lots of these stores! I found everything mentioned in the post except the square glass containers. The tops are great; they are light metal over plastic and they twist on not pop on and off. I hope this helps.

    3. It is true. These items are all under $3.00. I live in Windsor, ON (just across the border from Detroit, MI) and have at least 6 different Dollarama stores that I can visit in my area. The items range from $1-$3. Never more.

  81. No one else thinks its weird that all these dollar store containers cost more than $1?

  82. Help! I have a lot of baking pans in different shapes and sizes, how do I organize them?? Please!!!

  83. Jen, i see that you have the labels for sale on etsy and also some cute little spice containers. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to make a set like these (containers and labels) then ship the full set?

  84. Jen, i see that you have the labels for sale on etsy and also some cute little spice containers. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to make a set like these (containers and labels) then ship the full set?

  85. What do you put in the baskets up top?

  86. Hey! I'm glad I found you off Pinterest because I am in love with your site now!

    But I have a question, in the picture where you're showing your (Flour, Sugar, Coffee) Canisters - What is that Number Sign Thing called? & Where did you get it from? (Its so cute.. lol.. I like it)


  87. I love this!! But I was wondering if anyone in the US has found a place to buy the round glass containers.. I have searched and searched, even looked online. And they cheapest I have found is around $5. I have been looking for glass containers not only for this use, but for a couple craft projects. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it! THANKS!!

  88. Has anyone in the US found a place to buy these canisters? Particularly the glass round ones. I have searched and searched for months, the cheapest I have found is around $5 and I not only need them for this but I need them for craft projects too. I have even spent DAYS online looking and nothing. I was hoping maybe I could just order online from Dollarama like you can dollar tree. But no such luck. If anyone has found in US I'd like to know where!

  89. Hi, I desire to subscribe for this blog to take latest
    updates, so where can i do it please help out.
    my webpage > green coffee bean weight loss

  90. Found mine at hobby lobby for 50% off thw other day. Paid 2-4 bucks for various sizes

  91. Hey! Everyone whos looking for inexpensive jars and stuff u can find similar stuff online at:
    Ive been searching and searching and found these.
    Dollartree online also has some but u have to buy in bulk i think a minimum of like 24.
    Good luck everyone!

  92. I love these labels. Thank you for offering the free printables. I am wondering if you have ones that can be edited. I have bins in my pantry that are for snacks, also I would like labels for my canned food items.

    Shawnna cody

  93. Ok - What FONT did you use. I have other items that I need to label and want them ALL to match.... LOVE the font!

  94. What application do y'all use to download these printables? I have the free Adobe reader but it won't let me download the printable and says that I don't have the correct application to download. Any tips? Thanks!

    1. I haven't heard of any other issues - so many it's your version of Adobe?

  95. I've been trying to get organized for a while and am always looking for new ideas. This looks sooo much better than my cabinets. I do have one question though. How do you keep track of expiration dates if you take food out of their original packaging? Everything lasts awhile in my house since there are only two of us, and things last until expired sometimes. I've been keeping cereal in plastic containers for a few years since I had a problem with ants getting to it, but I never know when it is going to expire. If I put other stuff in containers i wouldn't know how long it is good for. How do you keep track of expiration dates when you take things out of the original packaging?

    1. I put information like this (expiry date info, cooking instructions etc) underneath the lid. I tape it there, or if it's cardboard I cut it out so I can just pop it under the lid!

  96. Hello I really love what you have done. I have been doing something like this for awhile now and I have seen people ask about the cooking directions and that stuff. What I have been doing is if I know that I am going to only keep a certain thing in a glass container I would put my label on one side to face out then I would tape the cooking directions and the serving size to the side of the jar that faces the back. I use shipping tape so the label is covered and it wont get messed up.

  97. I really like this, but can't find these at the dollar stores in my area. How can i or where can i buy them or order them

  98. hi, i love these thanks for posting! i'm working on my kitchen jars and i'm missing a few labels but i printed them on a clear label sheet cut it and placed it and cannot read the writting? any ideas?

  99. Hi I was wondering where you go that silver stand that displays the date?

  100. I can't download any of the links to download the labels. Have they been removed or disabled?


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