
Thursday, May 24, 2012


Silhouette CAMEO Tote & a GIVEAWAY!

Did you know the fine folks over at Silhouette can read minds?  They read mine when they came out with the new Silhouette CAMEO rolling tote!  I am in loooove, it is a organizer's dream!

The new tote is the perfect way to safely transport your CAMEO, along with the cutting mat, laptop, cords, vinyl rolls and accessories!

Yep, you read that right, they included a spot for my laptop!  Genius thinking!  Nothing worse than carrying 7 bags when traveling for a day of crafting!

But where does the CAMEO go?  Now you see it...

Now you don't!

The front pocket is a great place to keep all of the smaller tools:

The bag is surprisingly compact, and to make it easy on us, it also sports some wheels and a telescoping handle!

Silhouette also read your minds when you were thinking it should be promo time again, and that we should give away another CAMEO and a new travel tote!

{enter using the giveaway management tool below, just follow the simple steps}

Its promo time!

{Silhouette CAMEO & Tote bundle for $309.99, enter ORGANIZING at checkout!}

{Silhouette CAMEO Tote for $54.99, enter ORGANIZING at checkout!}

Good luck my friends!

Pssst!  I wasn't paid or swayed to write this post, I was just offered a Silhouette Travel Tote to provide an open and honest review and giveaway!


  1. I would absolutely love to win this! I love all the stuff you do with your cameo doing labels and stuff. Love your blog :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow another Cameo giveaway! Awesome!

  4. Love your blog! I have a Cameo and LOVE it! Great giveaway with the tote.

  5. Ohmygoodnessohmygoodness! I love love love this! This would be perfect for taking to my SIL's when we craft together. I sooo want to win!

  6. I would love a Cameo.. I am dreaming of what can become of my home with this :)

  7. I WOULD LOVE a cameo and the bag to tote it around in. I have been so inspired by your website that I have a list of to-do's for my home this summer and the cameo would be SO great.

  8. What a fantastic giveaway!! Not only the Cameo, but a tote to organize it in as well!! Kudos!!

  9. What a cute tote -- LOVE IT! Crossing my fingers & toes for this one :)

  10. Thank you so much for the give away!!! Hoping I win!!

  11. I would love this, been wanting one for a while now. Unlimited possibilites with this!!!! Candy

  12. Thanks for the chance to win this. Love your blog.

  13. throwing my hat in the ring, thanks for the chance to win one!

  14. This is such an awesome giveaway!

  15. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

  16. It's time for this girl to have a Silhouette, and I've got a good feeling about this giveaway! Fingers crossed ;)!

  17. Oh my goodness, I would love this! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  18. Oh man I saw this at the National Stationery Show this week and got soooo excited!

  19. This tote is really cleverly designed! I'd love to win one (& the cameo to go in it, of course! haha)

  20. Oooooh, oh the fun I could have!

  21. I follow both of you through email noweesmom at g mail dot com
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  22. I am so excited for this! I've been trying to win one of these babies for awhile and the teal bag is GORGEOUS. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  23. i would love to have one of these... oh, the fun that i could have!! thanks for all the wonderful ideas!!

  24. Wow! What a great giveaway! I would love to win :-)

  25. I've been dreaming about this, hope my dream comes true!!! Awesome giveaway. Thanks Jen :)

  26. I would absolutely love to win this!

  27. This would be a dream come true! my fingers cross! :)

  28. I want this one sooooo bad! I can't afford that right now, but would get so much use out of it!!! What a great give away, I hope lady luck is on my side.

  29. Thank you so much for your amazing giveaways!

  30. What a great giveaway! I love following your blog - I am trying to become more organized and you have amazing ideas! Thank you for all you do to help people like me!

  31. Adorable! That Turquoise tote is totally you!! I love it : )

  32. I entered! This is an awesome giveaway.

  33. This is wonderful!!

  34. I enter all your Cameo give-a-ways and now a tote to boot! Would love to have this when I go crafting with my friends. I have to borrow the ones they have!

  35. Oh how fun to win this !!! I thought Iwas following you but I guess not- I am now!

  36. Have been looking at this and would be great to win.

  37. Have been looking at this and would be great to win.

  38. I would LOVE to win a Cameo!

  39. YAY! I have wanted a Cameo SO bad for SO long! Crossing my fingers X

  40. This would be so fun! Great giveaway!

  41. This is SOOO cute but too much for my current budget. It would be a dream to win one and enjoy creating beauty all around me! I'll say my prayers tonight!!
    This is very generous of you to offer!! You're the best! :)

  42. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I am loving your blog and daily emails. Soo super inspiring to make some major changes in my home! You are awesome!

  43. This is a great giveaway. I love your blog!

  44. I would so love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!! I have wanted a Cameo for awhile now! THANKS!!!!!!!

  45. I would love to win this, I could do so much organizing around the house with tons of labels. Thanks so much for this amazing giveaway

  46. Would so so so love one of these!!! They are really expensive here so would just love to win one.

  47. Just started following your blog and am so inspired! Thanks for sharing.

  48. Shirley@sguzzi.comMay 24, 2012 at 9:50 PM

    Love this tote!! They are an organizer's dream!

  49. Please, oh please, pick me. :) I I have been drooling over the Silhoette since the day I was introduced to it by your blog! I would love to have one!

  50. This is at the top of my list of craft wants! I hadn't followed their blog until this giveaway and I didn't realize half the stuff I love on Pinterest is from the Silhouette blog!

  51. I would LOVE this!! I have been wanting one, and now with the tote!!!!! Good grief!

    Sure hope I win!!! :)

  52. One of my best friends has a cutting machine, and I feel bad because I want to use it all the time. I would love to have one of my own, especially this one. Love it!

  53. I have followed the link for Rafflecopter signed in but I must be missing something. So leaving a comment would love to win and that has to be the first practical bag designed not only for the intended product but everything you could use with it. Well done Silhouette.

  54. Seeing how you make all your labels is why I want a Silhouette over the other cutters!

  55. oh please organising God let me win this...!!!

  56. Awesome.....thanks for the giveaway...pick me puhleeeeeeese! Lol. I am sooooo wanting one of these!

  57. Amazing giveaway, the bag is just gorgeous!!

  58. I love this set that you are giving away. I hope i win it. I've seen so many things i could do more over having the silhouette.
    I looooove your blog too; you have so many cool ideas, not just with the cameo either.

  59. LOVE this bag and all the compartments! Can't forget to mention that I love your blog. I'm a newbie, but I'm lovin' it.

  60. Great gret giveaway. Would love to win and get creative.

  61. crossing my fingers. Then I won't have to keep asking my mother in law to cut stuff out for me!

  62. An organizers Dream, indeed!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. I want to win this so badly but anything I click on above to enter the giveaway only takes me to a page with just an image or only to the description of the Cameo. Which is the actual link for the drawing?

    1. LOL!! I see! I'm a happy girl now. :)

  64. Oh how I would live to get my hands on this, I have so many ideas since I follow them on Facebook and Pintrest and also watch the awesome you tube videos :)

  65. This would be amazing to have and create with!! Happy Memorial Weekend!

  66. Fingers crossed!! This is awesome and would love it for my organizing business I just started.

  67. I have sooo many ideas for a CAMEO. And I love the that bag has wheels! I have a feeling the only way I'll be ever be able to get a CAMEO is to win one. *Fingers crossed* - Heather K

  68. WOW, I love this tote organizer on wheels, what more can you ask for. I can't wait to start labeling with such creative ways. I need to organize my life.

  69. Awesome giveaway!!! Love the tote, so organized and perfect if you are on the go.

  70. Awesome!! Would love to win one of these!

  71. I love this giveaway! I really need a silhouette. You do the cutest things with yours!!

  72. Thanks for the giveaway and the tote is an amazing addition!

  73. AMAZING! I had no idea it could hold so much! Thanks for the chance to win!

  74. Amazing!!! You have fantastic giveaways!

  75. Thanks for the oppty' to win a fabulous prize!

  76. I have been dreaming of a Cameo....I plan to use it for Project Life, some vinyl cut-outs and lots, lots more!

  77. Love this giveaway!! Thanks for the great giveaways!

  78. Awesome giveaway! I'd love to make some vinyl cutouts for my kids' rooms. Thanks!
    Traceyfroemke @drtel(dot)net

  79. Love your organizing tips--if anyone can get me organized, it will be you! :-D Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  80. Just found your blog today and am so thrilled I did! I'm your newest follower and thank you for the amazing giveaways, resources and tips!!!

  81. I could do so much with a Cameo!

  82. My daughter would go crazy for the pink tote.

  83. Out of all the products to win...the Cameo would be the best!!!

  84. Wow! That bag is so well designed. Crossing my fingers!

  85. Jen you are amazing! Thank you for your blog I enjoy reading your posts and attempting to organize my life! Thank you for the inspiration!

  86. love love love it!!! here's to hoping for the win! :D

    lily521 @ yahoo (dot) com

  87. love love love it!!! here's to hoping for the win! :D

    lily521 @ yahoo (dot) com

  88. Will look GREAT with m epulling my handy machine wherever I go! Can't leave Cameno homE!


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