
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


IHeart: The OddJob & a GIVEAWAY!

Part of being organized, is finding ways to simplify your life.  And sometimes that means paring down and looking for multifunctional pieces and tools to save space.  That is where this week's giveaway sponsor comes in!

The OddJob is unlike anything else on the market today in that it rolls 11 of the most common household tools into one!  It serves as a hammer, mallet, nail puller, ratcheting screwdriver with seven bits and flexible extension, and retractable utility knife, while still fitting into a small bag, a kitchen drawer, or a glove box.

As it's name suggests, the OddJob is handy for assorted tasks - from hanging pictures, to assembling toys and furniture, to opening boxes, to replacing cabinet hardware.  It is also useful for projects in the garage, shed or backyard.

Here is what the product manager for Crescent has to say about the OddJob, "Before the OddJob, you'd have to rely on a variety of separate tools.  For someone who doesn't use a lot of tools, that creates unnecessary clutter and the opportunity for things to get lost."

The kind folks at Crescent are stopping by today to giveaway a few of these marvelous tools!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone and...

The OddJob is available for purchase here.  IHeart Organizing official giveaway entry rules can always be found here.


  1. My most-used tool is probably the screwdriver. Not only do I use it to (obviously) screw things that come loose (my old pot handles, all the time!), but I pry things open, and have been know to occasionally use the handle as a hammer when I was too lazy to go get an actual hammer!

  2. What handy little tools! I think my favorite tool is a screwdriver. I use it for numerous things, including opening paint cans.

    Vera :)

  3. Nail clippers- can't stand long nails on my kids
    Jamie Pennnington

  4. My favorite tool is kitchen scissors! I can't open packages correctly without them. :)

  5. I guess my favorite would be a screwdriver. There are a few loose screws around this house and once I get started on one I just can't stop until they are all tightened. It is the one tool I hide so that the husband doesn't put it some place where I cannot find it.

  6. Probably my screw driver...I used it all the time when changing batteries in things.

  7. I use my drill all the time, but can usually be found with a measuring tape, hammer, screw driver, and level in my pockets :)

  8. I'm a huge fan of the hammer. How would I hang my pictures without it?!

  9. My my favorite would be a heavy duty stapler- it hides a multitude of sins!

  10. The hammer! You can even use it to make crushed ice for a cocktail ;-)

  11. I have one of those interchangeable screw drivers where you can change the tip as needed. That thing goes everywhere!

  12. Measuring tape. I use one at home a lot when I'm rearranging furniture, artwork, etc. I also keep one in my handbag (along with necessary measurements) for when I'm out shopping. never know when might stumble upon the perfect little table or some baskets that might fit in that little cubby

  13. I always seem to need a screwdriver and it is mostly to change batteries.

  14. My hammer is my most used tool, with how often I change my decor on my walls.

  15. my drill driver - love it it's heavy, but reliable

  16. I use a screwdriver for lots of odd jobs and have mini ones stored all around the house

  17. The screwdriver... It's needed so often and has so many other uses. I love how this screwdriver can bend into hard to reach areas!

  18. Haha - I was going to say exactly what JA said! I love our little screwdriver, since we are constantly changing batteries in our little guy's toys.

  19. The tool I use most often is a screwdriver, but I love having a hammer handy in the house instead of going to the garage to find one.

  20. My favorite tool is my tiny screwdriver that has two different heads. Perfect for opening toys and replacing batteries!!

  21. It would probably be my screwdriver. It becomes a hammer at times too...but not meant to at all!

  22. I would say screw driver as my little boys are always loosening things around our house.

  23. I use probably all of those things about the same (maybe not the nail puller, though I definitely need one with plaster walls!). What a fantastic way to reduce clutter! Even if I won one, I think they'd make fantastic Christmas presents for my extended family.

    ~Elizabeth S.

  24. This is such a cool idea! My favorite is probably the hammer...good stress relief!

  25. In my first apartment my favorite tool was the needle-nose pliers. Being a basement apartment, we had bugs and the pliers were perfect for moving them to the bathroom for a watery grave.

    Now I have a whole toolbox of real tools and an entire house that needs them. But I was thinking the OddJob will be perfect when I taking my Girl Scout troop camping. There's always something in the lodge or cooking shelter that needs a little fix. Leave things better than you found them, you know?

  26. My favorite has got to be the hammer! I love rearranging paintings, so its pretty important!

  27. I can never find the hammer or screwdriver, since my dear hub leaves them in random places. Please let me have my own- all in one. Purty please!

  28. I love tools. I actually created my own toolbox years ago and I think I use my tape measure more than anything. This tool would go right in there next to it.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. This would be so neat for me, as a woman who doesn't like rummaging through my husbands tools!

  30. kitchen scissors for many things from opening bags to cutting up chicken.

  31. I love my pocket knife. It has a bunch of tools that work great, but it is missing the hammer and mallet!

  32. I use my screw driver all the time. . .

  33. I have a hammer that can be taken apart and there are several different sizes of screwdrivers. I would say this has to be my favorite tool. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  34. My mini-screwdriver! I have three boys (and one easy girl) and I am constantly unlocking doors, untying knots, replacing batteries, and digging out stuck items. I use that screwdriver all the time!!!

  35. My favorite is a screwdriver, but sons is a hammer. I have to take apart all the stuff he hammers things into. Oh boy.

  36. the screw driver since all my kiddies toys pretty much require batteries.

  37. the screw driver...I use it for opening everything...especially changing toy batteries.

  38. That tool looks awesome. I have many projects where it would have come in handy.

  39. I use my tape measure all the time.

  40. I use mt tape measure all the time.

  41. Favorite tool...would have to be my hammer. I like to rearrange my gallery wall all the time so I am always pulling out nails and hammering them back in a different location :)

  42. Looks like a great tool.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. My favorite, most-used tool is a mini-screwdriver. I use it to change all the batteries in my kids' toys!

  44. A butter knife is my most commonly used 'tool'. I use it to open letters, pry open mason jar lids, as an ice pick when the ice sticks together, a screwdriver for battery compartments, to fish things out from under and beside the oven, and to clean tiny crevices.

  45. The tape measurer is my favorite tool. We seem to use it constantly. DJ

  46. My recent faves are the pliers. Our bathroom faucet was broken, and we had to use the pliers in order to open the cold water tap.

  47. What a great little tool! My favorite tool is the screwdriver! So many uses for them.

  48. I love that this tool can replace so many and save room in my overcrowded tool drawer. My favorite would have to be the bendy screwdriver.

  49. Probably our hammer. I love to hang pictures (just ask my husband)!

  50. My most used tool is my multi screwdriver. It has a floral handle and two different size bits.

  51. My fav tool is my multi screwdriver. It has a floral handle and two different sized bits.

  52. Oh -- sounds like the perfect tool! My favorite tool would have to be a multi-head screwdriver, so this somes like another great multitasking tool!

  53. I'd have to say my favorite household tool is our stud finder/level/electrical wire finder tool from Black & Decker. It has saved us a few times, especially in the electrical department! Here's a link to the product in case you'd like to check it out:

  54. I love using a hammer around the house. I feel so powerful!

  55. That's a tough one, but I use my screwdriver a LOT! That would def have to be my favorite tool.

  56. I love my cordless drill!

  57. I love my staple gun. I know that seems silly but it's saved my cheep walmart bookcases too many times to count!

  58. I love my cordless drill!

  59. My favorite would probably be a screwdriver because im constantly using it, and I can use the other end as a hammer (probably dont need to do that so much!)

  60. My favourite tool, by far, is the screwdriver ... I feel like I'm always unscrewing something (mainly toys) to replace batteries! Melissa L

  61. my favorite tool is my miter saw. so fun to use!

  62. jen--you're amazing! my fave would be the screwdriver...i always seem to need it for something or other...

  63. Seriously that is the coolest tool ever! It would be so useful for easy storage in a small apartment!

  64. My power drill is a lifesaver!

  65. What a great stocking stuffer!! I can't live without a level, command hooks and a cordless drill :)

  66. Well isn't that the coolest thing? I'm curious to see the bendable screwdriver in action!

  67. I love my all-in-one paint tool - opens the can, scrapes, closes it, etc. etc.

  68. I've been looking for something like this—perfect!

  69. My hubby's drill...he can do ANYTHING with that thing!

  70. This is very cool and would really simplify my life!

  71. I can never seem to keep all of my tools in one easy-to-find place (that may have something to do with sharing them with my husband :)) so this sounds amazing!

  72. My favorite tool is the screwdriver...because I use it for everything..even though I probably shouldn't! You mean you're not supposed to use the handle end of the screwdriver as a hammer...? :)

  73. My favorite tool around the house is the hammer.

  74. This is perfect! I usually use my screwdriver for all of those things! I'm known to just use anything around for a hammer . . .

  75. Love this! I usually just use whatever is laying around for tools - oops!

  76. Since my hubby is the fix-it master, my fav tool is my Scotch adhesive tape gun (ATG.) It can fix just about anything. :)

  77. Favorite is probably a screwdriver

  78. My favorite tool currently is the screwdriver - helpful for getting into all of my toddler's toys to replace drained batteries. :)

  79. Scissors! I always find myself using them - for opening boxes, cutting coupons, trimming stray threads off clothing... :)

  80. Razor blade. I use it all the time to open packages or cut paper for crafts... :)

  81. We use a screw driver the most with assembling and unassembling toys and other household objects. Thanks!

  82. My favorite tool is the glue gun. My hubby usually wants to handle the rest. It makes him feel useful. :)

  83. This would be great for the train table we need to put together on Christmas Eve!

  84. I probably need the screwdriver the most often!! This looks like a great do-it-all tool!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  85. My favorite household tool is the hammer because I've been hanging up a lot of really cool art pieces recently. Woohoo!

  86. I like the tape measure. It's just so fun to measure things :-)

  87. Hammer for sure! Its just so versatile!

  88. Power drill! Always the power drill...though my palm sander is moving up in the ranks! :)

  89. Scissors would probably be my favorite because they have many uses

  90. This tool is so awesome!I really want one!
    My favorite tool a hammer. My dad recently taught me how to really use one and swing it so I hit the nail without missing. Love doing that, makes me feel handy. ha

  91. For me, it's got to be my cordless drill. It's a lifesaver for someone not handy who lives alone!

  92. Screwdriver. I bought one just for me, but it's always being borrowed by various members of our family.

  93. It's got to be my cordless drill - it is a life-saver for a klutz who lives alone!

  94. Can't go wrong with duct tape and a hammer!

  95. This tool looks amazing, and could really come in handy around my house!

  96. Love my magic eraser. I consider it a tool. lol

  97. This tool looks amazing, and could really come in handy around my house!

  98. It's a tie between my Ryobi cordless drill, which I use as a driver all the time, and my spray paint handle, because I am always spray painting something. This little tool makes it an easy job!

  99. The OddJob would be perfect for me. My favorite tool? Although I've used many, my favorite is whatever my husband happens to be using while he works on a DIY project for me. :)

  100. My favorite tool is a pair of hemostats. You can get into tight spaces and get a tight grip on it to pull things out. A must with 4 little ones!

  101. My favorite tool is a pair if hemostats. You can get into tight spaces and get a good grip on things to pull them out. A must with 4 young kiddos!

  102. I love the idea of having so many tools in one, but my biggest fear is that my lovely husband would loose it as he has a tendency with hand tools.

  103. I think probably my hammer - which is always missing!!!

  104. A hex wrench because most ikea furniture requires the use of it.

  105. Our most used tool is a screwdriver.

  106. Love this! I definitely could get lots of use out of this :)

  107. I need this just for the flexible part! That would have kept my husband from some expletives when I asked him to hang the last curtain rod!! I would love to win! But if I don't, I am probably going to have o buy one!

  108. My favorite is my kobalt screwdriver that ratchets. It makes jobs so easy!

  109. Screwdriver. I'm always using it to open paint cans or tighten cabinet hinges. Also useful to open boxes! I would love to have an all in one tool though. I am always running up and down stairs trying to find where my husband put the tool I need.

  110. I would definitely use it as a hammer or screwdriver

  111. My favorite tool is the screwdriver because it is the most used tool in out house.

  112. The screwdriver! I'm constantly replacing the batteries in my one year old's toys! :)

  113. This would be awesome. Especially since I'm selling all my tools (Sad Face) because I'm moving cross country in a few months.

  114. Cordless drill! You can use it for so much!

  115. A screwdriver! Because I find myself needing it the most (& never knowing where it is).

  116. My husband loves his set of screwdrivers..:)

  117. My husband is always busting me for taking off my clog ad using it as a hammer!

  118. The drill... although it would be nice if it were charged more often.

  119. I use my set of minI screwdrivers most often. Seems like something always needs new batteries around here.

    Thanks for the chance to win an Odd Job tool! It would be perfect for my son to use in his new apartment!

  120. The Odd Job tool looks great for use in an apartment, so it would be perfect for me!

  121. I have some random giant adjustable wrenches that get used most often....however they are used as a hammer, not for their intended purpose!

  122. Great giveaway! I love my miniature screwdriver set. It seems that all the toys the kids get have the tiniest screws on their battery compartments!

  123. MAN, this thing is awesome! My current favorite tool is my electric screwdriver - Ryobi. Smaller than a drill, but faster than my hands. (:

  124. I would use it as a hammer or Screwdriver!

  125. This looks totally cool

  126. Just moved into our first place! The hubbs has lots to help me with :)

  127. My favorite household tool is our hot glue gun, I use it for crafts and small repairs.
    Tanya riley
    tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

  128. That tool looks pretty snazzy! Our fav tool is the screwdriver that has the bits built into the screwdriver itself for easy changing!

  129. I love the bendy extension piece, that is such a good idea!!

  130. The one I use the most is probably the philips head scredwriver, but my favorite would be the hot glue gun. :)

  131. I use scissors every day and would love to win this!

  132. phillips head screwdriver by FAR. I think I use it daily and not always for its intended uses. I think this multi tool is amazing!


  133. The drill is my favorite household tool. I use it all the time!

  134. My favorite tool is the drill. I use it all the time!

  135. I love my level - crooked pictures drive me batty! LOL

  136. Favorite is probably my srewdriver - seem to use it a lot. This tool looks awesome - lovin' it!

  137. We are always using a screwdriver to change batteries in toys!

  138. My most used tool would be a hammer & nails (: followed by a screw driver. Can i tell you how often we misplace one or more of these tools you're giving away! all-in-one?!? brilliant!!

  139. kelly albertson ( kel at cox . net)December 19, 2012 at 1:46 PM

    I think I'm a screwdriver gal, too. I use it probably more than anything else, especially to get into son's toys to replace batteries. :)

  140. I love the scredriver!! There is just something wonderful about using it!

  141. My favorite household tool is the screwdriver. I need it the most for replacing batteries in toys. :)

  142. my favorite tool is kitchen shears! they're so handy!

  143. I love our drill. We use it all the time. But this multi tool would be great too. Great giveaway!!!

  144. My dremel multi-tool is my fav!

    Melissa K
    frogribbit44 @ gmail . com

  145. I love my toolkit that came in a pink case (I'm the handy one around our house). I'd love to win one of these! Sooo many tasks I could use it for.

  146. My favorite tool is my screwdriver of course. I keep on upstairs and one in the garage so I never have to run around to find one.

  147. Our most used tool is a screwdriver.

    jennyarzola (at) yahoo (dot) com

  148. My stainless steal cooking pot. I know this is not technically a tool, but I love it! Non-toxic and the perfect size for everything I need to get done in the kitchen.

  149. Most used tool is a screwdriver. We have many in the house so I never have to go searching for one.

  150. Most used tool is a screwdriver. We have many in the house so I never have to go searching!

  151. My husband is a computer guy so he has all these teeny tiny screwdrivers that are seriously awesome to use around the house!!

  152. Definitely the electric drill! Not sure how we would manage without one.


  153. Our mini screwdriver is the most used.. Most of the toy battery covers have those tiny screws and I'm always changing batteries!

  154. We are not very talented when it comes to tools, so having multiple tools in one would be great! My favorite tool is a mini screw driver that I keep in my kitchen drawer.
    Heather N

  155. My screwdriver with the interchangeable head is my favorite household tool. I don't need a drawer full of screwdrivers! The same one works for all my little jobs around the house.

  156. drill!
    nlcorless [at] gmail

  157. I would love to own one of these tools. At the moment I own a hammer and 2 phillips screw drivers - oh, and I have a box of box cutters.

  158. I steal the screwdriver from my sewing area all the time as I never have one handy!

  159. My favorite tool is a screwdriver. A lot of things can be substituted for a hammer, but a phillips head screwdriver can't be duplicated with household objects.

  160. I would totally love to have this! It beats digging through my tool bag for one little thing on a day-to-day basis.

  161. I LOVE this giveaway & could totally use it!!!! so much work to be done!!! <3

  162. I definitely use our screwdriver more than anythiing. So many battery compartments to open!

  163. My glue gun. I can fix just about anything.

  164. My favorite, and most useful tool to use is my laser level. My husband has always poked fun at me because my photos are never level. So I found this awesome little level at the thrift store for $1! :)

  165. We have a whole drawer in our kitchen devoted to various and sundry tools. All needed, but a waste of valuable kitchen real estate. this tool looks like it would be a great replacement for many of these tools and give me back some space in that kitchen drawer!

  166. Its not my fave, but its the one I use the most-the screwdriver! Use them to change batteries out of the toys and for assembly! :)

  167. Gotta go with the screwdriver. I keep one in my desk and use it mostly for putting new batteries in the toy train.

  168. I love screwdrivers. So multifunctional!

  169. Hand sander--we use it to prep our projects for painting and to "scruff" up the paint we applied.....

  170. My favorite tool is my hammer - I use it in scrapbooking, decorating, etc as it is a tiny toy hammer that my I have had since my son was little - 27 years.


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