
Saturday, October 5, 2013


Staples SUPER Saturday & a GIVEAWAY!

It's that time again!  Some special Saturday lovin' sponsored by my partner in organizing crime, Staples!

I have been personally using the discbound products for a long time.  I found them one day at Staples and it was like angels were singing.  I instantly snagged a bunch of the Martha Stewart products and put together my most favorite daily planner ever.

Having used the system for awhile, I have slowly been switching a my other systems over to the discbound method as well.

Another set of pages that I find myself clutching to frequently is my blog bible... also known as my blog planner.

This lovely set of pages was just upgraded to the Arc system by Staples, and I am LOVING it so much more now.

These notebooks are designed on a disc system, which means that you can do many things with your notebooks and inserts to ensure that you have a system that grows with you and lasts a very long time. 

Because the pages are not spiral bound, they can be swapped out over and over again.  I print a lot of my own pages, which I can punch and insert into the notebook.  Staples also offers many different insert options as well, such as dividers, calendars, note pages, etc...

These Arc Notebooks come with the discs, durable covers, and lined notebook sheets.  All you need to do is customize it, add your own schedules, papers, reminders and thoughts, and you have a life saver!  Especially if you are a list maker like me!

So yes, I have been of fan of the Arc discbound system for quite awhile now... and now you can be also!  Staples is here with a superfab special Saturday giveaway!

Today you can win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am happy to throw in a $30 credit to my Etsy shop for the winner as well {so you can fill your Arc with pretty printables}!  Wahoooooo!

Staples sweetly offered me an Arc Discbound Notebook for review and to giveaway to my lovely readers.  All opinions are 100% my own.  IHeart Organizing official giveaway entry rules can always be found here.


  1. Woo Hoo! this looks exciting! :)

  2. I've only recently started seeing things about disc-bound systems. They look SO awesome, but the start-up cost is daunting. This would be awesome!! :D

  3. Thank you so much! I love the Arc Discbound system, but I must admit that I'm almost MORE excited about the $30 credit to your store :) I LOVE your blog planner

  4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love Martha Stewart products AND your printables!

  5. Those are incredible looking planners! I have never seen them, but if I don't win them, I will definitely have to go looking for them! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Part of me is sad that my exciting to-do is organizing my closet. Part of me is super-stoked to have an organized closet, though. :)

  7. I adore that folder, I really need to make something similar I think!

  8. Thanks for the chance to win Jen! :)

  9. I love those ideas! I don't know why I never thought about it before, it is such a nightmare for me every year to find the right agenda!

  10. This planner system seems great!
    I use a regular planner but I'm pretty sure this is even available at the Staples here in India!
    Anyways, love your blog! :)

  11. Love your planner...thanks for the opportunity to win some of your organisation!
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  12. I would like to win this. Would you ship it internationally?

    1. I personally would, however, these products are shipped directly from the host of the giveaway, and unfortunately, they set the shipping standards and requirements. So sorry!

  13. I'm very excited about putting my new exercise bike together. I would love to win these planning goodies!

  14. My exciting to do: putting together a coupon binder

  15. I've been using the Arc system for 6 months now and love it. I also bought the printable planner from Jen and love this too!

    Please could you include a link to where to find the divider tabs.

    1. Thanks so much Carol!

      I used Martha Stewart stick on tabs in the past, however, I can no longer find them. She does have discbound dividers that I have also used {shown above}:

      I also love these tabs which I use for my daily planner:


  16. Ahh! I'm dying to get my hands on one of these. I'm such an organizing nerd and I love it! LOVE your blog!

  17. Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway!

  18. I use this system in the UK. I chose it above th Martha Stewart line for the exact reasons you have said. It's amazing. And it looks even better with my iheartorganizing planner in it :-)

  19. It's so funny because I bought mine about 3 or 4 daus before you featured yours on your blog. I had also given the Martha Stewart blue one to my mother in law for Christmas, along with all the goodies... she loved it! And I love mine as well. Definitely buying the punch for next year!

  20. I have never seen this product before. I will have to give it a try.

  21. I love this idea!!

  22. I'm sooooo excited!!! I've wanted one of your binders since I drooled over it the first time!! Lol!! ( totally not kidding lol!!)

  23. Thanks for a chance to win, and also for adding your etsy shop credit! Wow!

  24. This is one of the best giveaways yet! So awesome! Thanks for your generosity!

  25. I haven't seen these. I must go to Staples and check it out! Thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Just started using an Arc calendar about a year ago. Would love to be able to customize it more!

  27. Wow! So amazing. Would be very handy!

  28. Levenger also has a disc bound system and has had it for years. They are expensive but sometimes they have discontinued colors or products on sale. And they have a bigger variety of preprinted pages than Staples so are worth checking out if you don't want to print your own. I have some disc bound stuff from Staples but also some from Levenger I got with a gift card.

  29. I was just reading about a project notebook; this would be a great system!

  30. I just saw this system at Staples last week. I love the idea of being able to rearrange papers!!

  31. Favorite thing on my list right up my new pink velvet sofa!!

  32. Always wanted the desktop punch..been using the notebook for awhile. .love it!

  33. I just recently found out about the awesomeness of ARC! Fingers crossed I win! I would love to use the system for a 2014 planner.

  34. How/what software do you use to create your fun images with arrows, text, and pics?

    1. Hi Danyell!

      I use Photoshop to do the graphics on my site. :)


  35. I used to work for a print shop and so miss being able to create my own books. Looks like I can easily do that now at home!

  36. I wanna win this soooo bad, I love your blog!

  37. I am in love with these types of notebooks now! I also use the gorgeous turquoise MS discbound but in the personal size. I've had my eye on the new Arc quilted ones..the teal is awesome!

  38. Perfect timing as I'm getting ready to look at planners. Hard to find one I like every year but I've fallen in love with your designs.

  39. This looks amazing! I am really trying to get more organized in my life. So if I am wanting to have your printable planner made, but don't want to spend the money on an arc hole punch, what would be the best way to get these printed and punched for the binder? I really love the idea of using this system! It's time to make some changes!

    1. Hi Christina!

      I am unsure how to have the pages punched without the punch itself. Our local Staples does not offer discbound punching services at their store. However, most any local print shop can print your files for you.


    2. Hey Christine!

      I was in the same boat as you {I didn't want to spend $45 on the arc hole punch} but thankfully, Jen posted an alternative that one of her lovely readers mentioned to her. It's only $19 with free shipping! I did end up purchasing it and it is working great for me! I love it! It is very skinny and is very easy to carry. One thing that stinks though is it only punches a couple pages at a time, but hey, it rather punch a couple pages at a time then pay $45 for one! Here is the link if you'd like to purchase it { } I hope this helped you!

  40. I am new to your blog and I'm already addicted. My Arc system should arrive on my doorstep tomorrow - it's like waiting for Christmas I'm so excited for it to arrive!


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