Tuesday, October 2, 2012

588 IHeart SugarSNAP & a GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited to announce that this week's giveaway is super sweetly sponsored by SugarSNAP!

SugarSNAP products are innovative, thoughtful and beautiful.  They know from experience that the endless stuff that goes along with being a parent can be overwhelming.  Their products are designed by moms for moms and promise to help make life a little more organized so it can be a lot more fun!

Today they are stopping by to offer one lucky IHeart Organizing reader the chance to get stylishly organized with their Car-Go kit!

The sugarSNAP Car-Go includes a beautifully constructed storage bin and a set of six file bags.  It fits perfectly in the trunk of your car or SUV, eliminating the clutter and chaos that comes with having extra supplies on hand at all times.

The Car-Go set comes with a storage bin and the following files:
  • Toys & Trinkets:  Carries crayons, stickers, toys and books everywhere you go, this file is the one you will want to take in and out of the car, it's a real lifesaver for restaurants and long waits.
  • Snacks & Supplies:  Keeps extra formula, bottled water, juice boxes and snacks {raisins, granola bars} in your car at all times.
  • Lotions & Potions:  Keeps sunscreen, diaper cream, sanitizing hand gel, bug spray and first aid cream handy.
  • Dipes & Wipes:  Holds extra diapers, wipes and a changing pad.
  • Shirts & Socks:  Keeps a change of clothes on hand, plus extras for accidents, spills or unexpected weather changes.
  • Blank/Parent's Choice:  Holds everything from an extra blanket or burp cloth to extra "mom supplies" or a spare leash for your dog.

They have even included a comprehensive, mom-tested and mom-approved packing list.  Because who can't use a little extra help staying organized so you always feel prepared?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The kind friends over at sugarSNAP are offering IHeart Organizing readers 15% off all orders {good on US orders only} on their site from 10/1 - 10/31, using the code iheartorganizing.

Good luck everyone!


  1. I love this! It would be perfect for this new mom!

  2. I have an "emergency kit" in my car (tissues, bandaids,antibacterial wipes, aspirin, etc.) so we're always prepared for the "little" things.

  3. This would save my bacon in so many ways! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. One thing I always keep on hand in my car is a first aid kit.

  5. I'm in love with all these interesting companies you showcase on your blog! I'll have to remember for when I have kids>... ;)


  6. I always have hand sanitizer, wipes and tissues. I am loving this give-away.

  7. I love this! I always have so many little bags stashed in the van for the kiddos...how nice to have them all tucked away into a neat box!

  8. I always leave bottles of water, band-aids, a hairbrush, reusable bags and disposable bags in my car - never know when you'll need them!

  9. Oh my, I have 4 kids and I could definitely use help with the organization of my car! Thanks for hosting!

  10. With 4 boys who are definitely not the best at putting things away, this would be GREAT! I always have water, band-aids, wet wipes, sunscreen, and bug spray in the car.

  11. A change of clothes! At least one set for my husband and I... :)

  12. I have a first aid kit in my trunk!

  13. This is such an awesome idea! I need it now! I have so much stuff all over my car. What a perfect way to organize it all!

  14. kleenex, hand sanitizer and extra toys.

  15. i really don't have anything on hand!! i need this!!

  16. I always keep an emergency kit and little bags to give to homeless people.

  17. I always have a change of clothes, a towel, a blanket, and wipes in my van!!

  18. LOVE THIS! I always keep an emergency baby kit with diapers, wipes, an extra outfit, and burp cloths for my three month old. It seems like I'm always restocking it!

  19. I always keep a small kit of first aid items, emergency snacks, wipes, extra clothes... The kind of thing a busy mom of 2 needs!

  20. This sounds fantastic! I love the idea of it and would be super excited to win one!

  21. What a great list for what to keep in the car. I have most of those items thrown in the back. I would love to be more organized.

  22. I am in love with this product! I am always on the look out for ways to organize my car. The one unique thing I keep in the car is those red plastic oval shape baskets meant to eat food at a picnic/bbq. When my girls (ages 4 and 6) need to eat in the car I line it with a napkin and put their food in it. It is easier to balance on their lap and the mess pretty much stays contained.

  23. I always keep wet ones, plastic bags, granola bars and a mini first aid kit in my car. I love this idea!

  24. I always have wipes but this is AMAZING! It might be going on my Christmas list if I don't win this giveaway!

  25. The main item I keep near by is wipes, but there is so much stuff I can think of for this neat organizer!

  26. This is such a great idea! I would love to win.

  27. Oh that is awesome... I do this but my bags aren't marked and I forget and my husband never knows what one is which.

  28. I have a 12 week old baby, and this would be SO useful!

  29. The directions say to leave pinterest link in comments, so I did it in the rafflecopter and I'm doing it here: http://pinterest.com/pin/199776933441540027/

  30. I always keep trash bags. Great for trash, dirty diapers, wet clothe, or a car sick child.

  31. Definitely extra snacks, drinks, and pull-ups. I also keep wipes and kleenex!

  32. I never leave home with spare diapers and wipes. With a little on and a busy life, you never know when you'll need the extra supplies

  33. My car always has a box of tissues and a pack of wipes.

  34. I grew up in the north, and we used to have a blizzard preparedness kit in the car at all times. I think it had matches, a candle, batteries, and a candy bar.

  35. Pinterest link: http://pinterest.com/pin/24699497927683865/

  36. I always have my school books, an extra "binky", a blanket and a few toys for my daughter.

  37. I have to have bottles of water. No matter when or where we go, the kids and the DH always want to stop and get water.

  38. I love this! I also have a first aid kit and baby wipes in my car.

  39. I always have wipes...and a change of clothes for the one potty training :)

  40. I have a 1.5 liter bottle of water for me and an extra hoppy pillow to nurse my son in my car at all times.

  41. I always have wipes in the car, theyre a must! =]

  42. I always have wipes in my car with two little ones always in need of a wipe!

  43. Wipes and finger nail clippers! Both things come in handy in all kinds of situations! :-)

  44. Pinned ~ http://pinterest.com/pin/48554502203888977/

  45. Ditto on the wipes! And toys.

  46. I always have water and baby wipes

  47. Pinterest link http://pinterest.com/pin/222857881531967940/

  48. Diapers, wipes, change of clothes (for the littles), and hand santizer. These are all must haves in our car :)

  49. Wipes and hand sanitizer for us! And sunglasses too :)

  50. pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/14214555045238762/

  51. What a great idea. i always keep wet wipes in the car for those wee accidents with ice creams etc.

  52. I keep napkins! Always, lots of napkins!

  53. Ha ha- oops- I left that anonymous.

    Melanie cinderellamela @ hotmail dot com

    I keep napkins! Always, lots of napkins!

  54. First Aid Kit!


  55. What an awesome way to organize the car clutter!

  56. I am not good at keeping things in the car to be prepared (maybe this would help).. but I do have a jumper cable and spare tire in case of car emergency!

  57. I have a bag full of emergency things including pen and paper, hair ties, lip gloss, handsanitizer, etc.

  58. That would be great to wrangle all my car trinkets my kiddos love to take

  59. We always have a med kit and reusable grocery bags.

  60. so lovely! we could totally use those.

  61. We always have an old towel...you never know when you will need to brush off sand from the playground, place one on the seat if someone gets wet, wipe up a major spill, etc. In keeping with this, it also always good to keep a garbage bag for disposing of said old towel in the event of car sickness, etc.

  62. Perfect idea! I would also stick library books in this little bin to return them when I swing by.

  63. This would help as we shuttle our two to 3 football games each week!

  64. This would help as we shuttle our two to 3 football games each week!

  65. even thought my little ones are not so little anymore - this is still something that would get used! great product!

  66. WOW ... this is great. With 4 kids and a range of ages, I keep a little something for each child. We cover snacks, water, wipes, tissues, change of clothes and everything for accidents. I pretty much have home in the back of my vehicle.

  67. I always have wipes in my car - no matter where we are we always need them!!

  68. Tissues! Especially in the winter. There is nothing worse than having a "nose drip situation" and all you have close by is a half used, scratchy coffee shop napkin!

  69. In this season of my life my go to item is a travel potty for my 2 year old...HA! I blogged about potty training in 3 days at www.happyhouseof5.com thanks for the giveaway!!

  70. I always have wipes in my car - no matter where we are we always need them!

  71. Right now, the only thing we've been keeping in our car is sunscreen, but mostly for lack of an organized way to keep things in there! This sounds like an absolutely WONDERFUL product!!!

  72. Here's my pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/117164027777070439/

  73. I always keep toys & books on hand to keep my little guy busy. And they are all over my car. This would keep them neat and tidy I think!

  74. I am getting ready to have my second child. This would be a life saver!

  75. my cousin just had her 4th! all under 10 years old. she needs this so i am hoping to win for her. thanks for all the great giveaways!

  76. I have Kleenex towels - - they wipe up messes and messy children. :)

  77. I always keep toys to entertain little ones stuck in car seats!

  78. What a neat product - here's hoping I win!

  79. I always keep scissors in the car. I don't know how many times I have needed them....I lost count!

  80. We live in Texas so we usually have extra sunscreen in the car

  81. I hate having a messy car.. the tote would be a great organizing tool to control the clutter... PLUS they are super cute!

  82. Love it!!! I always keep a change of clothes for the little ones, along with some toys and books! This would definitely help keep things organized and neat!

  83. Would love the purse organizers! Just what I need for the endless amount of stuff I carry around every day.

  84. I always keep snacks for my son in the car - never know when we'll need one.

  85. To be prepared I keep a car sick back in the back of our car. Unfortunely I need it from time to time. I just keep spare clothes in there as well as baby wipes and ziploc bags.

  86. the back of my car would LOVE this...

  87. http://pinterest.com/pin/222294931578484118/

  88. I always have Wet Ones in the car to take care of any messy little hands/faces!

  89. I could definately use this as I always keep Kleenex, a few toys and an emergency car kit in my car at all times, but rarely find what I need when I need it. This system looks like a great way to corral it all in the car, how perfect :)

  90. I always have a few extra diapers and wipes...has saved the day a few times!

  91. Diapers, wipes and the first aid kits are a must in our van!

  92. With Baby #1 on the way in April, I can only imagine how much I would use this system! Brilliant.

  93. Baby wipes are a must have in my car at all times - for both the baby and us older kids! :)

  94. this is awesome. i feel like i do a major cleaning of our car every week.

  95. I always have a spare pair of shoes just in case! Oh and wet wipes!

  96. wipes! and crayons! and hand lotion! all the essentials :)

  97. I have been contemplating making something like this myself.

  98. I always have movies and books in case we end up being in the car longer than anticipated. Oh and the kids emergency meds.

  99. I have an "emergency diaper bag" in the back of my car with some of these items, but this looks so much more accessible (and cute, which always helps! :) )

  100. Clorox wipes are always on hand!!

  101. Hand sanitizer and lip balm are my two essentials. I also always have a box of kleenex for those runny noses!

  102. Where were these products when my kids were small?? OH well, I've pinned it so my girls can see this :)


  103. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity I hope you will add this great giveaway to my win it page. I always have a blanket and my cloth market bags sliding around in my trunk as well as puppy things- dog, dish, dog blanket and water bowl ( for our car rides)

  104. I always keep an extra set of clothes for the kids in the car - you never know!!

  105. I always have spare wipes and pull-ups in the car. With a 1-hr commute each way, we spend a LOT of time in the van!!!

  106. I keep a bag with one change of clothes per kid. My kids are 10,8,4, and 2. So we're not talking diaper blowouts, but sometimes they get muddy or whatever, and it's nice to be prepared with spare clothes.

  107. A first aid kit! Band aids, neosporin spray etc. It's saved the day after many park adventures, falls and splinters.

  108. I love this it would be great with my 3 children. I currently keep extra drinks, snacks, diapers and wipes, clothes, bottled water and even formula and rice for the baby and a blanket. I keep all this in the nifty little turn table in the floor of my van but honestly it is really a pain to get to at times.

  109. I have a small tub from the Target dollar spot in my car that always has wipes, extra diapers, and some plastic bags in it.. In fact- just realized I need to update it with some newborn sized diapers!

  110. Pinned the car-go system! http://pinterest.com/pin/161637074097385744/

  111. I always keep a big ol roll of paper towels in the car. I would loove to have this!

  112. I always keep a bag full of snacks, water bottles, diapers, wipes, sunscreen, etc. in the back of the car. I refill and reorganize every Sunday :)

  113. I have chairs and umbrella in my car for sports events!! love this!!

  114. oh my gosh! That is the coolest! I'm in love!

  115. I have a canvas basket in my car for my emergency essentials - diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, jacket, and some small toys for restaurants.

  116. Jumper cables. I actually don't remember how to jump a car, but my dad taught me if you have the cables help will come.

  117. We have lots of extras on hand and could definitely use some help organizing them all. We always have several kinds of wipes on hand - baby wipes, face wipes, cleaning wipes.

  118. This is awesome! I may have to create something similar!

  119. Here is my pin! http://pinterest.com/pin/234890936786257714/

  120. Hoodies! I love being able to go someplace spontaneously and just grab a hoodie from the car when it gets later than we expected to stay out!!

  121. First Aid Kit, Flashlight, Blanket, Emergency Kit (water, food, etc)

  122. I always keep paper towels in my car...it seems like someone is always making a mess or spilling a drink!

  123. Here is my pin!:

  124. I love that organizer! Right now, the back of my car is a mess. We always kep balls,frisbees,tissues,random things. Some organization would do us good!

  125. My pin http://pinterest.com/pin/144044888052985161/

  126. How cute are those boxes?!?!? This would definitely help us get organized! :)

  127. http://pinterest.com/pin/232639136972595863/

  128. I need one of these. My family of five is living with my parents until Christmas when we close on a house and I have to Cary all my important documents aroun with me all the time.

  129. Love that kit...looks great! We always have a first aid kid in the car...with three very active kids I am always in need of something...from bandaids to ice packs!!

  130. I always have wipes. My son is 8 years old and i still carry wipes. I probably will carry wipes for ever. They are such a lifesaver. Thanks for the giveaway this is so cute.

  131. i love those bins!

  132. Baby wipes. I do not have babies anymore but they are great for EVERYTHING!

  133. I always have grocery bags (you have to bring your own in our county or get charged 5 cents a bag) and a 24-pack of bottled water in my car.

  134. I've been looking for some trunk organiation!

    snowkatleo at hotmail dot com

  135. I always keep aspirin, Kleenex, and dental floss in the car. It's stuff you need all the time, but rarely think of to keep with you at all times.

  136. Here's my pin:

  137. My pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/70720656619888440/

  138. I always leave a small trash can hooked on the back of my passenger seat to help me stay clean and organized while on the go! Baby wipes also come in handy for messy hands! :)


  139. This would be awesome for me with 2 small girls!

  140. With 3 little girls, we always have our portable potty--trips to the park are a little less stressful!

  141. This is awesome! I just discovered your blog a few days ago, and I LOVE your home. You have such a great sense of style, and so much creativity. I'm defenitly inspired. Anyway, I keep diapers, wipes, tissues, a blanket, sometimes a sheet for impromptu laying out or picnics and toys in my car. And they are not always in one place!

  142. I always keep water and snacks! I would love this in the back of my van!
    Chery morgan3226@yahoo.com

  143. My pin:


  144. I always keep an extra set of clothes for my potty trained 2 year old!

  145. I keep a first aid kit in the car. You never know what can happen!

  146. If you saw my van right now, you would know how badly I need this! Would love, love, love to have this bin!

  147. I always keep extra burp cloths in my car - I've got an acid refulx baby. I probably should start keeping extra t-shirts for me, too.

  148. Lotion for me. Headache meds and a throw up bag for my car sick daughter. Can't leave home without them.

  149. I always carry an extra set of clothes for my daughter and snacks.

  150. the one thing I always keep in my vehicle to stay prepared on the go is snacks!!

  151. Diapers, wipes, and a few toys/books are always in the pocket on the back of my seat! This bin would be awesome.

  152. Awesome giveaway! My emergency/supply kit needs some serious TLC so this would totally give it a boost!

  153. napkins? I have a stuffed to the brim diaper bag that goes with us everywhere! It would be a good idea to just put some of it in the car.

  154. I always keep Wet Ones. We fly through those!

  155. What don't I keep in my car would be a better question! I keep wipes, extra undies (i'm dealing with a very stubborn potty trainer!), crayons, snacks, water bottles, band-aids, match-box cars, etc. Love this product - would love to win!

  156. I keep a small case of water bottles, spare flip flops, wet wipes, hair brush and hair ties, and snacks for my hypo-gylcemic kids.

  157. I always have wipes and books on hand. What a great system for Mom's on the go!!

  158. This is such a great idea! I should keep my reusable grocery bags in there but I always forget!

  159. http://pinterest.com/pin/284500901431510532/

  160. http://pinterest.com/pin/187392034466435634/

  161. What a great product! I would love to win!

  162. I Love the car organizer! I always have our stroller, the cart/high chair cover, and an extra blanket and toys in my car just in case we need them when we're out and about.


  163. I love car organization! so cute too !

  164. Brilliant idea - and safer than having loose items fly around if you're in an accident!

    ~Elizabeth S.

  165. I could really use this. I would love to win it!

  166. I always have a blanket, old shoes and socks for each kid, small toys/coloring books/colored pencils, and rain jackets for everyone in the back of my van. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win one of these to keep it all organized. :o)

  167. I was just trying to figure out how to make my own version of this! I love it.

  168. We always have water bottles and coloring book/ crayons. Joanne H

  169. lotion, chapstick & a notebook with pen

  170. With 2 kids our car is like a house!!! Junk everywhere! Always trying new ways to keep it organized...I would use it for wipes, clothes changes, diapers, activities, snacks, etc

  171. Wipes & chapstick! This would be great to have!

  172. One thing I always keep in the car is the stroller!!!

  173. What an awesome product. I would love to have one of those in my car! I think they would be great for each child to have in their room to keep things organized!

  174. I almost always keep a blanket.

  175. I always keep wipes and tissues in the car!

  176. Diapers, WIpes and Extra pants! I learned my lesson after my son went through 2 pairs of pants on a car trip. Poor baby was just stylin' in his diapers after that!

  177. What a great idea!! I always have an umbrella and plenty of extra napkins handy but now, with a kiddo, I need to be better prepared!

  178. Here is where I pinned the SugarSnap Product!


  179. I always have a small bag with diapers, wipes, a couple snacks, a book and a toy! This would definitely help organize all those things! :)


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