Wednesday, January 2, 2013

614 IHeart: A Personal Organizer & a GIVEAWAY!

I am excited to kick off this year with a great giveaway from one of my super sweet and talented sponsors, Helena who is A Personal Organizer!

One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to "Get Organized!".  Now, you can with help!

Helena, a San Diego Professional Organizer with coaching skills, has helped countless clients overcome the inertia caused by disorganization.  She's a home organizing expert, being the patient, knowledgeable and encouraging resource you need.  Non-judgmental and compassionate, Helena has - from both personal and professional experience - developed organizing strategies that provide a clear and concise process to begin the project.  And once started, her ongoing support and direction keep you on track until you've reached your organizing goals.

What I really adore is that Helena offers virtual/online organizing services!  With the help of technology and Helena's hands-on experience; interviewing, assessment and coaching skills; knowledge on organizing tools and systems, you can get organized no matter where you are in the world or how your schedule is looking like.

Here is what you receive when working with Helena virtually:
  • You'll eliminate the clutter from your life
  • Clear your mind from the clutter, guilt, shame and worries that it brings
  • Overcome overwhelm
  • Be able to host family and friends again
  • Receive advice on how to best utilize the space
  • Implement systems that help you stay organized
  • A complete list of what organizing tools and gadgets to buy
  • Get your home and space organized
  • All received with Helena's gentle guidance and professional support.  You will be in touch with her and never walk alone!

Helena is here today to offer a lucky IHeart Organizing reader her virtual services, along with a $45 gift card to The Container Store!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck my friends and Happy New Year!!

IHeart Organizing official giveaway entry rules can always be found here.


  1. My top organizing goal: to get closets and papers under control.

  2. We just finished our basement and I can't wait to organize my new office and family/play room!

  3. My top goal is to set up a cleaning schedule and actually stick with it.

  4. This sounds awesome! Is it sad how excited I am about the Container Store gift card too?? :)

  5. My life AND blog has become so much more organized since following you last year. Couldn't be better since I run three blogs and a babysitting business! Thank you girls. (Btw, I wasn't sure what or where my entry comment needed to be. But this one's from my heart!)

  6. My top organizing goal is to finish all the "little organizing" projects in my house... the top junk drawer of the desk, the ribbon bin, the top junk drawer of the kitchen hutch, the bathroom drawer... you get the idea!

  7. My top organizing goal for 2013 is be able to keep up with my cleaning/organizing through routines that work for my family.

    I get really excited and inspired then burn out really fast- that leads to me giving up!

  8. Ned to organize tons of files.

  9. My top organizing goal is to find a place for everything! As well as develop routines that will make our lives run smoother!-Keena Woods

  10. #1 Goal: Get all of the clutter under control and establish concrete routines!!!

  11. what a dreamy giveaway! Thank you for the chance at such a wonderful opportunity for the New Year!

  12. I need to get my closet under control!!

  13. My top goal is to Purge as much clutter as possible!

  14. I own and operate a restaurant, have a 3 year old and another baby due in February. I need help organizing my clutter, my baby stuff, and my time for everyone!

  15. #1 Organizing Goal? Implement a meal planning/grocery shopping system that works for us!

  16. I'm moving this year, and I resolve for it to be neat, organized, and as stress-free as possible.

  17. Need to come up with a better weekly cleaning schedule and would love to work on everything having a place in our home, can be hard with 5 kiddos;)

  18. My top goal is getting myself together body, home, and spirit!

  19. Need to work on a better weekly cleaning schedule and also would love to work on everything having a place in our home, but can be really hard with 5 kiddos;)

  20. To organize my daughter's school stuff

  21. My main goal is to organize all things kids: their toys (especially), their closets, their papers. I guess that's really 3 goals. The main goal is to make the house run smoothly and reduce the clutter.

  22. I am a college student and I recently moved into a rental house with 3 other girls. I have my own room, and it is a DISASTER. I don't feel any obligation to keep it tidy because I don't share with anyone else. After losing more than a few important papers and other things, my top organizing goal is to get it clean and in order!

  23. Oooh... would love to try this out! (But to be honest, i'm a little scared of facing my clutter, eEk!)

  24. Ugh, papers!! Also, I have a small kitchen.
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  25. I have too many papers, and a small kitchen.
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  26. My backroom/storage area is a NIGHTMARE. I hope to have it all taken care of in a month or two.

  27. My top goal - find a way to deal with all of the paper that comes into my house!

  28. I am looking to get our "family room" more family friendly!

  29. I would love to find a better way to organize my kids school stuff!

  30. My closet and my pantry. There has to be a better way!

  31. I LOVE this blog. You have such great ideas! I really need to organize all my craft supplies in my basement badly!

  32. Deal with the paper I bring home from work most days!

  33. Needing to organize my laundry room. We have space, but need a good system.

  34. Top organizing project for the year is revamping our family laundry and clothing storage systems.

  35. My top organizing goal is to have all the major categories in my life organized before our first baby arrives in May!

  36. I need to organize and make the most of our small space!

  37. I need to organize and make the most of our small space!

  38. My 2013 organizing goal is my time. With farm work, houework, volunteering, children, church, marriage, my own school, and self-care, it gets rather difficult to keep track of everything!

  39. My goal is to put things back right after using them!

  40. My top organizing goal is to help my husband get organized. Between school, work stuff, bills and other things, his papers can get out of control. I want to help him get organized so he doesn't have to call me every time he needs something!

  41. I need help with my closet..and front entry.

  42. My top goal is to organize food shopping / meal planning/ food storage

  43. I'm moving into a new apartment with my fiance, so I'm hoping to start organized and stay organized in the new year. :)

  44. I would love to win the organizing help and gift card!

  45. My main goals for 2013 are to get into better shape and eat healthier. I'd love to tackle my paper clutter as well!

  46. We bought a house, moved and got married in a 4-week span, so things were a bit crazy. But now 9 months later, we still haven't finished unpacking yet. So that's my first goal for 2013!

  47. My biggest organizational goal is to set up a good weekly cleaning routine as well as create my own mom organizer set up to include weekly menu planning.

  48. My ultimate organizing goal for 2013 is to clean out and organize the garage!

  49. To get my playroom organized. It's the one room I can never get to stay clean or organized.

  50. I plan on organizing all of my photos and start tackling some big scrap booking challenges!

  51. Eliminating clutter is my most important goal. I have a small apartment, 2 growing children, too much "stuff" and I cart home too many papers every day from school. I need help! Thanks for this giveaway!

  52. I have two goals for this year: controlling the book clutter belonging to my husband and I, and reining in the toys my 2 year old scatters around the living room.

  53. My Top organization goal of 2013 is to redo my household management binder and USE it. :)

  54. I have two goals for this year: controlling the book clutter belonging to my husband and I, and reining in the toys my 2 year old strews around the house!

  55. I would love to finally finish unpacking, and get our home office under control!

  56. I would love to finally finish unpacking, and get our home office under control!

  57. I want to get all the closets under control- from the pantry to the coat closet to the linen closet (and everything else that doesn't belong in there!)

  58. My top organizational goal for 2013 is to create excel spreadsheets to organize my finances/bills/loans/etc.

  59. We just moved into a new home 3 weeks before Christmas and with the Holidays I'm seriously behind on organizing and finding a place for everything. I'm giving myself 3 months to get it under control. I plan on focusing on one room or area a week.

  60. My goal this year is to declutter and get complete organizational control!

  61. Yep, my top goal is to get organized! So this would be perfect!

  62. I would be so excited to get this!

  63. Getting ready for our move!

  64. My top organizing goal is to work through the 10 day declutter project from Tsh Oxenreider's "Organized Simplicity."

  65. I'm totally redoing and organizing my office/craft room! I'm on the lookout for the perfect table to turn into a desk!

  66. I would like to organize my whole life! Maybe I'll start with the toys. Just getting anything organized would be nice!

  67. I want to go through the 10 day decluttering/simplifying project from Tsh Oxendreider's book Organized Simplicity.

  68. I need to get our bedroom organized. It's sort of a dumping ground for everything we don't have a place for. :-)

  69. i need to develop a better system for keeping my four children's clothes up to date! they are constantly changing sizes and that combined with the change in seasons has their drawers in a constant state of chaos - not to mention the bags and boxes of too big/too small clothing in the garage!

  70. How exciting! My organizing goal is to get my clothes sorted, pared down and organized. Thanks!

  71. I am in desperate need of organizing my kids toys, and purging the whole house!

  72. My top goal is to organize my home, so that i do not feel so overwhelmed all the time.

  73. My organizing goal is to have an organized move! We're moving here in a few months and I want everything organized as we move and organized when we get there

  74. i think just constantly de-clutter. it's an ongoing process that never ends!

  75. My top organizing goal is to keep up with my paperwork. I run my business from home and it's easy to let it all pile up throughout the year. I would love to be organized and stay on top of it month by month.

  76. My goal is to organize my entire home! We've been here for 3 years now and it is something that I've wanted to do but didn't know where to start. Your blog is now my inspiration and I want to start with my kitchen. Thank you for this blog!!

  77. My goal is to basically organize my entire home! We've been here for 3 years now and it is time...especially since I now have a child. Your blog is my inspiration and I want to start with the kitchen.

  78. I plan on organizing all our closets!

  79. I need to get my son's closet organized, and get the nursery ready for baby girl to arrive!

  80. My garage! It is in desperate need!

  81. My garage is in desperate need!

  82. I really need to get organized!! Thanks

  83. I need to organize my nursery before the new baby arrives in March. Some strategies for maximizing my time would be helpful in these late months of pregnancy! :)

  84. I want to organize a schedule to work out consistently and to organize my room and bathroom !

  85. I just finished reading The Joy of Less, and I am going to get rid of one thing every day of 2013!

  86. My top organizing goal is to just declutter. Get rid of the "excess" in life, whether that be clothes, knick knacks, or stuff.

  87. My office - seems I have to do it once a year!

  88. With having two young children and a husband overseas I am in serious need of organization help for our entire house!! I would start with the kids clothes and toys!

  89. Thanks for the giveaway! My biggest goal is my kitchen cabinets, with my son's room being a close second.

  90. Top organizing goal is to reassess my wardrobe after baby!

  91. I'd love to get my entire house organized! But first I think I'll focus on the toy room / boys bedroom.

  92. I need to organize my boys' toy room!

  93. OMG! I need to organize my kitchen!! PLEASE!!!

  94. We have to get our house organized to show this spring. This would be great!

  95. I want to organize my laundry room and create a craft nook for myself within the room! :o)

  96. The rooms in my home are cluttered with one big pile of stuff after another. Man, could I use a LOT of help organizing.

  97. With a new baby (6 months) I am trying to figure out how to organize my life in a different way. We just moved into a new house on top of that so my mind is going a mile a minute!

  98. Sooo exciting! I would love to organize closets...:/ Here's hoping it gets done!

  99. I need to organize my teaching materials! I feel like the charts, laminated pieces, and binders full of teaching units are taking over my house.

  100. I need to reorganize my whole house!

  101. Photos and recipes are on my list!

  102. My spare bedroom/craft room could use some serious help!

  103. I'm working on completing a household binder before baby #2 arrives later this month!

  104. This is awesome! With five kids in a small house, I need all the help I can get! :) My plan for this year is to get ALL of the paper, bills, and mail completely organized this year. Thanks!

  105. We're moving to a new house. My goal is to start with a clean slate and not allow clutter to take over! To keep a tight rein on our spaces so I can spend my time with my beautiful family, not my ugly clutter!

  106. My one organizing goal?! Gah! I feel like my life is one big organizing goal. It just feels sooo good. I think my major goal is to organize our basement. It's just time.

  107. Keep papers organized and in the correct location.

  108. My biggest organizational goal of the year is to stay organized! I love to get things just the way I want them and then let it all go to heck! Maybe I do it on purpose so that I may organize everything all over again?...who knows.

  109. i need to organize my is such a mess. Need everything clean and tidy.

  110. I would love this. I live in a fairly large apartment (1200 sq. ft.) but it has hardly storage. No pantry and hardly any cabinets in the kitchen. My bathroom also houses my washer and dryer and that takes up would could have been great storage space.

  111. My goal for the year is to stay organized. I love organizing and making things beautiful, but I can never seem to keep them that way.

  112. Yes! "I'm going to get my home office organized" is my top resolution this year. Love this chance!

  113. Yes! "I'm going to organize my home office" is my number one resolution this year. I heart this chance! :)

  114. This is awesome! With five kids in a small house, I need all the help I can get! I would love to get ALL of the paper, bills, and mail completely organized (and keep it that way) this year. Thanks!

  115. My whole life needs organizing! But I'm going to start with the garage to free up save for a car!

  116. My schedule and little bits all around my house, but mostly my laundry room.

  117. Everytime someone comes over I end up stashing odds and ends from the kitchen table, a little pile on the floor, etc. into a little bag and now I have a nice little pile of bags in the corner next to my dresser, filled with random junk! My goal is to get everything back where it belongs and in general, find a place for everything and have everything in its place!!!

  118. What I would do to keep my house organized!!!

  119. 2013 Organization Goal - everything has it's place and is labeled to make me happy!

  120. I don't know where to start... I think I need clean house crew too! ��

  121. My organizing goal for 2013 is to finish organizing the office and our family papers, photos, etc. I also plan on organizing our digital photos this year! Thanks for this great opportunity!

  122. My wife and I can easily be overwhelmed with our two little girls (1 and 3), work, bills, and life in general. We are planning our 2013 goals for organizing our home and our life!

  123. I have two major organizing goals for 2013 - finish organizing the office and family paperwork and photos, and also to organize the digital photos. Thanks for the opportunity!

  124. My whole house is my summer goal (I'm a teacher). Kind of daunting, but making lists between now and then and also getting kind of pumped too!

  125. My top organizing goal for 2013 is managing my home efficiently! I've just gone back to work full time after having two kids. It's been four years, so it is quite an adjustment for us. I have created my own home managment binder that is detailed, yet concise enough to carry with me as a planner daily. Go me!

  126. My wife and I could use help getting our home and life organized so our two little gals (1 and 3) can grow up with some sense of routine.

  127. My wife and I can easily be overwhelmed with our two little girls (1 and 3), work, bills, and life in general. We are planning our 2013 goals for organizing our home and our life!

  128. I need to learn how to organize so I can organize my physical place and mental. Everytime I enter my studio basement apartment, which has no natural light, I get beyond overwhelmed and quit ten minutes in. I feel like I will never get through it all. Its such a small space and seems so impossible to get started let alone finish.

  129. My goal is to pare down so that it's easier to find a place for everything. Not specific enough yet, but I'll work on it!

  130. Get storage (paper, virtual, and large scale) under control.

  131. My top organizing goal is my office and all the paperwork.

  132. That one corner cabinet in my kitchen, which holds a lot, but never stays organized no matter how many times I clean it out!

  133. Organize. My paper storage actual and virtual to allow me to find what I'm looking for

  134. My top organizing goal is my office and all the paperwork.

  135. I need to get all my teacher 'goodies' organized enough in my garage to be able to park my car. I retired 2 years ago and it is STILL everywhere-aaagggghhhhh!

  136. While my whole house needs some help, my attic is particularly woeful!

  137. My goal for 2013 is to tackle my bedroom closet. I need to figure out what system would work best. I prefer the Elfa system from the Container Store, but my husband prefers Ikea's closet storage solutions. Once I figure out which of the two is more cost effective and overall works for the space I will tackle it.This will be interesting.

  138. Organizing and my weight loss goal are both going to be a challenge this year, but I can do it and any help would be great.

  139. My ultimate goal is to stick to a cleaning schedule.

  140. My office needs better systems in place so I can work smarter not harder.

  141. I would love to get more organized and I love me a good giveaway! Thanks for sharing!

  142. My top goal is to implement a system to minimize entry way clutter and lack of organization. Thank you.

  143. I need help creating a doable weekly cleaning schedule, and help keeping my kids' playroom organized!

  144. My top goal for 2013 is to keep my desk free of clutter!

  145. I could really use this to help me organize.

  146. I am a first year teacher and desperately need to get my classroom & time organized!

  147. My top goal is purging, purging, purging!!

  148. My project is the entire house! Hoping my major purge phase lasts through the whole thing! Top to bottom I'll be an organization queen by the end of the year!

  149. We are moving in the spring, so I am slowly trying to organize things so that it makes packing easier in a few months!

  150. I want to organize our day to day (mail, dishes, laundry,vetc.)!

  151. I need to finally get my 4 yr old on a schedule and picking up after himself. I printed out the nightly routine printable for him last, and no arguing at bedtime; it was great! Can't wait to try more of your suggestions!

  152. My top organization goal for 2013 is my sons room!!

  153. I definitely need help in organizing my craft room. Thanks for the give away.

  154. boy oh boy, we desperately need to organize our office - we currently have no bookcases, so all of our books are just in piles on the floor and we've been like this for 5 months now, haha. so 2013 - need to organize the office!

  155. This year I want to organize my family's schedule. Even with a smart phone I prefer the "old fashion" way of writing things down on paper. My purse is full of "notes". Your organizer will be a great investment. An organized family schedule and an organized purse! :)

  156. This year I want to organize my family's schedule. Even with a smart phone I prefer the "old fashion" way of writing things down on paper. My purse is full of "notes". Your organizer will be a great investment. An organized family schedule and an organized purse! :)

  157. I am a disorganized organizer. I start projects and then move on to new ones before I finish. I need help finishing what I start.

  158. My top goal for the year to is get my finances in order. We aren't really in debt but I have no system for bill paying, balancing, budget, etc.

  159. Number 1 organizing goal is FILING!! I need to get my papers under control.

    rlahardison at gmail dot com

  160. My goal is to organize my son's toys and his room (along with every other inch of my home). I want him to develop the skills necessary to keep himself organized, as well as contributing to the order of our home/things. He is almost four, and I worry I'm not making a good enough example. When you write about how your boys contribute to the organization I just die! They are so adorable and so lucky to be learning such great skills! (Hey, maybe you can come help teach my son, lol)

  161. I just moved to a new house so my goal is to start out on the right foot! New beginnings!

  162. My goal is to make sure my kitchen is clean every night before bed and minimize the clutter.

  163. I just moved to a new house so my goal is to start out on the right foot! New beginnings!

  164. I want to remove clutter from our house!

  165. 1. Paper Clutter 2. Paper Clutter 3. Paper Clutter! hahahaha, garage, kitchen, laundry, I am a domestic diva wanna be. I am not one. But I really wanna be! ;)

  166. Love your blog. I need to organize our garage and our closets.

  167. I love your blog. I need to organize our closets.

  168. I need a system for organizing all of our closets, the kitchen and a better system for laundry.

  169. love, love, love! Organizing my planner inspired by this post first thing tmrw!

  170. I need a system for organizing all of our closets, our kitchen and a system for laundry.

  171. I need a system for organizing all of our closets, the kitchen and a better system for laundry.

  172. What a great giveaway to start an organized year off! Thanks!

  173. We're getting new bookcases tomorrow for our home office, and I'm soooo ready to get everything organized.

  174. My biggest goal is to get a cleaning schedule that works for everyone.

  175. I would love to organize my office and boys bedroom. Oh and find a better toy organizing system

  176. I would love to organize my office, boys bedroom and figure out a better system for the toys

  177. I would love to organize my office and boys bedroom. Oh and find a better toy organizing system

  178. 1. Want to organize my craft/guest room
    2. Closets
    3. Finances

  179. My top organizing goal is to organize my personal calendar (to help with time management). I am balancing a family schedule, a career, studying for a promotion in my career, starting my own business, oh yeah, and personal goals like running and getting fit.

  180. My biggest organizing goal is to be functionally settled in my new house. I just recently moved out on my own and I am having trouble settling in due to my lack of organization. Right now my problem areas are my office/studying space, and master/guest bedrooms. I would love to be able to get some wisdom, clarity and guidance on organizing.

  181. My office space and kids bedroom. Seven year old triplet boys sharing one room is a recipe for chaos!

  182. I want to master the paper clutter and have a schedule for reviewing mail and paying bills.

  183. I want to get my home organized. We live in small house for 5 people and I would love hepl making to most of the space we do have!

  184. I would LOVE this! I need to get it ALL under control but my biggest challenge would be my craft room.


Thank you so much for taking a moment to join in on the conversation! I read and appreciate each and every comment, however, I will remove any comment that I believe to be inappropriate, malicious, or spam-like. I would love for this comment section to be used as a place to engage in purposeful dialogue, I only ask that everyone remains constructive and considerate.

All comments will be moderated and may take a moment to appear.