Friday, September 9, 2011

149 The First Ever IHeart Organizing "VLOG" is HERE!

Thank you so much for submitting ALL of your questions for the first ever IHeart Organizing video blog {a.k.a. vlog}!  I had received over 120 questions via blog comments, email and facebook, each and every one a great topic for today's video.  Of course, I am just making assumptions here, but answering 120 questions in one video may get a little long winded, so I opted for 10 randomly selected "About Me" options instead.

I filmed the video with my helpers, Peyton and Bryan, while Preston occupied Parker in another room.  I had printed out and numbered 45 "about me" questions, and using Bryan randomly selected 9 of those questions for me to answer on the spot, all while Peyton was running the Flip video cam.  The last question was such a popular one, that I threw it in there just for that reason...

So without letting myself over think about the insane number of views this video could get {6 total if you count my husband, my bff, my mom and my three daily readers}, here is the VERY FIRST EVER IHEART ORGANIZING VLOG! {seriously YouTube, could you have picked a slightly less crabby looking first impression picture to display for my video?  Geeze!}

First, let me just put it out there and say, a video blog is so not easy!  Wow.  For anyone that is awesome at it, I commend you.  I seriously will bow down to you and kiss your hopefully very clean feet, because you have an incredible gift.  For those of you that do not understand, I say give it a try once and then try watching your videos back without critiquing them to pieces.  I'm not gonna lie when I say that for me, it was the most awkward experience trying to have a one sided conversation with a camera.  And then trying not to look awkward while doing it only makes me more awkward....  I also decided that I want to change the blog name from IHeart Organizing to WeHeart Organizing, so my husband can be on the video also, because he makes me laugh and helps my personality shine.  Alone... not so much...

However, even if you think today's video is mediocre at best, I am planning on doing another.  And then another.  Because I think that I need help growing in this area and the only way to grow is to keep throwing myself out there.  And even if that means that only my mom stops by to watch my strange videos, that's OK with me!

For those of you who don't have sound or are at work and can't watch the video, to summarize for you:
  1. My favorite project completed since starting the blog is my closet office.
  2. I finally shared my true age, which is 30, my husband is almost 32 and my kids are Preston 10, Peyton 7 and Parker 4.  We were babies getting married at the ages of 19 and 21 and just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary this past July!
  3. We are done having kidlets since we are so blessed already with three happy and healthy boys.
  4. I am sometimes as excitable in person as I am in my writing, like when I am with my close friends and family.  Which I guess means I consider you all close friends and family too!  When I am doing my first vlog, not so excitable...
  5. I do re-organize some of the same spaces over and over as the needs of our family and lives change.  Or, if I just completely biff it the first time...
  6. I would love to visit Johnny Depp and Scarlett Johansson to help them organize their homes.  I am waiting eagerly by the phone for their calls...
  7. My husband and I met through good friends of ours that met online.
  8. It never bothers me at all if someone were to "copy" one of my ideas or something I have done.  I actually encourage it!
  9. I am sorry to make you all sad and reveal that I do not have a "Monica" closet anywhere.
  10. And last but not least, my major life changing up until now top secret news reveal... I am no longer doing daycare and blogging; I have been blessed to move forward with solely blogging and running my Etsy shop and following my dreams!  Coolest.  Thing.  Ever.
To try and explain to you how I feel about posting my first video... the only way I can put it is that I feel like I am standing in the middle of town, naked.  Yep, no need to picture that, just saying... it's like a whole new world of no turning back.  Your previous notions of me have all been changed now which is such a scary and strange feeling...

That said, I meant what I said in the video.  I am beyond grateful for you and your daily support and for helping make this dream of mine come true {enough with the cheese already right?}.  But really, every time you share the blog, or leave a comment or order a printable, I feel endless gratitude and my heart smiles.

So about those other 110 questions...

I have a ton of new blog post topic ideas, like tips and tricks for organizing a small bathroom, a floor plan of our home with measurements along with a full resource list of all of the items in our abode as well.  Everything I can share about my blogging process from getting started to editing pictures to posting to everything in-between.  And more about my daily routine {when I get settled into my new one} and my updated cleaning regimen.

I also have a plethora of ideas for "You Asked, IHeart Answering" posts, which I will be taking more of your questions and even personal dilemma's to address in either a written post or maybe even in an upcoming video!  So stay tuned for that!

So I gotta know, am I way different "in person" than you would have thought from reading each day?  Did you learn anything new about me?  Who still doesn't know what a "Monica" closet is?  Just in case, here is the explanation...

pssst... I know I have a typo in my video.  It was bound to happen.  We can make a game of it and see if you can find it, since I can't go back and change it now unless I want to invest 2 more hours into the project... xoxo!


  1. You are so stinking pretty [=

  2. So excited for you Jen!!! I love following your blog and only wish that I lived closer so I could hire you to help me organize my house! Let me know if you decide to take a "working" vacation to Canada! All the best with this exciting new full-time job!

  3. I've never commented before, but I just wanted to say, it's so nice to finally "meet" you! I came across your blog a couple of months ago and have been so inspired by your ideas. I have literally spent hours pouring over your project gallery. I've explored other blogs for ideas, but always come back to yours. Loved the VLOG, and your kiddos are as cute as can be!

  4. This was so awesome, Jen! It was great to finally "meet" you. Thanks for sharing more about yourself and your family. And OMG, you do look like Scarlett Johansson! LOL

  5. Lovely video Jen! I really like the way you view life and try the best for your family!!

  6. Jen, I loved your vlog! I didn't see "awkward" if that makes you feel any better :) I am happy for you that you are able to pursue blogging full time. And I agree with all of the previous comments, so, ditto ladies! Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful organizational skills with us. And your beautiful family:)

  7. I didn't get a chance to watch the whole video since I'm at work but I watched a couple minutes of it and I had to say that you're too cute! I've been a reader for over a year and I love your blog, your style, your ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS, and your cute little family. Yeah, I pretty much admire you....but not in a creepy way. Pay no attention to the haters. You're awesome and that's that!

  8. Jen,
    So nice to hear your voice, although it does come through beautifully in your writing.

    A huge hug and a ton of gratitude, as you follow your passion and inspire us every day! You are wise beyond your 30 years, girlfriend.

    Keep loving yourself, your adorable family and ORGANIZING! And we will all keep coming back.

    Oh, and VLOG again, that was fun!
    Jennifer S

  9. I loved this video! I learned that you are incredibly beautiful :) and love that you can be so honest with us readers! So excited for you and your new life direction. I am always happy to "meet" people who do what they love- love what they do. Your love for your blog, family and organizing def shines through! I look forward to more videos! I'm sure it will be more comfortable with practice :)

  10. I really loved the video! I think it's pretty neat to put an actual voice to the writer. I've been tettering on doing a video on my blog for a few years now and still don't have the nerve to do it. Good for you! =]

  11. Loved the VLOG! You are too cute! Congrats on going full-time with your dream, that is amazing!!!

  12. Your family is beautiful! The "vlog" was great, I can't wait for more! Thank you for doing it!

  13. You have an accent!! I totally didn't have that as part of my "picture" of you. But it's totally cute and I thought your vlog was adorable. Keep up the great work!

  14. I thought you would have a squeakier voice... I don't really know why, though. You did a great job!

  15. I think you did great!! You are soo gorgeous and I couldn't help but laugh when Peyton got on the camera and said "hi" and my oldest was saying hi back to him because he was watching the video with me! Lol. =D

  16. Loved the video, it was great! Thanks and I hope to see more soon. :) and you are just darling, btw!

  17. Jen I loved the video! What a super fun idea and so cool the hear you chat. Have a wonderful day! Carly

  18. 1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!
    2. Your vlog was WONDERFUL! I love your sweet accent! (I'm from the South)
    3. Thank you for being so inspirational to so many people! You are real, you are relatable, you are sweet, and you are beatuiful!
    4. I wish you lived closer to me so I could hire you too! :)

  19. That was so fun, thanks for sharing, its nice to know a bit about the person behind the blog! Congratulations on taking on the blog and organising full time, how exciting!

  20. Hi Jen! Thank you so much for your video ~ I loved it! I have gone to your blog for well over a year now - I have to go your blog before it is emailed to me! Can't wait!! You are truly an inspiration to me! Thank you!!!!

  21. I'm a long time lurker. I have been following you for about a year and you have become one of my daily required reads.

    I'm glad that you aren't offended by people who copy you. There seem to be quite a few who are copying your freezer organization. The plastic bins are on backorder. I definitely wouldn't have thought to look in office storage for the perfectly sized bins.

    Keep up the inspiring work.

  22. I just wanted to say I'm super excited that my question was picked! :D Also, my husband and I met the same exact way, like to the T and I just thought that was a funny coincidence.

  23. I loved it! Thank you for sharing about yourself. Can't wait to see more!

  24. Great to "meet" you! Love your video. Can't wait to watch another one.

  25. This is my first comment and I wanted to let you know that I love, love, love your blog and check it every day!!! Your 1st video was adorable and so creative like all else you do. Keep them coming. I know they will be a huge hit. You are so talented in every way and a true inspiration. Although a decade older than you, I have a very similar life with 3 wonderful boys (13, 9, and 6). You give me such great ideas and I’ve implemented many of them! I so look forward to each of your posts. Keep blogging away!!

  26. Nice work Jen!!!! Super-fun video, thanks for taking the time to do this. -Kirsten (a friend of Sarah A's who introduced me to your amazing blog!)

  27. I think that this was a great video - it was nice to hear the voice behind the blog. And when your son started nodding when you were saying something about some spaces being less organized than they could be I just about laughed.

    I just found your blog this week - and have been thinking about organizing so much that it sometimes keeps me awake when I go to bed :) I have a mental deal with myself that if I make a dent in organizing our home and decluttering I can buy myself a label maker. But I haven't specified what size of a dent needs to be made... Thanks for doing this blog. I love seeing organized spaces.

  28. Jen you did AWESOME! I loved the vlog :)

    Oh and I do believe you have more than just three faithful readers by now ;) I check your blog every day to see what witty and inspiring post has popped up!

    Your family is beautiful and they are a fabulous reflection of your love and care.

    Many blessings!


  29. Aaaaaa, I love it! Thank you for the great video blog! :) And your son is adorable! :)

  30. I just started following your blog about a month ago and love it! You have given me so many great ideas. The video was great!

  31. Great job on your first Vlog! I love how you take the personal time & attention to your blog - it shows!

    Congrats on going full-time with your blog! I can't wait to see what new goodies you have up your sleeve to share.

  32. Love the video! You do look like Scarlet Johannson! I get told I look like her too, but you look so much more like her!

  33. i think you did a wonderful job! and i have a question...hopefully you can tell me or something that knows...what are those photo containers that show up in a picture on the vlog around the 6:00 mark?? is there a post i can go to read about them?? i love the look of those and think they are what i have been looking for!!! please please let me know

  34. i posted anonymous above because i can't figure out how to get it to post any other way... Lisa P.

  35. Your very first vlog was fantastic! You did a great job. And the camera LOVES you! Your blog is my favorite and one I can't wait to see every morning. Thank you so much for your wonderful inspiration. I only wish you lived closer because I would hire you in a heartbeat to get my household organized.

  36. That was great. A Vlog definitely changes the blog atmosphere in a very good way. Even though it didn't need any changes. Love what you do and I hope you can keep doing it for as long as your little heart desires. Happy day!


  37. Jen I have been following your blog for several months now and I would have to say you fit my expectations pretty well. You did a great job on your Vlog and I can't wait for more :D You have given me great ideas and inspirations I plan to use in my new home we are still waiting to close on. I plan to blog the whole process because you have inspired me so much I want to share it with others too! Thank you! <3

  38. This was so cool! I actually know what you sound like now:) Thanks for sharing this!

  39. Super cute! Thanks for sharing this video! You are adorable! So excited for you!!

  40. Peyton is so handsome and very confident in front of camera...well done Jen!

    I don't think any organization blogger should feel offended by people copying their idea. Isn't it what a blogger wanted in the first place? Like share it on the blog and people can copy their idea. Of course must give credit, like "oh i got this idea from iheartorganizing or some other blog", and not copy and say that is his/her own idea.

    I don't think Martha Stewart will get offended too...haha..


  41. you're so beautiful! the vlog came out great. looking forward to seeing many more:) and when you get a chance, please share how you organize the kids keepsakes from when they were babies, and if you journal about them and how often, etc. just trying to organize my kids stuff that i never got around to and want to start writing about them except i don't have dates to remember so not sure how to go about it! thanks!!

  42. The video was great, awesome job! Your makeup looked amazing, can you share with us your makeup routine next in an upcoming post or video? Love to hear we're the same age!

  43. You did an amazing job Jen. I'm giggling at the fact that people thing you have an accent :) ♥

  44. Well done, Jen! Loved watching you and Peyton, and the music and photos were perfect. I look forward to seeing more of you.

  45. I was just made aware of your blog yesterday...and haven't been able to tear myself away from it! I love your layouts and your colors and how simple you've kept things (here in blog-land) but also love how it is truly an extension of your colorful, beautifully organized home.

  46. It was so fun to "meet" the person behind the blog. It's now going to be even more fun to read your posts, knowing more about you. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing yourself with the world.

  47. Fantastic! I don't think I could have done this myself. I really enjoyed seeing you live and thank you for all that you do. I am inspired by your enthusiasm and now, I must go. I have a drawer to organize. (Seriously.)

  48. I've never commented either but since you put yourself out there on the vlog (!) and then asked us for our thoughts, well........... you were awesome! You are so gorgeous and sweet and very thoughtful with your answers. You do seem more calm than some of your posts come across but I expect that is part of the video process. I am constantly inspired by your ideas and only wish I could do half as much as you!

  49. I think you did a fabulous job!! Couldn't even tell you were nervous! Keep it up! Love your site & love sharing it with friends!

  50. I think your vlog was awesome and got us a little closer to the real Jen. Exactly how I pictured you.great job! You are sweet as your blog!

  51. Love the video! I actually imagined you to be way more talkative and hyper, and I was pleasantly suprised to see you so well composed, especially for your first video! I know I would bouncing off the walls and talking too fast and rambling and making no sense, ha. Hope you will continue to do the videos, they are fun!

  52. Love the video! Where did you get that adorable sweater that you are wearing??

  53. Thank you for putting text for anyone who cant hear or view the video. I appreciate that. I hope you will continue to do with every video you are doing.

    Thank you for bring up on "Monica"s closet. LOL Never forgot that scene!

  54. Denise, Arlington VASeptember 9, 2011 at 3:00 PM

    Love it!! I look at your blog daily and have gained so much inspiration! Your personality on your video completely matches your personality in writing, which makes me happy because to me that means the whole thing is authentic. You have a beautiful family and I'm so happy for you that you found a way to do what you love while still being at home with your kids...that is an inspiration for me that even outweighs your amazing ideas! I'll keep tuning in!

  55. Love the video! You are BRAVE.

  56. Great job Jen! You didn't appear awkward to me at all! I've watched your blog grow and you're truly inspirational. Best of luck with full time blogging. Now, I need to go and clean out my "Monica Closet."

  57. How fun girl! Thanks for posting that great Vlog, I think you did a great job on the video and editing it too. PS it was cool that my question was picked from the generator!

  58. I loved your video. I finally feel like I really know you :)

    You are GORGEOUS and so are your 3 sons. They look exactly the same, like their daddy.

    Truth be told, it made me just a little bit sad to think that my babies (2 year old twins) will also grow up one day *sob*

    Do you think Bryan and Peyton would be up to coming to South Africa to come do my video? ;)

  59. You are absolutely adorable, and I think you did a fantastic job. It was fun to hear your actual voice and learn a little more about you. :)

  60. Hey Jen!

    My name is Anna and I'm brazilian and a big fan of your's!!! I really love your blog and visit it every single day! I heart your ways to organize everythig and it is a inspration for me.
    I'm getting married in two month's and i research in your blog for inspirations for my tiny apartment...we have only 52 square meters, with 2 bedroom''s really tiny, but i want to make the most organized as possible...
    Thank you for taking your time to give us some inspiration!!
    Best wishes on your new routine!

  61. your first vlog was great!! no need to feel shy! we all obviously love you! thanks so much for being so awesome as to answer all these questions for us!

    and PS: as i know a lot of my friends young and sadly now divorced - it makes me happy to see a young marriage last!

  62. PS: your midwest accent makes me miss my family in Chicago!! (i'm in california!) i love it!!!

  63. Oh my gosh--I think I just fell more in love with your blog.

    You inspire me SO much to organize and beautify my home. Dont stop doing the vlogs I definitely think it makes you more relatable than you already were. And I definitely didnt notice the awkwardness.

    Favorite post of your ever, and Ive been reading for over a year. :)

  64. Also a quick question..have you ever thought of switching to Wordpress? Just curious. :)

  65. Jen, you are adorable! Fantastic video. Would love to see more. It is so nice to put a voice/personality to a face.

  66. Love the video! When I saw people commenting on your accent, I thought, "Huh? She doesn't have an accent!" But then I realized that being from northern Illinois, I probably have the same accent as you!

  67. Hey Jen! Great vlog - it's always fun to put a voice to the blogger! :)

  68. Great job on the video! I really love your blog and have learned new organizing tricks. Thanks so much! Gina

  69. Love your blog and all your organizing. Love the video. It's great to here the voice behind the person!

  70. Awesome video! Congrats on blogging full time! I hope you can keep it up for as long as you would like!

  71. You did a great job, and the camera loves you! I really liked how you sprinkled photos throughout--that was a nice touch.

  72. Jen you are so bubbly, cute and gorgeous!I love your blog and the Vblog is so exciting! Congrats to you!

  73. WOW!!!!! amazing Jen, you are so inspirational. I love all your ideas and have learned so much. I'm the type of person who no matter how hard I try can never get organized. Because of you, I started a blog, hoping other will hold me accountable for my organizational projects. One day I hope it is half as successful as your blog. Thank you so much for everything you are.

  74. Jen! I'm so loving this video! You did a GREAT job! It's so fun seeing and hearing the real you instead of just reading your writing! It's like meeting an old friend face to face for the first time :)

  75. Fun video.... Great job!

  76. Hearted it!
    Not awkward.
    Lots of fun facts.
    Great music and editing.
    Made you all the more real, even if you don't own a Monica closet. I myself have a Monica Garage.

    More please!

    xo Cassie

  77. I thought your video was great! I watched it twice. :) You are so, so beautiful and your boys are adorable. I love how you put all your heart and soul into your blog.

  78. You were amazing Jen! What a great job you did at staying composed and on task. You were just as lovely on camera as you sound in your blogs. Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with your readers. Good job on all the pics, and the link out to the Monica closet!

  79. I enjoyed your vlog! I can't wait for more of them! Good luck with your new fulltime career, you are GREAT at it!

  80. Well consider me totally intimidated :) You did so well with your vlog! You have a great voice for it (I hate my voice when I make videos) and you look fabulous, and I love how your eyes light up when you talk about your boys :)

    And more importantly, congrats to you for taking the plunge and making the vlog! I know it's tough to record yourself and then actually let people see it! I think we're always more critical to ourselves than anyone else is. This was so much fun to watch!


  81. Loved your vlog !

  82. Love the Vlog, you did awesome! I didn't think you were any different than I pictured you and you have a cool midwestern accent! Please keep doing the Vlog's and posting great ideas, I'm addicted to your blog and trying to make my house just as organized.

  83. PS: A huge congrats to you on becoming a full-time blogger!

  84. I thought you're video was great! You smile a lot and it makes me want to keep watching, but sadly your video is over =( lol

    It was great to meet the voice behind iheart organizing!


  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. oops i had a typo as well! haha i meant "your" video not you're ;)

  87. Great vlog! I totally see the resemblance with Scarlett! Keep up the good work!

  88. Awesome job, Jen! Thank you for sharing!

  89. Thank you for doing this! I love being able to "see" the person behind the blog. Very cute! I look forward to the next one. ;)

  90. Jen,
    It was so fun to get to know you a little better through this vlog. I hope you continue to do them. How exciting for you to be blogging full time! (I had a feeling you may be going that route.) I just love your blog and continue to find inspiration that actually motivates me to do something :) So thank you again for all that you do! Happy weekend to you.

  91. Jen,
    It was fun to finally "meet" you. The video was a great idea and I feel like your blog just came to life so much more. I love reading your blog and getting new insight and inspiration for ways I can simplify and beautify my home. Thanks for all of your fun ideas!!

  92. Jeepers, Jen, you knocked it out of the park! For your first vlog, you had music, transitions, special effects... dang, girl, you rocked it. Way to go!

  93. You are so brave to have done this and you are so cute and sweet! Your vlog rocked!! And it's so nice to hear another chick with a midwest accent too :-P

  94. LOVED the vlog. You did amazing! I loved getting to know you a little better!

  95. It was so nice to "meet" you! I look forward to more video blogs! This one was great! Maybe one day you could do a video home tour? You are so pretty and I totally thought you were younger than me! I will be 30 next February. I love your blog girly! Enjoy your weekend!

  96. Jen--loved the 'vlog'! I am truly inspired by you, your creativity and the passion you have for life, your family and your business. I am extremely excited for what is to come!! :D

  97. Hi Jen!
    I loved your Vlog. It was good to actually see that you're every bit as nice as I thought you were. Your blog is one of my favorite, daily reads. You inspire me to get even more organized than I already am. I appreciate that whenever I have asked a question of you, you always quickly responded. I see your resemblance to Scarlett ... but you're much prettier. Congrats on your new adventures.

  98. Great video! Well done. Can't tell it was your first time. :)

    That said, I'd recommend having it cropped a little closer (zoom in just a bit more) so we can see your face better, and to keep the music the same volume as your voice. That way we don't have to change the volume each time it switches between you and the music.

    I was happy to see a couple of my questions answered! So fun.

    Hey, have you considered doing a "day in the life of" post some time? You record the time and action every time you move on to something new, and take pictures as you go. You can be as detailed as waking up, brushing teeth, etc., or just the major things. That'd be a fun way to show us your daily routine once you get one in place.

  99. I just wanted to say that I LOVE the vlog! I visit your blog 4-5 times a week to see what's new. It was a nice surprise to stop in tonight and see a video!

    Sometimes after everyone is in bed, I finish my midnight workout (yep, that's why I'm up posting at 2am) and prepare lessons for the next school day (we homeschool) I just want to relax! Your video allowed me to do just that - sit back, drink a glass of water and kick up my feet!

    I look forward to more vlogs! I wish I had the time to write my own blog, there's so much I'd share! For now, I'll live vicariously through you! Your blog is one of my favs!

  100. Loved your VLOG, Jen! you're a natural. Thank you for sharing all of your awesome organizational skills with us.

  101. Wow.. I really wasnt sure if I wanted to click the Play button, mainly because I already had a 'voice' of you in my head.. But I did and I must say I was pretty close! The video blog was awesome, you did a fab job, and I look forward to watching more and also reading your blog daily! Bec from Australia

  102. Hi Jen, am a huge fan of your blog. Thanks for the fab content you post. I too am a mum of 3 boys & a blogger. Huge congratulations on blogging full time. I was the most disorganized- organized person I know due to juggling kids and my business but now thanks to you I am getting back to being super organized. A heartfelt thanks for sharing your home & ideas. I also admire the simplicity and structure (for lack of a better word) of your family life. I will be doing a post on your closet office soon for my readers. Will let you know. Loved the VLOG please do more!!

  103. Hi Jen,
    I have just watched your Vlog & really enjoyed it!
    I have in the last couple of weeks started organising my home & my family and I am planning on sharing a project with you to get your opinion soon :-)

    Your family are so gorgeous and with out seeming like a mad stalker lady you came across in your vlog as if you were a friend :-)

    Keep blogging & I will keep reading!

    Michelle from London, England

  104. You are just as adorable "live" as you are in your photos and writing, and your voice was exactly how I imagined it, which is weird because it almost never turns out that way! LOL I think that's a testament to how well "you" really come across in your blog.

    I love how many of my favorite bloggers have started doing vlogs recently. Another of my favorites in Nony from A Slob Comes Clean. She is so funny, and her personality really comes through in her writing so it was awesome to see her first vlog. You can check it out here:

    I would click the video halfway down on the right if you decide to watch. The one embedded in the post itself isn't centered in the frame so the right side gets cut off. I know it's awkward for you ladies to put yourself out there in video like this, but you come off very natural so relax and have fun! We already love you!

  105. LOVE your blog--I honestly don't think you can get any cuter, both inside and out!

  106. Hi Jen, thought the video was awesome! How brave of you on many levels - first for putting yourself out there and secondly - for constantly following your dreams. I loved that quote about saying goodbye and being rewarding with a big HELLO!

    Just one bit of unsolicited advice...I don't think you should change the name of the blog. If you maybe want to change the video portion to "we heart" that's one thing, but you're developing a brand and have a growing following, so I think you should stick with what works and keep the blog at "iHeart". But that's only my opinion. Obviously you are making wonderful choices with this endeavor, so keep on keeping on! haha ~liv

  107. You are so sweet and so is your family! I adore reading your blog and its one of the things I look forward to everyday! :) Keep up the great work, you really are inspiring a lot of people. XO Evelyn

  108. you did a great job! you came across very genuine and down to earth. well done. :)

  109. Oh my goodness! You are even cuter in person! :) I've always enjoyed your site! Keep up the good work.

  110. Loved your first vlog! I thought you did a great job! Your "up north" accent is too cute to this Southern gal. I can't wait to see more!

  111. Jen,

    I've loved reading your blog for a while now and absolutely loved the first vlog. It was so nice to hear your voice and feel as though we were meeting face to face. You and your family are so cute and generous to welcome everyone into your lives the way you have with your blog. Keep up the great work!!


  112. That was awesome! Congrats on your new direction, you're great at what you do!

  113. That was so great! I actually like you more after watching the video! Sometimes when I read blogs I forget that the person writing is human too. So that was pretty cool. And I'm glad you annotated it with notes because I usually read from my phone and won't be able to watch videos unless I'm on my computer. And you totally DO look like ScarJo!

  114. Love the Vlog post! It's so great to see your personality! Vlog tutorials should be next!

  115. Great video! It was really fun to hear your voice. You didn't seem awkward at all, I thought you seemed quite poised and you are so pretty! I didn't think I could like you more or love your blog any more but after watching this I do. I can't wait to see what you have planned next for your blog and future vlogs.

  116. Jen you are soooo pretty!!!! I loved the video blog!!!

  117. You did great for your first vlog!! I enjoyed "meeting" you and hearing your voice!! I'd love to hear more about your vow renewal, and see pics! would you every share on the blog?

  118. You are TOO much fun Jen. Your first vlog was awesome! So fun to hear your voice. You are brave and I think that is the coolest thing ever.

    Just when we thought we couldn't love you and your blog anymore....


  119. hey jen,
    i'm really glad you decided to do a vlog and we finally met you. i thought you were older till i saw you, plus don't change your hair color to brown again, you look really good blonde. I thought that you were really good at the video and can't wait to see more. I am a follower of your blog and i live in Greece so if you ever decide to come on vacation here let me know so i can meet you in person. Great job!!

  120. Faboo job, Jen! Love the music and your cameraman did a great job! Looking forward to more. You're a gem!

  121. Nikki - Western AustraliaSeptember 11, 2011 at 6:35 AM

    Oh my gosh, it's going to take you two days to get through all the fabbo comments! You did an amazing job but it is what we have come to expect from you. You are certainly the whole package - smart, witty, G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S and super-duper nice ... I was kinda hoping you'd be a bit awkward in front of the camera just to prove you do have flaws! Well done! PS: the typo was in the "organising a small space" segment - hee, hee.

  122. Loved your VLOG. Love your blog. You have a beautiful family. I heart organizing too. Unfortunately I am Terrible at it. If you ever feel like making a trip to Virginia Beach, I would love your help. : ) I think you could count that as a business trip right? : )

  123. You're a natural on camera! Love everything you do! Your blog is terrific - and organized and unfussy! I hate fussy and messy blogs!
    Thanks for sharing everything with us...!

  124. Wow, just got around to watching your VLOG & was super-impressed. First, you are totally adorable (definitely see the Scarlet J. resemblance), & you did a great job on the video. Looking forward to seeing the next one.
    :) CAS

  125. Yay, congratulations! I just found your blog about two weeks ago and I LOVE it--you're definitely on my "superhero gal" blog list! Thanks for the inspiration--please keep up the fantastic work! :0)

  126. Awesome vlog!! And how exciting that your passion for organizing is going to be your full time job.

    I was happy to see that you are planning to publish the foot plan of your house eventually. That was one of my questions :)

  127. Love it! Just as amazing in "person" as on your blog! Can't wait for the next one! I'd love to hear design ideas as well as more organizing ones! Still trying to figure out pintrest too!

  128. Congratulations on your first video blog! It looks great, despite your having said it was difficult to make!

  129. Just discovered your blog! So excited to follow. You make organization fun. :)

  130. Amazing video! I'm a TV producer and I'm so impressed with the quality of your video - you're a natural! Keep on doing them - a great addition to an already wonderful site :)

  131. I have just found your blog today and it is amazing! I was wondering if you had any posts on organizing an entry shelf/table? I live in a studio apartment and my entry shelf holds the pocket contents of the day, my purse, cook books, and teaching material/paperwork. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

  132. I love your video! I think it's a great idea! I don't think you looked awkward at all! I think the best pic of you is the one of you sitting on a bed with your computer in front of you, and your head is turned to the side and you are laughing. Your blog is so fun, and that pic just seems to really capture your personality to me.

  133. Jen - great work on the video! To echo those above, I really think you looked very natural on camera and it was very professionally put together, just like everything else you do. Congrats on your announcement - you absolutely deserve your success and I wish you all the best moving forward!

  134. You did great! You looked like a pro!

  135. Hi Jen! You are even sweeter and more beautiful in person. Congratulations on realizing your dream, and you are very blessed with such a darling family. PS, welcome to the thirties, they are great! Sending a virtual hug, from Vancouver,Canada

  136. Great job on your first video! Excited to see where the blog goes from here :)

  137. Thank you for doing this video! It was a great way to get to know you! You are so pretty and soft spoken... looking forward to seeing more vlogs... Dawn (Pierce County gal)

  138. Jennifer, I finally just got around to watching your vlog and you're just amazing. I felt like you were sitting on the couch in front of me in my home and I wanted to jump up and squeeze Peyton. He was so cute. You're just gorgeous and such a lovely, friendly person. Would love to see more blogs and 'how to's' perhaps. Am glad you are continuing blogging because I'd be lost without reading your blog.

    Much love,
    Anne from Australia xx

  139. Cute video! Can I just add that I heart, I mean like super big red fluffy heart, your dark hair that was in some of those pics! You're adorable either way though.

  140. I loved your video! I must say I think the editing, the music, and camera work was great. I must have been fun going through the questions. There were some great ones and question #6 even inspired me to write a blog post.

    Haley @thedistractedblogger

  141. Loved the video! Can't wait for more :)

  142. Such a great video, very sincere and you seem so humble. Love your blog and look forward to your daily post. Keep up the awesome job!

  143. I have to say, I thought you'd be a lot... jumpier in person than you turned out to be! Maybe it *was* all those exclamation marks! Can't wait to see what's next :)

  144. i LOVE your make up in the video!!! any quick make up tips? from your blog post, i know all you use is a few products...way to use them BEAUTIFULLLY!!! any chance you might do a "make-up" video tutorial to accompany your make-up organization blog post? xoxo

  145. @phoebe, why thank you so much sweet girl! that could be a really fun video/post! I have it on my idea list and am so flattered you would be interested in that! xoxo!

  146. I know I'm seeing this almost a year late...but I just found your blog about a month ago...and am reading backwards from start to finish! Every spare moment I have is now either spent reading your blog or implementing your awesome ideas! Thank you so much for sharing! And I HAD to comment to tell you that I think you DO look like Scarlett J...but you are prettier!

  147. you are so beautiful inside and out!!!

  148. You are just to adorable! You look so young for being 30! I love your blog, even though I live in a dorm room (yeh for college life)


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